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@lilstone87 to explain my feelings to you from my last post is total frustration, I understand and appreciate what you are trying to do ... I really do man ... Yet faith got lost as sand into the wind and if wasn't for loyal customers that somehow still here like me with hope that the last debacle with the other infamous "Beta" was just a Dantesque infernal and perverted bad dream to wake up from, and see after more than a year something to say damn I was really just having a bad dream... But yet here we are again with the same configuration of last time which if u ask me scares the living hell out of me (yes I want the damn new firmware and be proud) ... All I am saying come on guys surprise us ... Don't let the Community waiting months over months again ... That being said big thanks to Fraser and Alex for their impeccable service.  Sorry again for long post but had clear few things out from last rant... and thanks lilstone87 again for trying to untangle the frustration ....

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11 minutes ago, Kostas83 said:

Has anyone received the link for the beta on XR models??

There hasn't been any word on release for it yet.. except netduma guys saying very soon. However that might be for the R1, and not the XR models. As Netgear controls the release for that. Also with the beta being a limited release at first, they may ask people testing it, to stay quiet about it, in public forums, and such. I could be wrong on this, but I just feel they might do that. As not everyone will get access to it, at the start.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Links haven't been sent out to the first wave yet but they will be very soon.

This information  is also for XR models or only for R1??

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On 6/10/2020 at 2:33 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

Both :)

Having issues with max cpu usage of  80-90% withe the R1.. just got a xr450 in the mail because of high  cpu usage on the R1 because of alot of devices connected all at once.

Question is the R1 software the same as the xr450 ?? can i use that software if i was sent it today to upgrade the xr4500 or do i have to register my new xr router and get a different software for that, other than the R1 that i'm signed up to receive already for 3.0??

So you guys are already working on 3.1 i just hope if you stick a price tag on the other features #5,#6,#7,#8,#9 and so on it's not too expensive lol..

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14 minutes ago, CableGames22 said:

Having issues with max cpu usage of  80-90% withe the R1.. just got a xr4500 in the mail because of high  cpu usage on the R1 because of alot of devices connected all at once.

Question is the R1 software the same as the xr4500 ?? can i use that software if i was sent it today to upgrade the xr4500 or do i have to register my new xr router and get a different software for that, other than the R1 that i'm signed up to receive already for 3.0??

So you guys are already working on 3.1 i just hope if you stick a price tag on the other features #5,#6,#7,#8,#9 and so on it's not too expensive lol..

No you wouldn't be able to use the same firmware for both so please don't attempt it otherwise (if the router accepted it in the first place) it would probably be bricked. Definitely sign up for the XR beta once you have the router in hand. 

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I think I messed up when signing up for the beta and gave my Netduma username instead of my Netgear forums username. I’ve sent out a couple of DMs to mods about it, but haven’t heard anything back. It was my fault, I got excited when I saw the beta signup, and have no way to check it I entered the wrong name or not. It was a really dumb mistake. 

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Appreciate the continued goal and amazing efforts to innovate and upgrade DUMA OS. 

I definitely appreciate all you do!

Router(s) Owned

Netduma R1

Just signed up for DUMA OS 3.0! 

Sincerely Joey S.


Edited by Netduma Alex
Moved text out of quote box
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4 hours ago, scrubosaurus said:

is there anyway to know if we are getting beta 3.0? its in the forum? email only?

You'll be notified by email when you've been given access. The beta for the XR500 will be conducted through Netgear's forums. The R1 beta will be conducted here on the Netduma forums.

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Just wanted to update everyone who have XR routers, and signed up for the beta. Netgear posted a little while ago, they have selected the first round of testers, and sent email's to them. So if you didn't get a email today, you will have to wait till the next round of invites are sent out.

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49 minutes ago, Marc@Marc1 said:

Still haven't received the invite for my XR500 :(


Also says access denied at the beta forums :( 

same thing for me !
The beta forum on the netgear site is completely closed ...
They must, I think completely reorganize the thing ... which is positive, in view of what was originally proposed ...

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47 minutes ago, Marc@Marc1 said:

Still haven't received the invite for my XR500 :(

I posted last night in this thread. Netgear said they sent out emails to the one's who got picked for the first batch of testers. So if you didn't get a email, you're gonna have to wait till they send out emails for the second batch of testers.

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1 minute ago, Fuzy said:

same thing for me !
The beta forum on the netgear site is completely closed ...
They must, I think completely reorganize the thing ... which is positive, in view of what was originally proposed ...

I'm sure they refreshed the beta forums, for this beta release. Which means, only the people they added yesterday for testing, have access. So the "access denied" means you weren't apart of the first batch of testers. Also you would of gotten a email from them, if you were.

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3 minutes ago, lilstone87 said:

I'm sure they refreshed the beta forums, for this beta release. Which means, only the people they added yesterday for testing, have access. So the "access denied" means you weren't apart of the first batch of testers. Also you would of gotten a email from them, if you were.

It is a fact !

Thank you for your dedication, but obviously the operation of netgear remains very obscure!

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