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Definitely should add the Technicolor TC8715D to the list. I had many headaches getting that thing to work right as that was given to Time Warner Cable users in California. not entirely sure the new modem now for their new name Spectrum now but seems like modems by the ISP is just not the way to go.

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Some people use those in the non compatible list and have no issues.


No issues that they notice. My SB6141 seemed to work fine... But some devices would cause it to make the congestion control go buggy while uploading/downloading. People might not notice that uploading to YouTube on Chrome works fine, but uploading with Firefox breaks their modem lol

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Definitely should add the Technicolor TC8715D to the list. I had many headaches getting that thing to work right as that was given to Time Warner Cable users in California. not entirely sure the new modem now for their new name Spectrum now but seems like modems by the ISP is just not the way to go.


I believe that's a rebranded Comcast "XB3" modem which sucks lol... Added it

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Isn't the ac1900 from net gear a router, not a modem? And by compatibility do you mean with congestion control?




Incompatibility means you will either get massive ping spikes, speed slow downs, router rebooting, some devices ignoring congestion control settings...


Most of these modems I've gather from lists that show them using the buggy Intel Puma 6 chipset. You want to stay far away from that mess.

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Incompatibility means you will either get massive ping spikes, speed slow downs, router rebooting, some devices ignoring congestion control settings...


Most of these modems I've gather from lists that show them using the buggy Intel Puma 6 chipset. You want to stay far away from that mess.

So would using thw nighthawk in ap mode causes ping spikes with the Duma?


How would the Duma be impacted by changing the modem from an incompatible one to a conpatible one?

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So would using thw nighthawk in ap mode causes ping spikes with the Duma?


How would the Duma be impacted by changing the modem from an incompatible one to a conpatible one?


I think you'll be fine with that. If a modem is causing spikes then you wouldn't have it with a different one when connected to the duma.

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I wish this list came out a couple of months ago, I just purchased SB 6190 from the 6141, figured it was just the servers inconsistency. Now I hope this is a true fix with the Duma getting a TP link


I had issues with both of those modems. Switching to the TC-7610 fixed it.

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im not trying to offend anyone but this is appalling, The amount of incompatible modems, or devices which causes the netduma to not work optimally coming from such a broad range of different manufacturers and most being the most widely used modems in the world should be ringing alarm bells in the netduma offices about their poor technical work which needs immediate action, and whats worse is that it appears that at from your public views on the matter that the netduma team is trying to pass the buck and blaming everyone else.


The modems and devices out there which work perfectly fine with every other device imaginable ranging from cheap crap to the most expensive devices that have the ability to be networked may not all have the best examples of text code as firmware but they work seemingly fine with everything else, so please explain why your device and your work isnt to blame, you cant because its your job to make your device work with the modems your customers are likely to be using.


All the praise you have received for your so called extraordinary device seams to have given you egos the size of skyscrapers and you have dropped the ball massively. not to mention all the people who have spent hundreds of hours troubleshooting and urging their isp to fix problems you insisted has to be issues with there line, and all the money replacing cables and devices at home trying to eliminate issues at home, in some cases wasting thousands of dollars when there wasn't anything wrong with their isp, their line or anything part of there home network.


A hard look at yourself is needed and all your big noting yourself about being the only router to beat lag, claiming to be the best in the world at what you do, claiming to write the best QoS code ever written ect ect is a joke, if any of it is actually true, some long hours and late nights are needed to resolve the problems with you code. wake up to yourself, and take responsibility for your own mess.


How about making a rock solid product instead of doing everything half arsed and adding more and more features to something so very broken. That's product development 101 right there.


Im hoping you prove to be not another one off these fad companies, developing and selling something that cant live up to the advertised claims and when all the problems no longer can be explained away and your customers realize your product hasn't lived up to expectations and get sick of the excuses and 3 years of the same thing, that close shop never to be heard again.

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im not trying to offend anyone but this is appalling, The amount of incompatible modems, or devices which causes the netduma to not work optimally coming from such a broad range of different manufacturers and most being the most widely used modems in the world should be ringing alarm bells in the netduma offices about their poor technical work which needs immediate action, and whats worse is that it appears that at from your public views on the matter that the netduma team is trying to pass the buck and blaming everyone else.


The modems and devices out there which work perfectly fine with every other device imaginable ranging from cheap crap to the most expensive devices that have the ability to be networked may not all have the best examples of text code as firmware but they work seemingly fine with everything else, so please explain why your device and your work isnt to blame, you cant because its your job to make your device work with the modems your customers are likely to be using.


All the praise you have received for your so called extraordinary device seams to have given you egos the size of skyscrapers and you have dropped the ball massively. not to mention all the people who have spent hundreds of hours troubleshooting and urging their isp to fix problems you insisted has to be issues with there line, and all the money replacing cables and devices at home trying to eliminate issues at home, in some cases wasting thousands of dollars when there wasn't anything wrong with their isp, their line or anything part of there home network.


A hard look at yourself is needed and all your big noting yourself about being the only router to beat lag, claiming to be the best in the world at what you do, claiming to write the best QoS code ever written ect ect is a joke, if any of it is actually true, some long hours and late nights are needed to resolve the problems with you code. wake up to yourself, and take responsibility for your own mess.


How about making a rock solid product instead of doing everything half arsed and adding more and more features to something so very broken. That's product development 101 right there.


Im hoping you prove to be not another one off these fad companies, developing and selling something that cant live up to the advertised claims and when all the problems no longer can be explained away and your customers realize your product hasn't lived up to expectations and get sick of the excuses and 3 years of the same thing, that close shop never to be heard again.


How about get your facts straight before you trying blaming a company for someone else's problem? Most of these modems are Intel Puma 6 based which if you had half a brain would know they have issues regardless of what router is connected to them.


Some of them are even ISP provided modem/router combo units that have huge ping spikes without connecting any other router to them. I know because I've used almost half of these modems myself. While directly connected to them my ping would spike to over 500ms. This has nothing to do with Netduma or the product they provide.


The rest of the modems on the list are modems that members or myself have personally tested to find that they either are incompatible with the Netduma or they degrade your gaming experience and should be avoided if you want the best possible connection. Again, tell me how a modem manufacturer dropping the ball by using a bad chip or buggy firmware has anything to do with Netduma?


There is absolutely no router in the world that can fix line issues with your ISP. Guess what? I've had issues for the past 2 years with Comcast. They finally fixed it 2 months ago, I found myself a properly working modem, and all of my issues went away. Been using my Netduma as my main router ever since without a single problem. So tell me, how is that Netduma's fault for Comcast giving me an Intel Puma 6 based modem with lag spikes built into it and Comcast's line giving me packet loss?


If you have problems with your router, make a support post and we have a great deal of people that will be more than willing to help you. If you're just another troll here to complain about how you don't know how to use your router but it doesn't work then I suggest you quit while you're ahead.


I wrote this list of modems myself and I stand behind what I wrote. If you want to game, stay away from those modems. Regardless of what router you're using.


I am no way employed or paid by Netduma to say any of this. These are my own thoughts and in the words of bagsta69 "everything I type is my own free thought and not representative of Netduma blah blah blah blah sarcasm doesn't travel well on the internet blah blah blah bite me!!!"

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The only thing that matters on this topic is when the known list of devices that dont work is 2 pages long and the known working devices is only as handful, the blame belongs with netduma, regardless of alledged issues in chipset firmware, those incompatible devices work perfected fine with millions of products for millions of worldwide users.

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The only thing that matters on this topic is when the known list of devices that dont work is 2 pages long and the known working devices is only as handful, the blame belongs with netduma, regardless of alledged issues in chipset firmware, those incompatible devices work perfected fine with millions of products for millions of worldwide users.



They do not work perfectly fine. The DPC3941T is a modem that my ISP gave me. It has a built in router. I used it to play on PS4 for 1 day before I realized something was wrong. Sure enough, when checking the ping from my PC to the modem it was spiking from 1ms to 200+ms... Tell me, how is that a problem with Netduma? My ISP's modem was making my ping spike to 200ms without anything connected except for my ISP modem and my PS4. This is what happens when you have an Intel Puma 6 chip in your modem, which is 90% of the modems on the incompatible list.










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Do any of the compatible modems have a phone jack??? Also out of all the compatible modems which one do you recommend?


With phone - TM822G

Without phone - TC-7610

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I thought arris modems were a big no no for they have a history of messing with the Duma? Sorry if I'm asking a lot of question I just noticed that I have one of the incompatible modems and it's causing a lot of issues.

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I thought arris modems were a big no no for they have a history of messing with the Duma? Sorry if I'm asking a lot of question I just noticed that I have one of the incompatible modems and it's causing a lot of issues.


Yeah, but the older Arris devices which were made by Motorola worked fine. I've used the TM822G and it worked great until it broke. But good luck buying one new. They're almost impossible to find for a reasonable price.

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