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Lag comp has totally cripple my game as a decent player


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Hi everyone I don't own a Duma but I'm definitely looking to get 1. Is there any fix for this game for ppl with fiber connection s. I've been searching everywhere for a fix. I'm currently running ddwrt until I save enough for a Duma. I'm on a 70dl 70ul fiber connection no more than 2ms jitter and 40ms to the nearest cod server. I'm suppose to be having a wonderful gaming experience with my setup but it's the opposite. I've played every single cod title so before you say I'm a bad player I'm not. This game is crippling my ability to play how I use to. I'll appreciate the help thanks

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What kind of BufferBloat grades do you get on dsl reports?  If your getting all A's across the board and have a open NAT I would think you would perform pretty well in the game. I personally don't play COD. So I cant speak to there lag comp. Id be surprised if they even have lag comp. Most games I play don't have it. Most of my friends that do play COD ping the nearest server at around 13ms. And another at 28ms.. I would think 40ms is still respectable and should give you good performance as long as your ping is steady. Im sure some COD players will chime in here to give you better advice. If you want to make sure your ping is stable run a ping plotter test on your connection and see how your connection looks. If you have lag spikes occuring in that then that will likely result in poor performance in COD. Good luck!


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Nothing wrong with playing on 40ms. Especially if that is measured in game since that usually reads a lot higher than what you measure on DumaOS.


DD-WRT should support FQ_Codel QoS, make sure that is on in your router though.

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40ms to the nearest cod server sounds okay, depends where you are I guess. If you use PingPlotter, you can see how long each hop to various websites take. It might be useful to try this because it could be that a hop inside your house is adding loads of lag.

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On 9/27/2019 at 2:50 PM, nigellion said:

Hi everyone I don't own a Duma but I'm definitely looking to get 1. Is there any fix for this game for ppl with fiber connection s. I've been searching everywhere for a fix. I'm currently running ddwrt until I save enough for a Duma. I'm on a 70dl 70ul fiber connection no more than 2ms jitter and 40ms to the nearest cod server. I'm suppose to be having a wonderful gaming experience with my setup but it's the opposite. I've played every single cod title so before you say I'm a bad player I'm not. This game is crippling my ability to play how I use to. I'll appreciate the help thanks

What's up !!! First thing is You are not playing on the nearest dedis on BO4 except if you have a Netduma or Netgear XR serie router and that's the main reason why we love Netduma !!! Your 40 ingame ping is not 40ms to the dedis... if ingame it tells you you're at 40ms you probably are hook to a (average) 25ms dedis !!! While you might think 25ms dedis is near i can assure you it might be on another continent !!! I live in the East side of Canada aka in Quebec and my base ping (ping of my line when speedtest.net ) is 7ms !!! BO4 do try to put me on any dedis on earth like on the extreme oposite of the continent like in the West side of US aka California with a ping of 16ms to 23ms depending of the dedis it put me on !!! I ping dedis in UK under 20 ms and it's on another continent !!! BO4 is the worst COD ever and 2018 have been the worst COD year ever...even for us Duma Os users so you're not crazy as BO4 is the more problematic COD in history !!! Now is there a fix.... kind of yes !!! By having a Duma Os router you will (like us) be able to set your real home location and then set the radius (the distance from your home location) to really always play on the nearest dedis and with best ping possible !!! You'll also have the possibility to disable share excess (That's the best option and most crucial option) so it will share your bandwith equally and spare a part of your bandwith so you'll never use 100% of your line so it won't bottleneck meaning no lag spikes caused by any device hooked to your setup !!! Like all devices do comunicate all time...even if just for searching an update ect... each time a device comunicate it take 1st priority position and kind of require all bandwith while it comunicate.... so while you play on your console...let say you have 5 devices hooked including your console...then each time a device comunicate you will directly suffer in your game as normal router do only 1 thing at once !!! Duma Os routers do multiplle tasks at same time with the settings i told you and it allow your console to always be and stay the 1st priority at all time so nothing will affect your gaming if share excess is disabled before every gaming session !!! Like right after i stop gaming i enable both share excess again so i can enjoy my full bandwith on every devices hooked to my setup !!! We're also able to see the Tickrate of the dedis also as of our line and that's the thing i use to know if my Duma Os routers are stables... and the ping tells me if i'm on a good dedis or not !!!


You have to know that... first of all your ping to dedis is related to your base ping like doing speedtest.net ... you will never be able to play on a 7ms dedis if your base ping is 13ms !!! The fastest you'll be able to connect will have the same ping as your base ping !!! Like when i play WW2 on Montreal, Qc (5km from home in real world) i play on 7ms Montreall dedis... when i play WW2 on New Jersey dedis at 625 kms away i play at 15 to 18ms !!! On BO4 they removed Canadians dedis so we stuck playin on New Jersey dedis at 15 to 18ms too and even if my line is straight 7ms !!! On my second setup i have a 1ms ftth 1.5gb/1gb and we play on the same New Jersey dedis but at 11ms !!! So farther is the dedis higher will be the ping... and ping is King so better ping to the dedis brings better gaming session like playing on a dedis with the same ping as your base ping is Awesome...exactly like not playing online at all !!!


Second thing is that cables do REALLY matter !!! Cables aren't the same...at all !!! Like cat5 and cat6 are no good to play !!! Cat7 with 1000mhz bandwith is the basic of decent internet and gaming !!! Cat8 is what i use and it's insane !!! The bandwith matter and also the speed of your cable !!! I won't even talk about cat5 and cat6 as this is pure shit and that's why they all give them with their devices !!! Best cat7 cables are running at 1000mhz bandwith and can travel 10gb/s !!! It's entry level of decent internet and gaming and not all cat7 cables runs at same specs !!! My Cat8 cables runs a bandwith of 2000mhz and carry 40gb/s !!! 


One major error people are doing is mixing cables !!! Like even if you have one of the best cat8 cable like mines running at 2000mhz... if anywhere on your setup you have a cat 5 cable....then all of your setup will run at the lowest bandwith so the cat5 bandith with hardly hit 500mhz so it cancel the insane bandwith of the cat8 cable !!! Meaning you have to use the same cables everywhere on your setup !!! From modem to router and then from router to devices !!! They all have to be with the same exact specs cause if not your setup will runs at the lowest specs !!! That being said it means you only choose different sizes and colors but with same specs !!! Mine are and i do so recommend them... monoprice cat8 cables that we order directly from them at monoprice.com !!! Cheapest money bill with best specs around the globe till now !!! Not only that they also Lifetime protected !!!

After properly setting up your full Cat8 setup the only cable that still need an extreme upgrade is.... HDMI !!! There again all cables aren't the same...at all !!! Like i always say...you never enjoyed internet and streaming before you get on Full Cat8 setup and you never watched a movie...streaming and/or gaming before you run an Optical Fiber HDMI 2.1 cable !!! People saying otherwise or that cables don't change that much and/or that you don't need an HDMI 2.1 cable since you have no device or tv running HDMI 2.1 .... well they are soooo wrong !!! Same as for the Cat8 cables... the bandwith and speed of HDMI 2.1 cables is the biggest jump in history and what we needed since so many years !!! You never watched a movie before !!! You never was able to perfectly see micro reactions aka thoses micro reactions everybody's faces have... now you can and will see them !!! As for gaming... it's zero lag aka instantaneous reactions !!! You'll even need to lower your joysticks sensitivity !!! I play on my Premium 55inch 4K instead of with my 1ms consoles competitions BenQ !!!

There is 3 choices right now... a normal HDMI 2.1 cable from Belkin sold by Apple in Apple stores !!! A normal HDMI 2.1 cable newly arrived like 3 weeks ago from monoprice ... i ordered one and got it days ago...!!! Both options do the job of allowing better visual quality...deepness...details... but........... you'll still face lil lags with fast moving scenes !!! So it cost less and is an excellent entry level for optimal quality !!! Third option and the one i use an recommend... Optical Fiber HDMI 2.1 cable (AOC aka Active Optical Cable) it's the best an optimal PREMIUM level !!! The one i bought and recommend is MOSHOU Optical Fiber HDMI cable with 8K in big on the box ;)  and i bought them from Alibaba at around 50$ us instead of most sellers asking around 200$ for same type of cables !!! My lovely monoprice also have 1 of them now and are asking 200$ per cable so it's up to you !!! I really do trust monoprice so i might decide to pay more just to test theirs vs the Moshou ... but the Moshou are excellents and i do recommend them a lot !!!


So yes a Duma Os router is very helpful and kind of really needed for any serious gamers !!! So yes you should put your money aside to then jump on the Duma Army with us !!! I would recommend you to wait for an AX router with Duma Os on it !!! It's right beside the corner now... but it will cost a premium price since it will run the new wifi 6 aka AX !!! If you prefer something less pricier but that still will be an absolute beast... i recommend XR500 or XR700 !!! Also the next milestone aka next Os version is 1.4 and around the corner too so it will bring more power to them Duma Os routers and surely more tools and options !!! Don't forget that even a Ferrari with ordinary gas will run less good than a cheap Civic with premium gas so upgrade your cables too as even the cheapest tv's and/or devices will benefit from them !!!

Till you ready to upgrade... take care... Peeeaace !!!  

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WoW assez complet mon ami !! j'avais remplacé mes câble déjà pour du cat 6 et je voyais une différence, je suis avec Bell fibe 1g et je vais updater mes câble pour du CAT8.

Merci pour ton partage :) 

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Just now, DanyKTM said:

WoW assez complet mon ami !! j'avais remplacé mes câble déjà pour du cat 6 et je voyais une différence, je suis avec Bell fibe 1g et je vais updater mes câble pour du CAT8.

Merci pour ton partage :) 

Ça fait plaisir mon chum !!! So t'es Québécois toi aussi 😛 !!! So tu as le Home Hub 3000... quel router tu utilise pis comment tu le hook au home hub ???

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oui chu de Lévis proche de Québec, j'ai le home hub 3000 et je suis en DHCP sur mon XR500 j'ai essayer plein de truc mais ya rien qui marche.  Bell bloque toute.

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Cat 8 ethernet cable doesnt matter.


With 5E you're good for 1Gbit at shorter distances and 6 and higher will support 1G long distance and 10G. 


It doesn't matter for gaming if you're using 5E or 7 unless you have a 10G connection.


Higher supported frequency's in cables are not used as the ports between your devices will auto negotiate it's transferspeed.


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On 10/1/2019 at 5:43 PM, DanyKTM said:

oui chu de Lévis proche de Québec, j'ai le home hub 3000 et je suis en DHCP sur mon XR500 j'ai essayer plein de truc mais ya rien qui marche.  Bell bloque toute.

Avec le R1 sur ce setup là on as pas le choix mais j'ai pas test avec mon XR500 sur ce setup là (je vais test la semaine prochaine pour voir c'est quoi le best way to set le XR500 avec le Home Hub 3000 !!!)... MAIS en attendant vas dans ton Homehub 3000 pis mets le XR500 en DMZ...ET... coche la tite case dessous aka DMZ AVANCÉ (Advanced DMZ) pour l'activer !!! Ton XR500 vas bypass le homehub comme Bridge mode so ton XR500 vas avoir son adresse publique !!! Aussi si t'es sur .56 t'es dans la marde... le .56 c'est le pire firmware ever pis non seulement il brise encore plus le XR500...mais en plus il le rend IMPOSSIBLE À STABILISER !!! Le meilleur firmware pour le XR500 c'est le .40a fix !!! Si tu n'est pas sur lui check ceci:

j'explique comment downgrader et upgrader de LA BONNE FAÇON !!!  Fais ça (environ 1 heure) pis après tu me diras comment ça roule et on checkeras si ton XR500 est stable ou pas... si (ça serais phénoménal que le tiens sois stable) il l'est Big Up sinon... je te donnerai le truc pour le stabiliser !!!

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1 minute ago, DMC_81 said:

Avec le R1 sur ce setup là on as pas le choix mais j'ai pas test avec mon XR500 sur ce setup là (je vais test la semaine prochaine pour voir c'est quoi le best way to set le XR500 avec le Home Hub 3000 !!!)... MAIS en attendant vas dans ton Homehub 3000 pis mets le XR500 en DMZ...ET... coche la tite case dessous aka DMZ AVANCÉ (Advanced DMZ) pour l'activer !!! Ton XR500 vas bypass le homehub comme Bridge mode so ton XR500 vas avoir son adresse publique !!! Aussi si t'es sur .56 t'es dans la marde... le .56 c'est le pire firmware ever pis non seulement il brise encore plus le XR500...mais en plus il le rend IMPOSSIBLE À STABILISER !!! Le meilleur firmware pour le XR500 c'est le .40a fix !!! Si tu n'est pas sur lui check ceci:

j'explique comment downgrader et upgrader de LA BONNE FAÇON !!!  Fais ça (environ 1 heure) pis après tu me diras comment ça roule et on checkeras si ton XR500 est stable ou pas... si (ça serais phénoménal que le tiens sois stable) il l'est Big Up sinon... je te donnerai le truc pour le stabiliser !!!

Je ne sais pas si tu vois juste un carré blanc comme moi avec ma photo pis un emoticone en dessous... mais en haut a droite dans ce rectangle blanc il y as une flèche...clique la dessus ça vas t'ouvrir un autre onglet direct sur le commentaire j'ai fait le 1 sept 2019 expliquant tout...mais en anglais  😛 


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Pis en cas tu n'aies pas le .40a fix...voici le lien :

If you guys don't have the proper .40a fix aka best firmware for XR500 that still allow us to stabilize XR500 to handle stable +120 Tickrate... here is the link :


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ouin, toute qu'un affaire sa, je vais regarder pour downgradder sa mais le lien que tu me donne est brisé....

PS4 ???

si oui add moi danyktm on en jasera en vrai parceque moi je suis sur le bord de vendre mon XR500, mon ps4 est branché en DMZ direct sur mon HH3000 pis sé pas si pire que sa

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On 10/4/2019 at 9:15 PM, Bert said:

Cat 8 ethernet cable doesnt matter.


With 5E you're good for 1Gbit at shorter distances and 6 and higher will support 1G long distance and 10G. 


It doesn't matter for gaming if you're using 5E or 7 unless you have a 10G connection.


Higher supported frequency's in cables are not used as the ports between your devices will auto negotiate it's transferspeed.


AH AH AH If ya think so...i don't have a problem with that...but still i'm absolutely right and you need to learn like others !!! Ports only negotiate port bandwith speed aka 10/100/1000 ect and it never will change or affect the frequency of your setup...never !!! So if you use your cat5 which max out at 400some mhz then your setup will run at that frequency no matter at wich bandwith speed your running aka 10/100/1000 !!! While my full cat8 setup runs at 1000 bandwith speed but at 2000mhz frequency !!! I don't care if you understand or not... i proved it years ago with cat 7 vs cat 5 and 6 ...and proved that to thousands of peeps... so if you think that change nothing it's your right but don't come here saying it's shit just because you don't run that so you think it's shit !!! Not only i never say shit but if you only knew how many things i proved and how many problems and fixes i've found by my lil self and shared everything... like i'm also the only one who fought netduma for using proper names and explications of their own tools...you can see the difference between og os and duma os 😛  so please don't take me as a normal citizen cause i'm really not !!!  Same goes for video cables... by your over 20 years old logic you will assume the same logic aka your HDMI 1.4 cable will give same result as my HDMI 2.1 cable... but there again you'd be wrong !!! Cables extremely matters and NO all cables aren't the same and won't bring the same experience...NEVER !!!  And like i already explained... even if you did invest in better cables like a good Cat8...and tested it on your setup while your setup is runnin mostly cat5 cables... well in that way you never feeled the power of the Cat8 as like i explained your setup will run at lowest frequency on the setup (exactly like RAM in computers... put 2 different kits in your computer... a 3200mhz and a 1866 mhz... your computer will only be able to run at 1866 even if you also have a 3200mhz kit in it...but as soon you remove the 1866 kit your computer will run 3200mhz...if you add another 3200mhz kit replacing the previous 1866mhz kit then your computer will run at 3200mhz since both installed kits runs at 3200mhz) so to properly test new gen cables you need at least 2 cables... first one for between modem/aio and router... second cable to hook a device like gaming console or computer ... and all that while no other ethernet cables are hooked to the router !!! Till you do that this way...you never tested properly !!! Just like most people testing HDR and/or 4K/8k are wrong and amateurs since they test with hdmi 1.4 cables and sometimes with hdmi 2.0 cables... and in both cases they wrong and amateurs since HDMI 2.1 cables have been made to really enjoy tv's and 4K and hdr (that don't mean you can't watch your hdr movies right now...that just mean it will never been shown like supposed to...just because you don't have sufficient bandwith in 1.4 and 2.0 cables) !!! Same shitty effects on Premium TVs... you NEED an HDMI 2.1 cable for your screen even more if it's 4k and HDR and 8K and Gaming !!!  Also note that even the wifi shows how much different and better the Cat8 setup is vs Cat7 at 1000mhz !!!  And i'm not saying like your ping will drop by some % or shits like that... but i'm saying ya'll feel the difference on any device hooked to a properly set Full Cat8 setup just like ya'll feel and see the differences between any 2.0 hdmi cables and previous versions VS HDMI 2.1 cables (not even Optical Fiber Active HDMI 2.1 like mine) just the basic Belkin 2.1 cable which was the first released and forced by Apple to fix all their problems with apple tv and HDR...sold at apple stores under 30$/us .... will do the job on any screens...like we even tested them on my  24'' 1ms consoles competition BenQ screen also as on an Alienware 22'' screen and both are way much deeper and have more details and are even more fluid... on small screens like that so no need to say how big of a difference that also make on big tv's !!! 

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17 minutes ago, DanyKTM said:

ouin, toute qu'un affaire sa, je vais regarder pour downgradder sa mais le lien que tu me donne est brisé....

PS4 ???

si oui add moi danyktm on en jasera en vrai parceque moi je suis sur le bord de vendre mon XR500, mon ps4 est branché en DMZ direct sur mon HH3000 pis sé pas si pire que sa

Non le lien n'est pas brisé...c'est le lien original... au milieu de la page sous la feuille blanche c'est le nom du firmware et dessous tu as 2 bouttons... Open ou Download ... clique sur download et enregistre le fichier !!! La phrase que tu vois... AH AH AH... on s'est tous fait pogner par cette phrase... ça dis juste qu'il n'y as pas de ''preview picture'' AH AH AH pas que le lien est mort 😛  AH AH AH ;)  pis moi ça m'emmènes là:  https://ntgr-my.sharepoint.com/personal/tichang_netgear_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Ftichang_netgear_com%2FDocuments%2FPeojects%2FXR500%2FFirmware%2FTrialFW%2FXR500-V2.3.2.40-C424a.img&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Ftichang_netgear_com%2FDocuments%2FPeojects%2FXR500%2FFirmware%2FTrialFW&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9udGdyLW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tLzp1Oi9nL3BlcnNvbmFsL3RpY2hhbmdfbmV0Z2Vhcl9jb20vRWZjMlQ1NHRCUFJFdFp3ck10ajdQRjhCR3NzZFVWT2s3YUNHX1BCemxGeU16UT9ydGltZT0wZ1VjdWZOTjEwZw

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1 minute ago, Albo2001 said:

Alex i don t understand a thing..  " still allow us to stabilize XR500 to handle stable +120 Tickrate "

Its different from .56 in tickrate??

Ooooh he's talking about the hotfix firmware. The hotfix firmware is official but it was never officially released by Netgear. Check out the thread below.


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4 hours ago, Netduma Alex said:

Ooooh he's talking about the hotfix firmware. The hotfix firmware is official but it was never officially released by Netgear. Check out the thread below.


What exactly is all this talk of tickrate?? I don’t see it on the XR500 whereas I did on the R1 DumaOS??

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18 hours ago, DMC_81 said:

AH AH AH If ya think so...i don't have a problem with that...but still i'm absolutely right and you need to learn like others !!! Ports only negotiate port bandwith speed aka 10/100/1000 ect and it never will change or affect the frequency of your setup...never !!! So if you use your cat5 which max out at 400some mhz then your setup will run at that frequency no matter at wich bandwith speed your running aka 10/100/1000 !!! While my full cat8 setup runs at 1000 bandwith speed but at 2000mhz frequency !!! I don't care if you understand or not... i proved it years ago with cat 7 vs cat 5 and 6 ...and proved that to thousands of peeps... so if you think that change nothing it's your right but don't come here saying it's shit just because you don't run that so you think it's shit !!! Not only i never say shit but if you only knew how many things i proved and how many problems and fixes i've found by my lil self and shared everything... like i'm also the only one who fought netduma for using proper names and explications of their own tools...you can see the difference between og os and duma os 😛  so please don't take me as a normal citizen cause i'm really not !!!  Same goes for video cables... by your over 20 years old logic you will assume the same logic aka your HDMI 1.4 cable will give same result as my HDMI 2.1 cable... but there again you'd be wrong !!! Cables extremely matters and NO all cables aren't the same and won't bring the same experience...NEVER !!!  And like i already explained... even if you did invest in better cables like a good Cat8...and tested it on your setup while your setup is runnin mostly cat5 cables... well in that way you never feeled the power of the Cat8 as like i explained your setup will run at lowest frequency on the setup (exactly like RAM in computers... put 2 different kits in your computer... a 3200mhz and a 1866 mhz... your computer will only be able to run at 1866 even if you also have a 3200mhz kit in it...but as soon you remove the 1866 kit your computer will run 3200mhz...if you add another 3200mhz kit replacing the previous 1866mhz kit then your computer will run at 3200mhz since both installed kits runs at 3200mhz) so to properly test new gen cables you need at least 2 cables... first one for between modem/aio and router... second cable to hook a device like gaming console or computer ... and all that while no other ethernet cables are hooked to the router !!! Till you do that this way...you never tested properly !!! Just like most people testing HDR and/or 4K/8k are wrong and amateurs since they test with hdmi 1.4 cables and sometimes with hdmi 2.0 cables... and in both cases they wrong and amateurs since HDMI 2.1 cables have been made to really enjoy tv's and 4K and hdr (that don't mean you can't watch your hdr movies right now...that just mean it will never been shown like supposed to...just because you don't have sufficient bandwith in 1.4 and 2.0 cables) !!! Same shitty effects on Premium TVs... you NEED an HDMI 2.1 cable for your screen even more if it's 4k and HDR and 8K and Gaming !!!  Also note that even the wifi shows how much different and better the Cat8 setup is vs Cat7 at 1000mhz !!!  And i'm not saying like your ping will drop by some % or shits like that... but i'm saying ya'll feel the difference on any device hooked to a properly set Full Cat8 setup just like ya'll feel and see the differences between any 2.0 hdmi cables and previous versions VS HDMI 2.1 cables (not even Optical Fiber Active HDMI 2.1 like mine) just the basic Belkin 2.1 cable which was the first released and forced by Apple to fix all their problems with apple tv and HDR...sold at apple stores under 30$/us .... will do the job on any screens...like we even tested them on my  24'' 1ms consoles competition BenQ screen also as on an Alienware 22'' screen and both are way much deeper and have more details and are even more fluid... on small screens like that so no need to say how big of a difference that also make on big tv's !!! 

Dude your just giving monoprice your money cause there ain't no difference in cables cat 5 and up and hdmi whatever you just 1.4 or 2.1. Literally no difference in gameplay. You literally sound like a salesman and talk like one which means you must be one.

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On 10/11/2019 at 2:59 PM, CrossFitKila717 said:

What exactly is all this talk of tickrate?? I don’t see it on the XR500 whereas I did on the R1 DumaOS??

It's simple !!! Enable Auto Ping and while you play look at auto ping showing the stats of the dedis... you'll see the tickrate of the dedis also as the one of your line !!!  Tickrate is kind of fps... if you run at 60 hz it's good but if you run at 120 hz it's better because it refresh more often so less 'lag' and more accuracy vs what really happen !!!  The concept is simple... like let's take 1 min of a match... your tickrate at 60 will refresh 60 times instead of the 120 times the game refresh so ya'll miss nano seconds in reaction and that will give you the impression others are flying between bullets just because they able to run at that same 120hz of that game so they always in 'real time' since they update 120times just like the game do !!! In a simplier way... it's exactly like if you close your eyes for a second at each 2 seconds while you drive on a road with traffic........ like 1 second your eyes are open and the second they're closed...then open closed open closed...while still holding the same speed.... you'll miss part of the action happening in front of you so next time eyes open Boom you see that a dumb have place in front of you and braked so in a nano second you have to think on how to react for that situation.... while if you where able to keep your eyes fully open each seconds after each second...then ya would have seen him sooner giving you a bit more time to predict and react !!! Hope that make sens !!! So you optimaly want to handle the same tickrate than the game you play !!!

Now the .56 have some...problems...making the xr500 impossible to stabilise while the .40a fix is holding flawlessly and is stabilisable !!! You can try to stabilise the .56 if you happen to see your tickrate staying around 60 or jumping each 2 seconds from 60 to 120 and so on (meaning it's Unstable) and don't use a wired device to manage your Duma Os powered router...use a phone or tablet or surely also a wifi pc...all hooked on 2.4ghz ...don't use a lan device as ya'll see your tickrate staying around 60 while in fact it's supposed to run at 120 !!!!!!

So first thing is to enable auto ping then watch what it will show you while playing...if you see your tickrate staying at 120 and jumping once in a while near 200...then your router is stable and you don't need to worry about us who face thoses problems... but if it happen that it's the same for you as for thousands of us..well in that case i recommend you to downgrade like i explained in the same exact steps !!!

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On 10/11/2019 at 4:59 PM, purpleandgold33 said:

Dude your just giving monoprice your money cause there ain't no difference in cables cat 5 and up and hdmi whatever you just 1.4 or 2.1. Literally no difference in gameplay. You literally sound like a salesman and talk like one which means you must be one.

AH AH AH You are the one who's sell out to the idea that cables don't matters !!! There's thousands of examples to prove it to people like you but i won't fall in that again !!! Look it's simple...we in LIFE...and in LIFE there is things that suit you and things that don't.... so if you think that it doesn't matter...well it's your right even if you're wrong !!!

A salesman...me AH AH AH you surely have ate a clown for dinner man AH AH AH !!!  You should start thinking twice before making assumptions ..... i don't sell things !!!! 

And instead of acting like a boy who think he's protected behind his screen... why don't you act like a man by first stop making stupid assumptions and second...by buying the fuckin cables i recommend and testing by yourself ??? You clearly are the type who let sharpness at manufacturer's setup on tv's... they do that NOT because it's optimal... they do that because some people think cables are all the same so they know theses peoples will run basic cables that are not able to handle enough bandwith for the tv to be set properly at 100 !!!

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