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Netduma is useless for cod


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You all know the story.  All I can say is if you haven’t bought a netduma, don’t waste your money it doesn’t work no amount of tweaking , throttling, firmware updates etc etc. Will change how your game plays.  You are wasting your life it will not get any better

that’s all

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34 minutes ago, Jof77 said:

You all know the story.  All I can say is if you haven’t bought a netduma, don’t waste your money it doesn’t work no amount of tweaking , throttling, firmware updates etc etc. Will change how your game plays.  You are wasting your life it will not get any better

that’s all

I have to disagree.

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Congestion control stops other devices on my network from causing ping jitter.

My consoles packets processing is prioritised dropping other devices packets while my packets go first.

If I want too I can camp a server with the geo filter.

I can search for matches by the lowest ping I wish.

All this goes to making my gaming experience the best it can be whether its cod, bf or ow.


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Its not useless.. but maybe you expected to much..


It wouldnt give you perfect hitdetection with the Feeling you are a secound ahead of your enemys


It Sure improves hitdetection and latency .. but thats becouse its priorsized your Game over the other Connection from other devices in your Home.. but after the Data Passes your Modem you cant do nothing..



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It all depends what you want to get out of it.


Congestion control sliders are nice but there is other ways to combat anti bufferbloat.

Same goes for QoS.


It also depends on what connection type you have. If you share a 80/10 mbit line with your family it's a bit more important than when you have a 1000/1000 fiber pipe, then QoS and anti bufferbloat will do very little. At least there is very little times where you are actually able to saturate a connection like that.


The standout feature for me is that I can filter the server I want. In EU this is not actually that necessary with the distances to dedicated servers, in USA it's probably a bit more relevant with East Coast to West cost distances, in Asia where I live you need to because only one server is viable. If the game connects you to Australia or Japan you're doomed. And if you play with geofilter off it's handy to see where you are connecting to. 


If QoS / ABB is something you are looking into but you don't need the geofilter there is other more advanced stuff you can buy.


People also forget that CoD has changed. Going back to the MW/MW2/BO days etc, when you had listen servers, having control over connections was a lot different than nowadays when you connect to a dedicated server most of the time.


It's a tool you can use with your game but it won't make you god at the game.

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The duma used to be helpful with getting on servers close to you and having lower pings to that server.  Now it just serves as a normal router.  I have the R1 and the xr500, the netcoding in some of these games has made the duma software only good for players that lack good internets.  If your internet is good no reason for it. Ping dont rule all no more.

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11 hours ago, ugotstretched said:

The duma used to be helpful with getting on servers close to you and having lower pings to that server.  Now it just serves as a normal router.  I have the R1 and the xr500, the netcoding in some of these games has made the duma software only good for players that lack good internets.  If your internet is good no reason for it. Ping dont rule all no more.


Having a Fiber 1000/1000mb I really feel no differents.

That said, I can get the ping I want, using the geofilter, bit even that really doesn't make any differents.

And if you ask what I want, I just want a fair game, thats all...

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On 12/30/2019 at 5:24 PM, Bert said:

if the game connects you to Australia or Japan you're doomed.

And why do you think so? That only leaves us with Singapore and Bahrain servers.

which country do you stay in Asia?

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I stay in Thailand.


Japan gives just over 100ms, it's playable on a good day but often it's way more laggy than you expect from 100ms. Australia is a bit better but gives 140ms, don't get it often though.


Singapore gives me 33-40ms depending on the uplink which is great.


Bahrain I never actually connect to that even if I play without geofilter. Which is odd since these Arab lagmasters have no issues ending up in my lobbies LOL.


Before BO4 there was no server in Singapore, so we used Netduma to avoid connecting to Japan and play P2P games since that played better LOL.

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On 12/30/2019 at 2:24 AM, Jof77 said:

You all know the story.  All I can say is if you haven’t bought a netduma, don’t waste your money it doesn’t work no amount of tweaking , throttling, firmware updates etc etc. Will change how your game plays.  You are wasting your life it will not get any better

that’s all

Your trippin you just don't know how to use it. For MW i believe the geo filter does not work, but if you reset your netduma port forward all the correct ports. disable vpn, add your console to traffic prioritization, when i play COD i set my qos download to 20mb download and 5mb upload (i have 1 gigabit frontier fios) you need to dumb down your connection when you play COD. anything connection faster then 30mb download gets handicapped and the faster your internet is the more you get handicapped. and since you just reset your router do not touch the geo filter section unless your playing something other then MW

if you can not wreck lobbies with this setup then you just bad at the game

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  • Administrators

Sorry to hear you're having issues, the last time you made a post for support was in 2016 for the original firmware. If you're having issues using DumaOS let us know specifically what issues you're seeing and we can help out.

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I have been using DUMA Xr500 for about an year and I can say with 100% certainty it does make a difference. I have tested numerous times while doing with/without test. What seems to be more of an issue is how effective it is to bring the gameplay to a "FAIR" level if you are suffering. I can probably get my gameplay to feel 60-70% fair/better as compared to no router/prioritization. I am in west canada and my best gameplays are on East/Central servers. There seems to be more than 1 issue crippling the MW online experience and I believe DUMA can only do so much and has limitations.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm on the west coast of Canada as well, on previous cods I could use geofilter to connect to Seattle Dedicated server no problem, now If I adjust my geo filter It shows me connecting to some server on the east coast and it says its a peer server.

It also takes forever to connect.  

WTF happened, My Netduma worked on all the previous CODs perfectly, but MW is is a nightmare.

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I imagine what's happened is that Activision has moved all of their servers around. We're frequently updating the Geo-Filter cloud to reflect as many of these changes as we can catch.

If you find any mislocated servers, you can submit them here: https://forms.gle/Xd96ssUE496jUXqf9

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