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Lag comp has totally cripple my game as a decent player


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Hi DMC , are your PS4 connected in wifi mode??

In XR500 with 0.40 

I tried this settings : only 2 devices connected , my laptop in 2.4 wifi and xbox one x with cat 8. 

Could you write your wifi settings??

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I think DMC is right there are servers that run higher then 60 hz I got yesterday even tick rate of around 160hz on a Netherlands server and several ones that run around 90-100 and some 120. 

I have cat 8.1 cable from modem to router and cat 8.1 cable from router to PS4 pro, I have 500/50 download/upload connection.

And yes DMC is right a cat 8 cable can make a difference it is a higher frequency cable 2000mhz/2ghz that is 4 times the bandwidth of a cat 6a cable that is 500mhz, see it like a highway cat 6a is like a 2 lane highway compared to a cat 8 cable what is then a 8 lane highway there is 4 times more room.

DMC can you please make a very clear step by step guide how you establish that good connection with all the exact steps and when to do them.

The only thing that I do:

1. when i come home (mostly late evening) i unplug the modem and router for 10-15 minutes then power up modem first after it is fully online then i power up my router (XR 700).

2. When the router is powered off i disconnected all Wi-fi from the router in the house and only PS4 is connected with cat 8.1 cable to the router.

3. When everything is fully on and online I turn PS4 on and manage DumaOs from my laptop with the 2.4ghz wi-fi.


QOS sliders I have on 80/50 % down/ up, upnp enabled, ps4 with static ip reserved, ps4 in traffic priorization and my PS4 is named everywhere in the router with EXACT the same name (PlayStation) I think this is important for the system of the router.

I don't know how to find sweet spot for the sliders or should I turn QOS off ?

I am on fw (the latest) for XR700


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Actually it's total BS.


You cannot magically increase server tickrate from 60Hz to 120Hz. So whatever you are seeing in DumaOS is a measuring error. Battlenonsense has tested with wireshark, not DumaOS.


Cables. Maximum bandwidth quoted for a cat 8 cable is 2000 Mhz. That is what the cable can sustain at peak performance. But if you hook it up to a 1GBps port the port will always be limited to 125 Mhz. So you can have a cable that is able to sustain 2000 MHz but it won't do anything for you as long as it's a 1GBps port, since maximum transmission frequency is only 125 MHz. The cable is a dumb piece of copper that can't decide data frequency on it's own.


For higher transferspeeds, not only do the networking ports increase their operating frequency, but also they use a completely different transfer protocol. (1GBps = 125 MHz, 10Gbps = 800 MHz, so if you punch that in a calculator, (800 / 125)*1000 =  6,4Gbps, so something doesn't add up there. 10 GBPs uses more bits per amplitude than 1Gbps, but this is not applied until you stick the cable in a 10Gbps port.


In short, using Cat.8 cables in a 1 Gbps system will do absolutely nothing for you.


Or to use some analogy. My car has a top speed of 250 km/u. I can drive on a 4 lane highway with 250 km/u. But if there is no other car on the road it won't get me there faster than a 2 lane highway.  


In theory you can see reduced latency by scaling up the network. Ie on a 10Mbps system, sending a ethernet frame (max 1522 bytes) takes about 0.1ms, on 1Gbps system it takes 0.001ms. I'm sure you realize how insignificant these numbers are.

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Probably is a right settings but.. One thing is stabilize your router , another is said that all COD servers works at 120 hz. 

It s not my opinion, it s a real fact that all call of duty servers works at 60 hz..

The only one that works at 120 is CSGO.

It s an reading error from xr500 and R1 , but in that way you could stabilize your connection. 


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You seem vey intelligent with this matter, but as a top xbox call of duty player for the last 10 + years i will assure that the netcode in these games are broke.  Ive been on servers at 15MS and they play worse than some 100MS servers cause of lag compensation.  My setup?  XR500, 1gig up 1gig down jitter ping blah blah blah all amazing bufferbloat A+.  Bottomline is average networks play better than elite networks,  there is no argument here.

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On 10/23/2019 at 5:45 AM, Albo2001 said:

Hi DMC , are your PS4 connected in wifi mode??

In XR500 with 0.40 

I tried this settings : only 2 devices connected , my laptop in 2.4 wifi and xbox one x with cat 8. 

Could you write your wifi settings??

Hell nooooo  😛  ah ah ah I never put consoles on wifi but i've tested it couple of times and it was reacting the same... only a bit more mini lags because i have over 60 neighbors wifi  around mine and i wasn't using 20/40hz co-existence ... once there was a friend at home and she bring her ps4 and i hooked her on wifi 5ghz cause i was missing a Cat8 cable and no way i would hook her with a cat7 since it would have drop my 2000hz frequency to 1000hz... and she was amazed by how fuckin good it was rollin compared to her home ftth setup with lan !!! Sorry for the lil story  😛  ah ah ah  You say you on .40  .... basic or hotfix ?? Cause the  .40 hotfix is the best firmware and the one everybody should want and get (netgear link: https://ntgr-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/tichang_netgear_com/Efc2T54tBPREtZwrMtj7PF8BGssdUVOk7aCG_PBzlFyMzQ?e=OAwQnP  ) !!! Here's screenshots of all my settings: .....  

Ps: Each time one of my girls come home with their ps4's i have to reset download and upload share and to re-attribute 0 for both download and upload for my LED light so it never use bandwith at all and the available bandwith is equally shared accross devices that use internet so more bandwith where needed !!!

Always disable both share excess before gaming sessions aka before you start your console !!! ME i disable both then i reboot XR500 while every devices are already OFF except my phone i use to manage Duma Os via Chrome browser that i only use for managing XR500... and as soon as i confirm the reboot i then restart my phone so it restart at the perfect time aka while the XR500 reboot but before it loads lans and wifis !!!

Once XR500 have fully reboot... open Duma Os via managing wifi device ... start console... confirm you have your internet connection setup as Manual ... if not then do it Manually (only need to do that once...after it always stay the same so no need to do it again) ...start a COD game while lookin at geofilter map (because sometimes we have to restart the game 2 or even 3 times (mostly 2 times in a row) to see every dedis on the map... now that you see all dedis you enter the game and go in options - connection to see your ingame bandwith .... COD's perfect bandwith is 4117-4118 kbps (you want it between 4110 and 4130 kbps = 4mb/s !!! If you don't have that ''proper'' bandwith in a COD game then you need to restart until you get it !!!

First reason you don't get the Perfect ingame bandwith is : you didn't disabled share excess for Download and/or Upload ... close the game then disable them and on your console go do a speedtest... doesn't matter your bandwith there... go back to start COD and go confirm your ingame bandwith !!! Normally it should now be in the perfect range... if not just restart the game and then it will be in the perfect range !!!

Second reason would be that your console is not in ''hyperlane'' aka Traffic Prioritization !!! 

By the way... when you prioritize your console... it will automatically give the full bandwith the game ask ... and that will overpass both Anti-Bufferbloat and Bandwith Allocation !!!  That's the main reason why you want your Bandwith Allocation shared equally to all devices and 0 to Led lights or devices you don't want to give access to internet !!!  Ps: Yes with Og Os we were able to lower the consoles bandwith by that setting and hyperlane wasn't overpassing it... but it's over with Duma Os so you have absolutely no reason to not share equally !!! And since Device prio aka ''hyperlane'' overpass thoses 2 settings you'll always have around 4117kbps ingame if both share excess are disabled !!!

Last thing... finally 😛 ... Share excess really need to be disabled before gaming sessions... BECAUSE : when enabled it always change the bandwith of EVERY devices hooked and you absolutely don't want that while gaming because it will affect your gaming session each and every time that one of the hooked devices will communicate on internet like a phone receiving emails...devices lookin for updates...ect ... and also if another device is used by someone else to download files or stream 4k netflix ect...!!!  All that will result in your game being flawless for seconds then lag then awesome then lag then good then lag...and /or 1 complete game is flawless then suddently it start playing like shit and feels like you a total noob... shoot first die first scenarios ect... so always Disable both Share Excess before starting your console !!!


Final: As you can see on my screenshots my tv is hooked via 5ghz wifi and that's the trick to stabilise !!! Before the game start or when i see that it's unstable (so i forgot to do it 😛 ) i hook the tv to the wifi then make sure it communicate (i start netflix or youtube apps from tv then i close the tv and open it right away) now i Disconnect tv's wifi via the tv itself !!! 20 to 30 seconds later my tickrates are at 120hz and higher aka STABLE !!! If you guys don't have internet on your tv... find something that can hook via 5ghz and try the same... aka connect the device on 5ghz...make sure it communicate via an app or a speedtest ect... then disconnect it of internet via that same device ((just like with tv) and normally your tickrate should stabilise !!!  And like i already said only hook the device ya'll use to stabilise...on the 5ghz band... nothing else on 5ghz or you won't be able to Stabilise !!!

Aright that's enough... Modern Warfare will unlock very soon  😛  have a good gaming session !!!

Take care... Peeeaace !!!


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On 10/23/2019 at 8:05 AM, Mobel said:

I think DMC is right there are servers that run higher then 60 hz I got yesterday even tick rate of around 160hz on a Netherlands server and several ones that run around 90-100 and some 120. 

I have cat 8.1 cable from modem to router and cat 8.1 cable from router to PS4 pro, I have 500/50 download/upload connection.

And yes DMC is right a cat 8 cable can make a difference it is a higher frequency cable 2000mhz/2ghz that is 4 times the bandwidth of a cat 6a cable that is 500mhz, see it like a highway cat 6a is like a 2 lane highway compared to a cat 8 cable what is then a 8 lane highway there is 4 times more room.

DMC can you please make a very clear step by step guide how you establish that good connection with all the exact steps and when to do them.

The only thing that I do:

1. when i come home (mostly late evening) i unplug the modem and router for 10-15 minutes then power up modem first after it is fully online then i power up my router (XR 700).

2. When the router is powered off i disconnected all Wi-fi from the router in the house and only PS4 is connected with cat 8.1 cable to the router.

3. When everything is fully on and online I turn PS4 on and manage DumaOs from my laptop with the 2.4ghz wi-fi.


QOS sliders I have on 80/50 % down/ up, upnp enabled, ps4 with static ip reserved, ps4 in traffic priorization and my PS4 is named everywhere in the router with EXACT the same name (PlayStation) I think this is important for the system of the router.

I don't know how to find sweet spot for the sliders or should I turn QOS off ?

I am on fw (the latest) for XR700


Read the comments i've made and look at my screenshots for all settings (even if you run XR700) you'll understand everything i think  ;)  !!! Yes it's in my plan to do both Vids and Detailed papers !!!  For the Sweetspot with slidders... like i already said 😛 ... you start both at 70/70 and raise by 2 for upload first !!! Upload is like upper body and bullets registration !!! Then when you found your bullets registering at nano seconds then you do download... still by increments of +2 !!!

GUYS : Almost nothing communicate heavily on upload and that's why most isp's give more download than upload bandwiths !!!  That's why you can raise upload way more than download !!! And Download affects lower body aka the speed at wich you can move your feets... but also have a huge negative impact !!! So that's why you don't want download to be a lot higher than the 70 base point !!!

Ps: On my second setup aka 1ms ftth 1,5gb/1gb and runned by my R1... both are set to 70/70 and my girl never found a better spot at higher than 70 for both upload and download so she stay at 70/70 till i have time to finetune it on the lower side of 70 and still will be by downcrements of -2 !!!

Take care... Peeeaace !!!

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GUYS i won't say it again.... battlenonsens is WRONG !!! You listen and trust one guy... i am also one guy but another guy !!! I do daily tests and it's been over 20years !!! As for COD i play since the first one and had them all on day 1 and played them all on daily basis and competitions... except for shitty BO4 that made me kind of quit COD so i let my friends play on my account when they here 😛  !!!  Lan is restricted and wifi is not (at least not in same way) so that's why you need to be on wifi to properlly detect Tickrates !!! Maybe it will change soon when they start understanding the problems and updating every lan adapters ect so from there we will be able to properlly detect tickrates via Lan !!! But for now i've put way too much time finding all these problems and solutions ect also as to write long texts with too many explications... so i won't test further with more devices ect... fuck that ... it is what it is and how it is !!! We use Duma Os so for us the best is to do what i teach... if you don't it's sad for you and it's your own problem !!! I come here loosing time just to explain a simple thing to people aka If you play while the tickrate runs at 60 and then stabilise it so it jumps at 120 and stays there... You will feel the huge difference and that will confirm you that i'm right !!! Yes it could have been a misreading but guys even the R1 runs arouund 100hz and up+ and is stable !!! So no i don't think it's firmwares related aka glitch !!! Duma Os 1.3 came out a year ago and we played at 120hz and higher each and every days till today !!! So if you prefer trusting others talk instead of trusting proofs that your eyes can see... well i can't help you for that !!! Take care guys... Peeeaace !!!

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Oh and just so you guys know... i stopped messing with bufferbloat tests when i confirmed that it change nothing (even more for most of you since you funny guys do test bufferbloat via pc to play on consoles so any results you have are wrong !!! The only proper way to test bufferbloat is via the console itself... if not you'll never be accurate at all !!!  I was loosing tons of mins before each gaming sessions just to test bufferbloat and i got tired so i decided to mess the bufferbloat while playing with slidders... then played games while with b or c bufferbloat results...and same outcome ingame !!! Wanna know why ??? Never the bufferbloat tests have been made for consoles and gaming so it use different (codes-ways of running-ect what's the proper words for that?) than the consoles while they game... so your bufferbloat tests can say you A+ but still you will shoot first die first ect... ya'll look like a noooob even if you a bad ass mothafucka like me 😛 simple as that !!!

It is what it is and i do my best to explain so everybody start understanding what is what and what really matter from there !!! Stop loosing time on that and put all your time to Stabilise your Duma Os router so ya'll start enjoying flawless gaming sessions like me !!! I'm stuck on New Jersey dedis on BO4 located at over 600kms from me in real world...at 16 to 20ms while on other CODs i'm on Montreal dedis at 7ms and now it's almost identiqual on any COD... it's always flawless when XR500 is Stabilized at 120hz and up+ !!! 

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On 10/25/2019 at 1:18 AM, DMC_81 said:

Oh and just so you guys know... i stopped messing with bufferbloat tests when i confirmed that it change nothing (even more for most of you since you funny guys do test bufferbloat via pc to play on consoles so any results you have are wrong !!! The only proper way to test bufferbloat is via the console itself... if not you'll never be accurate at all !!!  I was loosing tons of mins before each gaming sessions just to test bufferbloat and i got tired so i decided to mess the bufferbloat while playing with slidders... then played games while with b or c bufferbloat results...and same outcome ingame !!! Wanna know why ??? Never the bufferbloat tests have been made for consoles and gaming so it use different (codes-ways of running-ect what's the proper words for that?) than the consoles while they game... so your bufferbloat tests can say you A+ but still you will shoot first die first ect... ya'll look like a noooob even if you a bad ass mothafucka like me 😛 simple as that !!!

It is what it is and i do my best to explain so everybody start understanding what is what and what really matter from there !!! Stop loosing time on that and put all your time to Stabilise your Duma Os router so ya'll start enjoying flawless gaming sessions like me !!! I'm stuck on New Jersey dedis on BO4 located at over 600kms from me in real world...at 16 to 20ms while on other CODs i'm on Montreal dedis at 7ms and now it's almost identiqual on any COD... it's always flawless when XR500 is Stabilized at 120hz and up+ !!! 

Hey Bud

Thanks for all the info you posted......your video commentary is hella funny as well.

I can concur that Modern Warfare (and BO4) servers are running at above 60hz.

i have a highest figure of 140-160hz but unfortunately i cannot get it to stabilize there, however it stabilizes on 70hz most of the time with spikes to the aforementioned figures.

I am on the other side of the globe to you (in South Africa to be exact).......i'm using cat 5e cables as that whats available (will most likely have to order cat 8 off amazon)

Apart from the 5ghz trick, is there any other way i can get the 140-160hz to stabilize?

Oh and yes.......it feels like i'm playing on Lan when it settles for a short while and my bullets melt at ease.

Thanks in Advance!!

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On 10/28/2019 at 12:10 PM, GHOST-1-EC said:

Hey Bud

Thanks for all the info you posted......your video commentary is hella funny as well.

I can concur that Modern Warfare (and BO4) servers are running at above 60hz.

i have a highest figure of 140-160hz but unfortunately i cannot get it to stabilize there, however it stabilizes on 70hz most of the time with spikes to the aforementioned figures.

I am on the other side of the globe to you (in South Africa to be exact).......i'm using cat 5e cables as that whats available (will most likely have to order cat 8 off amazon)

Apart from the 5ghz trick, is there any other way i can get the 140-160hz to stabilize?

Oh and yes.......it feels like i'm playing on Lan when it settles for a short while and my bullets melt at ease.

Thanks in Advance!!

Niiiice... finally someone that have done things properly :) !!! If i understand properly between lines you seems to say you played on wifi ??? If so... don't do that !!! Your console really need to be hook via Lan cable !!! You only use wifi 2.4ghz to manage your router aka you use your phone or tab in 2.4ghz wifi to get on a web browser to then enter in Duma Os to manage it !!! Don't use a Lan device to manage aka to look at auto ping stats...it need to be done via wifi 2.4ghz only !!! Then the trick with the 5ghz... sadly it's the only trick that always work !!! I'll try further testing like with other devices !!! Like i said... i use my tv on the 5ghz wifi to stabilise the XR500... but i'm thinkin there should be other devices that will do the trick...but it need to be hooked via 5ghz wifi !!! If you have a 5ghz wifi device... game need to be started...not plaing a match but you have to be ingame...then hook your 5ghz device...make sure it communicate aka go on youtube app or netflix or speedtest... then once you sure it communicate... you then Unhook it from wifi... now you can enter in a match...seconds later your tickrate should stay at minimum 120hz and higher !!! 

As for the cables... i've suggested Monoprice as it's really one of the best quality available with the best specs of them all and at a real cheap price !!! Also they in the Usa and deliver worlwide as it seems !!! I also took an hdmi 2.1 from them at like 13$ us and it do a great job...same visual quality than my optical fiber hdmi 2.1 but just a lil less fluid(no one will see the difference except real nanosecond freaks like me...and definitly no one that never had a 2.1 hdmi cable) so you really should take one with your cat8 lan cables !!! If you have a bit more money... go on alibaba search for Moshou HDMI 2.1 Optical Fiber (AOC=Active Optical Fiber)... there's a place that sell them for around 50$us and they ship worldwide too !!!


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I do the 5ghz trick with my Samsung S10 but I noticed it get to 100-120 hz tickrate also without doing the trick on some servers.

I am on a XR700 btw.

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54 minutes ago, DMC_81 said:

Niiiice... finally someone that have done things properly :) !!! If i understand properly between lines you seems to say you played on wifi ??? If so... don't do that !!! Your console really need to be hook via Lan cable !!! You only use wifi 2.4ghz to manage your router aka you use your phone or tab in 2.4ghz wifi to get on a web browser to then enter in Duma Os to manage it !!! Don't use a Lan device to manage aka to look at auto ping stats...it need to be done via wifi 2.4ghz only !!! Then the trick with the 5ghz... sadly it's the only trick that always work !!! I'll try further testing like with other devices !!! Like i said... i use my tv on the 5ghz wifi to stabilise the XR500... but i'm thinkin there should be other devices that will do the trick...but it need to be hooked via 5ghz wifi !!! If you have a 5ghz wifi device... game need to be started...not plaing a match but you have to be ingame...then hook your 5ghz device...make sure it communicate aka go on youtube app or netflix or speedtest... then once you sure it communicate... you then Unhook it from wifi... now you can enter in a match...seconds later your tickrate should stay at minimum 120hz and higher !!! 

As for the cables... i've suggested Monoprice as it's really one of the best quality available with the best specs of them all and at a real cheap price !!! Also they in the Usa and deliver worlwide as it seems !!! I also took an hdmi 2.1 from them at like 13$ us and it do a great job...same visual quality than my optical fiber hdmi 2.1 but just a lil less fluid(no one will see the difference except real nanosecond freaks like me...and definitly no one that never had a 2.1 hdmi cable) so you really should take one with your cat8 lan cables !!! If you have a bit more money... go on alibaba search for Moshou HDMI 2.1 Optical Fiber (AOC=Active Optical Fiber)... there's a place that sell them for around 50$us and they ship worldwide too !!!


Evening Bud

Nah i am playing wired (not wireless) hence i mentioned that i am limited to the cat 5e cables that i am currently using.

I connect to the xr500 via wifi (2.4ghz) on my laptop.

I use my cell phone which is 5ghz to try and stabilize.

One thing i'm seeing now that different that you mentioned vs the video was to connect the 5ghz device whilst in the game but not whilst in a match? I was trying to stabilize it whilst in a match.

What i'll do now as a test is to ping the saved served manually then connect the 5ghz device with it streaming Scump in tonights 2v2 10k comp and see if it stabilizes.

I also looked up the hdmi fiber cable and came across 'monoprice' and 'moshoa'

 Trust me i am just as iffy as you when it comes to the small things, lol.

The Cat 8 cables as well as the HDMI fiber cables are game changing......whoever doubts it can remain in the dark.


I'm fine with it even remaining at 120-130hz fixed.....as that double the 60hz norm.

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@DMC_81 unfortunately we dont get tick rate stats when manually pinging a saved dedi or other server.

Also it only stabilizes at 65-70hz on average when doing trying to stabilize it whilst in a match.

Will keep trying and also get the new cables.

Not sure if i can get it locally which might be a better option as our currency is weak compared to the $ and it would be abit pricey if ordered from the States.

Are you getting the same high tick rate in Modern Warfare or did you not get the game?


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1 hour ago, Mobel said:

I do the 5ghz trick with my Samsung S10 but I noticed it get to 100-120 hz tickrate also without doing the trick on some servers.

I am on a XR700 btw.

Yes homie it do go at 120hz even without stabilising... and that's why you want to stabilise it as you want it to always stay at minimum 120hz and up !!!  Are you telling me your XR700 stay stable at +120hz on some dedis ??? Like it never never drop to 60hz at all while on these dedis ???

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Yes sometimes it stays 120hz without doing the 5ghz trick but when the match is finished it always drops down till 3, 5, 10 then when a new match begins it starts around 60 and sometimes instantly at 100+ without doing the 5ghz trick and sometimes I didn't even do the trick at all 

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I be online in a 40 minutes, just had my router an hour ago hard resetted and set everything up again.

I put PS4 in DMZ, assigned it a static IP, put dns and And UPNP disabled.

Qos at 70/70 and no added device under DumaOs classified games and the rest untouched.

But I have noticed already a few days when I do the network speedtest on PS4 both in browser and ps menu my download stays around 160 Mbps and upload around 8 Mbps, I used to get always around 400-500 Mbps down and 40 mbps up.

So i tried all the different configurations in past days (only UPNP, only port forwarding with upnp disabled, DMZ only) QOS on/off but it kept giving the same numbers for down and upload.

So I hard resetted it and it still give this numbers for down and upload.

On my phone I get full speed with 5ghz. See picture 


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50 minutes ago, GHOST-1-EC said:

Evening Bud

Nah i am playing wired (not wireless) hence i mentioned that i am limited to the cat 5e cables that i am currently using.

I connect to the xr500 via wifi (2.4ghz) on my laptop.

I use my cell phone which is 5ghz to try and stabilize.

One thing i'm seeing now that different that you mentioned vs the video was to connect the 5ghz device whilst in the game but not whilst in a match? I was trying to stabilize it whilst in a match.

What i'll do now as a test is to ping the saved served manually then connect the 5ghz device with it streaming Scump in tonights 2v2 10k comp and see if it stabilizes.

I also looked up the hdmi fiber cable and came across 'monoprice' and 'moshoa'

 Trust me i am just as iffy as you when it comes to the small things, lol.

The Cat 8 cables as well as the HDMI fiber cables are game changing......whoever doubts it can remain in the dark.


I'm fine with it even remaining at 120-130hz fixed.....as that double the 60hz norm.


30 minutes ago, GHOST-1-EC said:

@DMC_81 unfortunately we dont get tick rate stats when manually pinging a saved dedi or other server.

Also it only stabilizes at 65-70hz on average when doing trying to stabilize it whilst in a match.

Will keep trying and also get the new cables.

Not sure if i can get it locally which might be a better option as our currency is weak compared to the $ and it would be abit pricey if ordered from the States.

Are you getting the same high tick rate in Modern Warfare or did you not get the game?


Aright first i don't know where i said some to let you think about pinging manually but it doesn't matter... check this i'll clear confusions: If you want to find dedis or to confirm real world locations...you can't do it while auto ping is On so only for that kind of reasons you set it manual so you can manually ping dedis and confirm them by seeing ids and ips also as ping...but specs stop there !!! If you done everything and want to play... or further tests... you then Enable Auto-Ping options so auto ping stats will then show Tickrates while you play !!! Without auto-ping you can't see tickrates !!! I already clarified that a lot of times 😛 ah ah ah ;) not pointing at anybody !!!

From there guys... you're all set to play... you first reboot your router... you start console and every devices you need to be online even if it don't relate to gaming... then you can start the device you'll use on 5ghz wifi to stabilise (i'll give more infos after that ;) ) ... now start the game example: Modern Warfare... enter the game but don't search for a match aka for a lobby... just enter the game so the next step would be to search a match... now get on your 5ghz wifi device and make it communicate over internet (use an app like netflix youtube or speedtest or just go on web browser on a site or two... then you now can remove that device from the 5ghz wifi aka disconnect the device from internet via the device itself guys... not bloacking it via duma os panel ;) ... so from there you just stabilised your router so you can search a match and look at auto-ping stats to confirm if your tickrate is stable !!! You have to be in a match to confirm if your tickrate is stable as before a match the tickrates never goes full !!!

Ps: More infos: 

Guys... it sometimes happen that the router loose it stability...so tickrates start bouncing from 60 to 120 again... from ther... Even if you in a match... it doesn't matter anymore and it's a good thing since ya'll confirm stability quicker from a live match 😛 .... you just hide yourself on the map to try to avoid getting killed while you do the trick again... so once you're in a safe spot in the game... just take your 5ghz device and hook it up again on the 5ghz wifi... once again you'll want to make that device communicate over internet... then you'll disconnect that device from the wifi by the device itself (never by duma os) and then take your controller back in your hands and continue playing while giving eyes contact to your auto-ping stats on your 2.4ghz device to manage... (like i already explain...) it will take less than 30 seconds to stabilise if you have rebooted your router before that gaming session... if not it will take 30seconds and more...also sometimes you just won't be able to stabilise at all !!! If that happen just close console and other devices... reboot router from managing device and as soon as you confirm XR rebbot you restart that managing device !!! Once router rebooted you do again... start every devices...start console...start game... make sure 5ghz device communicate over internet... disconnect that 5ghz device and start playing while looking at auto-ping stats on the managing 2.4ghz device !!!

If you look at tickrates and it stays at 120 and up for over 5 seconds then you stabilised it !!! Once properly stabilised it never...NEVER drop at 60 again !!! Still ya'll want to take a look at stats here and there from time to time ;) !!!

Hope it's a bit clearer now ???

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Yes nice one DMC.

What is your point of view that my ps4 speeds stays so low on tests like 20 times I have run the tests on ps4, but my phone gives instantly the full bandwidth when I run the tests on 5ghz.

And I did also run the tests on phone and ps4 together at the same time my phone goes around 300mbps down and 25 up and ps4 does the same like before.

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19 minutes ago, Mobel said:

Yes sometimes it stays 120hz without doing the 5ghz trick but when the match is finished it always drops down till 3, 5, 10 then when a new match begins it starts around 60 and sometimes instantly at 100+ without doing the 5ghz trick and sometimes I didn't even do the trick at all 


2 minutes ago, Mobel said:

I be online in a 40 minutes, just had my router an hour ago hard resetted and set everything up again.

I put PS4 in DMZ, assigned it a static IP, put dns and And UPNP disabled.

Qos at 70/70 and no added device under DumaOs classified games and the rest untouched.

But I have noticed already a few days when I do the network speedtest on PS4 both in browser and ps menu my download stays around 160 Mbps and upload around 8 Mbps, I used to get always around 400-500 Mbps down and 40 mbps up.

So i tried all the different configurations in past days (only UPNP, only port forwarding with upnp disabled, DMZ only) QOS on/off but it kept giving the same numbers for down and upload.

So I hard resetted it and it still give this numbers for down and upload.

On my phone I get full speed with 5ghz.


Aright... first that's good to know that the XR700 seems to be more stable !!! Just look often to auto ping stats to confirm it stays at +120 while in match !!!

Yes when the match is not started and when the match end ...both tickrates drop and it's totaly normal !!! You just want both tickrates to never never never drop at 60 while in a match... rest of the time doesn't matter !!!

As for your settings... Never put console in DMZ...except with different brand routers guys... but never with Duma Os powered routers !!! You're not even supposed to port forward... you just set everthing properly like UPNP On... reserve ip from router to console... do manual connection on console... if after that you restart both router from duma os panel and console... if then it stays Moderate that's only because your modem or AIO is wrongly configured so it try to manage the line just like the duma os router also do !!! Then from that modem or AIO you'll set it in Bridge mode... if you can't... you then will set the router in dmz from the AIO... if Advanced DMZ option is there...use it as it will bridge ip directly to router !!! On modem and AIO you Disable UPNP...not on router...only on modem or AIO !!! Reboot modem or AIO still from its control panel... then also reboot router right after modem or AIO... while every devices will be Off... after that start everything like i explained and you'll be open in every games !!! If not tell me i'll dig further but i already faced those problems on more than 5 different setups so i'm pretty sure i'm right !!!

As for the speed detected by console while hooked on XR routers... don't focus on that !!! When you test on consoles it's not to confirm max line bandwith...it's just to confirm you that your setup is always running the same with average same results...only that !!! If you want to make sure of your line bandwith then do speedtest from hooked pc as it will then be more accurate for line bandwith !!!

So in your case if the tickrates always stays at +120 while in match then it's all good !!! If not you can try tricks i shared !!!

And like every other routers... not only R1 and XR series... you might need to do the proper steps i explained to factory resets and re downgrade and upgrade of firmware... needed to be done 3 times in a row at least to fix routers problems !!! You can do it more than just 3 times but most routers are flawless after the third factory resets !!!

Always only upgrade downgrade firmwares via LAN cable and never via wifi !!! Only use wifi to manage duma os and on the 2.4ghz only !!!

If you have other devices on the 5ghz band...others than the one you'll use to stabilise...then you need to remove them and put them on 2.4ghz band !!! There is no gain in putting ex a phone on 5ghz except for speedtests where ya'll see more bandwith... that stop there...that won't make it communicate any faster on internet guys... it only allows higher bandwith and it's only needed for 4k streaming for devices that can't hook via Lan... devices like tv are best on 5ghz since they all have a 10-100mbs ethernet card... so wifi 5ghz brings better bandwith and speed than a 10-100mbs card !!! Also... since tvs use 10-100mbs cards... it will drop all your network frequency as it can't handle same frequencies than 5ghz or than 1000mbs cards !!! That's why i said Put cat8 between modem and router at least...so even your wifi will benefit from it... if you only have example 2 other cat8 cables then choose wich devices ya'll hook with them and every other devices should be hook via wifi till you buy other cat8 cables !!! And again... all cables have to have the same exact specs... don't buy like 2 monoprice cat8 at 2000mhz and 2 other cat8 cables from another brand... as if the 2 different have lower specs... they'll make all the setup drop to the lower cables specs !!!

PS: Don't put console on Duma Os classified games .... NEVER !!! Set it manually !!!

Also set qos at Always !!!

70/70 is the start... you'll the need to finetune both slidders by+ or - 2... so 72-70 then 74-70 then 76-70 ect... set upload first and upload can go till 98 without any bad impact...but at 99 and 100 it won't operate flawlessly !!! Download only need some more...not as big like upload... so my down up are 78-98 right now !!! Been 76-96 and 76-94 for weeks without having to touch the slidders again !!! That's when you can pretend having Finetune your slidders !!! ;)

Always disable Both share excess before starting console !!! I always disable them before rebooting my XR500 or R1... before every gaming session... and i enable them back after each gaming sessions !!!

Take care... Peeeaace !!!

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