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Dont delete this negative post thanks


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So after extensive use i can say Netduma only make my matches worse not better. I keep a low low ping of 14ms with the Netduma and geofilter set tightly around the Uk. When in matches with French/Dutch/German/Spanish the entire match becomes laggy - not just one person recieving a host/lag comp advantage. When i run the game with the Duma controls off i actually get more games that are playable and fun ( alot more and playable/fun doesnt mean me dominating the match, it just means no one who kills in 1 bullet or can move like neo from the matrix )  - not even heavily one sided games or games where some invincible person goes 50-3. Reducing ping and "Lag" does not currently help me at all in Cod ww2.

Also thanks for moderating the shout box.


P.s Didnt mean to post this in support

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Yeah it's the servers. I live in Southern California and about 40 miles away from a server in Los Angeles and in most all my lobbies I get several players from Japan, who have their own server in Japan. They lag and cause lag because of their high ping (they are 2 bars in game, always) to the LA server, especially in WW2 so I can not do anything about it. The Duma is doing it's job but the Dev's and Activision who only care about the $$$ they are making, don't care just yet enough to fix their problems.

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like i told one of the netduma devs its not the router its the cod that is the issue. ive put alot of hrs in on battlefield and titanfall 2 and those games play great with the netduma. you dont really need the geo filter on those games just congestion control.cod will never be a playable game until they sort out their netcode problems and get a new game engine. the compensating factor in cod needs to be tone down people with bad internet always will dominate in cod  

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first off it's not the Netduma, I can play Bo3 and other FPS shooters works well for those games, for WW2 it's a hit or miss, if they got rid of the lag, took SBMM out of the game gave first DLC free the game would be great, and netduma would help with that but the game is so broken Netduma does nothing to it to fix the lag, bad lobbies, bad connection people from joining.

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So after extensive use i can say Netduma only make my matches worse not better. I keep a low low ping of 14ms with the Netduma and geofilter set tightly around the Uk. When in matches with French/Dutch/German/Spanish the entire match becomes laggy - not just one person recieving a host/lag comp advantage. When i run the game with the Duma controls off i actually get more games that are playable and fun ( alot more and playable/fun doesnt mean me dominating the match, it just means no one who kills in 1 bullet or can move like neo from the matrix )  - not even heavily one sided games or games where some invincible person goes 50-3. Reducing ping and "Lag" does not currently help me at all in Cod ww2.

Also thanks for moderating the shout box.


P.s Didnt mean to post this in support



Dude, I have this router since it first came out. Trust me this router works awesome. I specifically bought it for cod. It's worked great for every cod. It was working for this one as well until the last update. I hear ya man getting shot around corners, hitting the trigger and no response, shooting through ppl, etc. Keep in mind its the same for everyone. Eventually they will get it fixed (Raven). Stick with it try adjusting your sliders and mileage for geofilter. You can also watch some vids on youtube for extra help. Simjc is really good.
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Yeah i guess im not slating the Duma as such,just my experience with it. I just feel that " Dominating Lag" could be misleading to alot of people. You really cant currently dominate lag in this recent Call of duty. Improving my ping is not helping at all. My Dl is 20 and Ul 5 14-20 ms to majority games and apparently "Ping is King" but that cant be true? Play at my friends house down the road on 60/20 the quality of games are much much higher?

A few examples of some matches - https://imgur.com/a/Bxzmo

I cant believe people are getting worked up over if ww2 has sbmm when the obvious thing deciding matches is lag comp and hosts.

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It was me that removed your shouts from the shoutbox. It wasn't a censorship issue or anything like that before anyone gets all Illuminati about it, I can't even remember what they said. They're usually a bit of a downer, so yeah I deleted them for the sake of Christmas spirit.


I've moved this thread to 'off-topic' for you, I think that's where all of your other threads complaining about getting spanked in CoD are.

Ever the professional. I do apologise for not having much greater experiences to share in the shoutbox like some people getting excited about pulling host and ruining a match for the entire lobby. I believe i wasnt the only one who was being a "bit of a downer" as the previous lines before me was also people sharing bad experiences. Not that you can even remember or anything.

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I unfortunately have had much more success going straight to the modem. I have trouble winning gunfights with the router. I don't without it. It sucks because I have to reconnect everything when I want to use other devices. (PS4 Pro)

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I don't need to say anything else that others haven't said already but in my experience it's the people who are constantly changing settings waiting for that point that is going to make them dominate each game that end up having the worst experience. With your ping the Netduma is doing it's job. Upload a video of one of your 14ms games and we can see how laggy it is.


I unfortunately have had much more success going straight to the modem. I have trouble winning gunfights with the router. I don't without it. It sucks because I have to reconnect everything when I want to use other devices. (PS4 Pro)


Judging by the fact this is your first post I suspect that you do not have it setup correctly. Start a new topic with the screenshots asked for here and we can help.


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Going straight to modem will always be the best connection possible. It's just not realistic for any modern setup that has to manage a house full of technology. There is absolutely no traffic competition, no extra jumps... Modem direct is best possible scenario.

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