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Scuf controllers


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So are these scuf controllers really worth the money and how long does it take to adjust to them.
Also for playing fps games what do people think the best options are?

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I have a Scuf for both consoles and I love them! Imo, they are definitely worth the money although I have friends who play claw and they can jump around just as much using a normal controller.


For me, it took about 3 days to get used to the controller. It took me about 2 weeks to always use the paddles and not mix between the two. But I think they're definitely worth the money :)

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I have a scuf for my ps4 i love the controler. I got my with 2 paddels in the back. Though i have to say i wish the paddels were closer to handel of controller as my hands are small and this not top fit for them. So me personaly will look for chinch gaming controler as its buttons fits my hand ergonomics. I still say scuf its defenetly worth the money. I just need different ergonomics its just me.


I have adopted also very quick to them.

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Aren't M$ launching their version of Scuff shortly?  Probably be better made and cheaper if you can hold on a while.


Unless you're on PS4? In which case, none of what I wrote helps in the slightest lol :)

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I loved mine until last week my menu button died of all the under used things to go, and they only do a 90 day warranty, [Tirade of swear words/]

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I bought a couple of 360 Scufs in the past they are really good and useful i would recommend them but treat them carefully.


I had an habit of pressing too hard on the paddles and dislodging the little micro-switch behind them.  


Now i play 'claw' which was a painful experience in the beginning (for my k/d & my hand) but now i can't play any other way  :P

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I used to play with a Scuf on the 360 and there was a big difference.  I play tactical so it made knifing much easier with the paddle.  And the adjustable triggerstops let you fire quicker than a normal pad would; giving you that split second advantage.


When i owned the Xbox One I wasn't quite as satisfied though, the paddles were too deep in the back of the controller, made them much harder to hit.


Now that i'm on the ps4 I'm going with Cinch.  In fact my Cinch is coming in the mail Tuesday :)  Instead of paddles in the middle they have a button under the controller handles that serve the same function as paddles.  And Cinch is the only one with adjustable trigger stops for the PS4.  To me that is the bigger selling point of the controller.  I did contact Scuf on that and it didn't sound like they would have the trigger stops anytime soon or at all on ps4.  Not sure why on that.


If you get one, i'm sure you'll enjoy it whether it be a scuf or a cinch.

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I'd honestly go with Battle Beaver Customs over Scuf.  I've had two scufs (360 (before they started sponsoring teams and quality was decent) and xb1), my xb1's rear button broke with minimal use and it was outside the 90 day warranty period.  Suffice to say, I didn't want to deal with their customer service and have them sit on my controller for a month so I sought other options.  Along came Battle Beaver Customs and I don't think I'll ever go back to scuf.   check out his twitter page and you'll see a ton of happy customers.


Absolute best options would be for you to get rear buttons.  Other than that, I think everything is overkill unless you go with tension stick upgrades on your analog sticks, but the ps4 controller dead zones are so good that you probably wouldn't need it.  on the xbox the deadzones are really bad.

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I'd honestly go with Battle Beaver Customs over Scuf.  I've had two scufs (360 (before they started sponsoring teams and quality was decent) and xb1), my xb1's rear button broke with minimal use and it was outside the 90 day warranty period.  Suffice to say, I didn't want to deal with their customer service and have them sit on my controller for a month so I sought other options.  Along came Battle Beaver Customs and I don't think I'll ever go back to scuf.   check out his twitter page and you'll see a ton of happy customers.


Absolute best options would be for you to get rear buttons.  Other than that, I think everything is overkill unless you go with tension stick upgrades on your analog sticks, but the ps4 controller dead zones are so good that you probably wouldn't need it.  on the xbox the deadzones are really bad.

I bought some of Battle Beavers' thumb sticks for the PS4. They're amazing. I added in my own trigger stops to a PS4 controller and just used the new 'button remap' feature that the PS4 has to create my own poor man's Scuff.


R1 is now Fire

L1 is now ADS

R2 is Jump

L2 is Crouch/prone


X is now grenade (which I don't use on my CoD AW classes)

O is now exo ability  (which I rarely use on my CoD AW classes)

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They stole my idea lol I did this myself by adding buttons to the back of my 360 controller for A, B, X and Y and also a rapid fire mod to the right trigger (cause I was 12 and a cheater) It's actually really easy to do yourself with some parts from radioshack and a little electronic know how. I sold a few of them to my friends at the time on COD 2 lol






This was one of them I did for only a rapid fire trigger mod.

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I was one of the few to buy the original PS3 Scufs. It failed me in less than 2 years.
Any of you guys who had the Scufs will know that the buttons below the paddle are not balanced and one could be harder to squeeze than the other unless you send it back and request them to make it easier which I did for mine.

I bought the PS4 Cinch controller which instead of using paddles, they just use 2 physical and EASILY press-able buttons that in all honesty, were nicely and ergonomically placed to make me easily squeeze them whenever I need to.

Comparing the 2, my PS4 Cinch controllers are almost 2 years too and they have yet to fail me and I've been using it a lot on both the PS4 and the PS3 for gaming.

I'd highly suggest and recommend that you have a look at the Cinch controllers as they are overall a better made Modified controller AND.. they are LEGAL for use in all e-Sports tournaments.

I'm never touching another Scuf when I've experienced what true quality and Ergonomic experience is. Simplicity is sometimes better than paddles.

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Cheers all for the input, Ill have to see if you can get the cinch in the UK, I was sure I saw an option for buttons on the scuff as opposed to paddles too. Hmmmmm Watch out google  Incoming.

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Cheers for the heads up on that one DOG, Ill keep an eye on it.

Probably going to be next month to be honest as my beloved Grand Cherokee has cost me over a grand this last month in service costs, parts, 2 new tyres and an Air Con regas.


I am hoping that any of these will help with the chronic arthritis I have, Sometimes its like trying to game after having your fingers smashed and broken with a large brick but after a bottle or so of red I can usually get a few results. lol

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If you play alot and comp like myself you will go through atleast 2 of these because they're that poorly made, i've destroyed one due to the a panel and triggers going, i'm an agressive player who relys on movement and reactions so maybe that's why, i suggest just playing claw or waiting for the new microsoft controller to come out.

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Cheers Blakeyb1 for the info, but as I said I have chronic arthritis so claw is not going to happen and I play on PS4. Im not seriously competative or anything really and play mostly for fun a couple of hours a day but I have a fair bit of disposable income so if one of these helps (especially with the arthritis) I may pick one up.

I rely more on intuition and tactics than reactions (im old) and Ive had more than a couple of merciless medals out of it. :)

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Bags,IMO the scuf's are nice but I trashed mine within 8 months.I'm really hard on controllers,big hands.Both of my analog sticks are smashed completely forward,so I'm moving forward constantly.I know they use a regulation PS controller for the builds but never the less,it's useless until I figure out a way to fix the sticks. 

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Hmmmmm I know what you mean about the sticks, I mashed mine with a great big groove in the front edge of one constantly leaning forward on it on my PS3. Maybe they should make em out of some sort of alloy

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Now your talking,they need to be made of something other than what they make them with.


Now I just gotta figure out a way or find someone who know's how to fix the sticks

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i didnt like the paddles, the cinch look more like something i could use. the paddles on scuf were just in the wrong place. my left stick button broke as i rush and always sprinting. it was really the trigger stops i liked the best and just modded my own controller for them. super easy and cheap. im sure i could mod a la cinch with buttons as well with the few parts needed and a soldering iron.

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