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DumaOS 3.0 open beta for XR 500/450

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I’ve included the right link to read before installing.


Please read carefully as it’s to do with warranty and accepting this beta firmware you lose warranty.

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4 hours ago, Newfie said:

Newfie, Did you ever have a XR500?  I for some reason thought you did..



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How safe is this Open beta 3.0 Version though? i've seen many reports from 0.92 version of people getting locked out of their internet connection because of some IP assignment that keeps failing. also i seen some early reports that IP Bug is still active on the newer FW Version 

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The previous version it was literally unplayable for me... there are a main issue that shows your devices offline and none of the main apps doesn’t work like QoS ABB and geofilter. I didn’t trie now the latest that came yesterday because I am on business trip but as I saw on the Netgear forum those bugs are still here...

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My Beta 3.0 bricked itself, its not stable at all for me.

Happens eventually to all beta users? im not sure but there's a few of us.

I would think beta testing is for testing to see if functions work as described, a full brick is something i would of thought was found, dealt with and retested during alpha builds.

Oh and fwiw build .56 still doesn't work right for me.

Might go back to Asus for a while and try duma again sometime next year.

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Guest Killhippie
38 minutes ago, faulko said:

My Beta 3.0 bricked itself, its not stable at all for me.

Happens eventually to all beta users? im not sure but there's a few of us.

I would think beta testing is for testing to see if functions work as described, a full brick is something i would of thought was found, dealt with and retested during alpha builds.

Oh and fwiw build .56 still doesn't work right for me.

Might go back to Asus for a while and try duma again sometime next year.

Sadly that full brick might have been something to do with your router not the beta, also regressions happen in beta builds its not stable territory. Saying that if lots of people are having issues of the same kind then thats a big clue and not a good sign. I take it you factory reset the router after installing the beta and didn't use a backup to reinstall your settings but did it manually? Hope you get things sorted sooner rather than later along anyone else having these issues. :(

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Guest Killhippie
18 hours ago, Kostas83 said:

Netgear announced that the beta for DumaOS 3.0 is now open for all users for XR 500/450. 

@Netduma Admin @Netduma Alex @Netduma Fraser Can you create a topic here to report any issue? It really more comfortable to use your forum instead of Netgear forum...


Since its a Netgear beta how will the issues be reported back? Thats a lot of work for the Netduma guys passing back every comment also there is the issue with Netgears firmware being on it too which also needs testing. Its a Netgear beta with DumaOS and should be done really on the Netgear forum so Netgear can see what's going on first-hand really :)

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  • Administrators
19 hours ago, Kostas83 said:

Netgear announced that the beta for DumaOS 3.0 is now open for all users for XR 500/450. 

@Netduma Admin @Netduma Alex @Netduma Fraser Can you create a topic here to report any issue? It really more comfortable to use your forum instead of Netgear forum...

Please continue to post any issues in the Netgear beta forum. They are running the beta, not us. It's important both teams can access the same information from users easily. 

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2 hours ago, SturmButcher said:

I don't know what happened here but as soon as I upgraded it, many modules are with errors...do you even test the thing? Looks like you picked the wrong beta testers... 

As it’s Netgear that handled this Beta if you have an issue it would be great if it’s posted on Netgears beta forum so they are aware. 

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For those of you that download and upgrade to the beta 3.0  id make sure you also have a copy of the .56 firmware so if something goes wrong you can go back to the most stable firmware non 3.0 of course which is .56.. That is just some friendly advice.. Ive been getting an ear full from a couple of my friends on the beta..  Betas are going to have issues..That is why its a beta.. So be pre paired! And report your issues on Netgear forum with proper info.. If you dont how can they even fix things..

If you dont have the time to report issues with the beta then dont download it.. Again this is just friendly advice so some dont get frustrated..



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15 hours ago, rckrz6 said:

ipv6 isn't working but I do like the new features and look

4 hours ago, SturmButcher said:

I don't know what happened here but as soon as I upgraded it, many modules are with errors...do you even test the thing? Looks like you picked the wrong beta testers... 

Please post any issues you're having over on the beta forum. Would suggest doing a factory reset after upgrading as it is a big jump in software from the .56 version. Thanks for your feedback but it is a beta, we expect issues to be found and want them to be so we can fix them. If you do not want to have issues like this then would suggest downgrading back to .56.

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