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CoD WW2 what did you think?


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Now the beta is over, I'm interested to hear how other CoD fanboys feel about it.

Did you love it, hate it, indifferent? Why?


Before you post:

It's CoD so it's got CoD problems, don't list them, I want specifics about THIS game.

CoD will have the same engine when our great-great-great-grand-children are playing it in 200 years, don't tell me that.

We all know there was something funky going on with the hit-markers, don't tell me that either.

I don't care if you felt it lagged, if the hit-detection was 'broken', if the servers were busy, if you got kicked, etc.

If you didn't play it because you hate CoD and [insert other game] is the best game in the world ever, then don't post here, I haven't got time for that bs.


I want your opinions on the game's design, the choices the devs have made, what you hope will be kept / removed / changed / tweaked. What did you genuinely love or hate, like or dislike about it?


Keep it clean, I'll begin.




  • That you can often get away to cover after being hit, I felt this was missing in IW and I'm glad it's returned.
  • Back to boots-on-the-ground and Synaptic can no longer batter me from above ad nauseam.
  • Nobody can fly through the window and kill you.
  • No Specialists / Superpowers.



Indifferent / Unsure:

  • Female soldiers, I don't care at all, it's not a realistic representation of war anyway.
  • Hiding Nazi symbolism and pretending they weren't the 'baddies' annoys me a bit, it feels weak to sanitise this but it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game. If it's illegal to show them in games then it's a stupid law, you can show them in films.




  • Abolition of 'Pick 10' or 'normal' perk system. Not broke, Don't fix.
  • Quiet footsteps for enemies, louder for team, much louder for self. It's stupid, stop doing it. Nobody wants to get shot in the back because you can't hear the enemies (unless there's a lot of noise at the time). If you want to play 'sneaky sneaky' then it should at least require a stealth class and some caution, not sprinting across broken rubble with a LMG and leaping off a 20 ft ledge landing like Bruce Lee with a parachute on a pile of marshmallows. I hope this will change but it didn't in Advanced Warfare.
  • The jumping about. It's just weird that they put this in. The dolphin dive makes sense but jumping is a weird tactic for survival in the theatre of war. It doesn't seem like a major problem but it feels cartoonish.
  • And the big one, the maps, maybe a deal-breaker for me.

They all felt like caged arenas without any freedom or variety - the exact opposite of what I was hoping for.

It was a small selection and I really hope they were the smallest and worst maps in the game but I expect they will be the norm.


I wanted variety between the different maps and variety within each map...

Fallen, Bakaara, Invasion, Crash, Stand Off, Overgrown, Village, that Theme Park map (the layout / flow not the theme park obvs), Strike, Ambush, Rundown, there have been so many quality maps over the years.

I'd liken the WW2 beta maps to a tubular hamster fun-house in a goldfish bowl. I knew the maps within the first play through, no need to explore anywhere because there was nowhere to explore. I was constantly aware of the edge-of-map walls because you're always near one. And they were littered with stuff.

Map design + minimal footsteps = annoying deaths from behind + more people sitting still or hiding in a corner.

Very little opportunity for any engagements at distance so it's very SMG friendly again.






Boots-on-ground = Happy days.

Maps = Small, repetitive, boring.

Enemy footsteps give me ear-strain and a pain in my arse.

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Like :


The WWII era.


The new meta I was never a SMG user but forcing me to use them to have a silencer has made me like a few and because of that I like the small map's so I can go to town.


That I was hardly placed into a in-progress game for the whole five days I got to play it.


That SH did not make AW2, what a relief.


The servers we spot on, smooth game play, yes the odd cod out of sync lobby that will never change just back out and search again.


Friendly and enemy character animations in MP were smooth no juddering (I only saw one enemy the whole five days juddering)


That it only took me a short while to suss the meta, very easy to pick up and play.


The beta well for SH on Xbox, playable from the start. I remember Blops3 and IW wow they were a mess at beta launch on Xbox.


I love the dive mechanic it saved my bacon loads over the weekend.


Like / Dislike


The call outs it is great when they help you out but I dislike it when it get's me killed


Dislike :


That carries on to my dislike instead of call outs it should be footsteps of the enemy's that I hear, it is like they have made battle chatter to help people using their TV's for sound.


The graphics are not the greatest, there is a haze around the gun nose and reticle and around players, when you fire your weapon the muzzle flash increases the haze.


The depth of field is strange, objects look very far away and within a second you are at said object and it is now huge much bigger then it should be.


That it ended so soon.

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I'm very on the fence,I had great success In games even getting a vicious medal on that aachen map,if the out of sync feeling is fixed for release then I may pick up when it comes down in price a little,footsteps were obviously a thing that need a buff,ads after sprinting super slow,if you run round a corner and someome is sat waiting you have no chance but I suppose that is realistic,FLINCH holy shit it's strong,in a way the amount of time I got a headshot because of it was stupid but I really don't think it should be in the game or if it is tone it right down

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Things I did like:


The slightly longer TTK - as Boom said it sometimes gives you a chance to get into cover.

Boots on the ground - I’ve never been that great with the jet packs so this suites my play style better.

The WWII setting


Things I didn’t like:


Suppressors only on SMG’s - I really don’t get this as a design choice, it’s fair enough having options for specific divisions but I think suppressor should be an attachment that everyone can access regardless of division choice.


The Aiming system - for me the aim was totally messed up, if you weren’t bang on target it felt like you couldn’t make any kind of adjustment while ADS, i turned off aim assist slowdown but it only helped marginally. This was my biggest issue as I just couldn’t find a way to combat it and it led to a lot of deaths and really spoiled my enjoyment of the beta to be honest. I had no such problems back on IW last night.


The lack of class customisation - I sort of see what SH we’re trying to do but I’d prefer to have the option to drop the pistol in favour of an extra attachment or basic training.


I expected better graphics.

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I'm undecided on the WW2 setting, it's difficult for me to judge while I was getting so annoyed at other aspects.

Glad you're trying SMGs (finally!) but I wanted SMGs to be map/situation specific, these maps made them 'all purpose'.

That was great, don't think I was put into a single 'in-progress' game.

Servers/Connection/Lobbies/Joining/Parties was exceptional, no comparison to IW beta which was a total cluster-fudge.

I saw a couple of skippers too but nothing major, surprisingly smooth.


I found the call-outs irritating most of the time, I don't think we should be given these callouts at all. In my opinion, to get a call out you should be playing with team mates that communicate, rather than have the game decide to give you 'handouts'. 100% they have done this for the "why should I have to buy headphones/surround sound?" and the "you're such a sound-whore" crowd. I'm guessing the 'footstep decider' at Sledgehammer is a total pussy that has bad hearing so they kill it for us too.

If they're going to cheapen the sound like that then they should do away with HD and add ghosting to help everyone with an old TV/monitor too.


Yep, I though the graphics were underwhelming and a bit mushy.

And the DoF / scale / distance (something) is totally off, 10 steps and 3 seconds would see you cover 50+ metres.





Can you elaborate? What specifically meant that you didn't enjoy it?





Same as above.





Yeh, you had 40 kills in a game where I had 20  B)

It's a strange decision to do this with footsteps, so many more people seem to complain about a lack of footsteps so I don't understand why they do it. And literally nobody wants to get shot in the back.

Sprint out time was painful.

Flinch doesn't usually bother me (except when it creates a headshot that it shouldn't have - BO3) but in this the flinch was extreme. Far too much.



Suppressors only on SMG’s - I really don’t get this as a design choice, it’s fair enough having options for specific divisions but I think suppressor should be an attachment that everyone can access regardless of division choice.


The Aiming system - for me the aim was totally messed up, if you weren’t bang on target it felt like you couldn’t make any kind of adjustment while ADS, i turned off aim assist slowdown but it only helped marginally. This was my biggest issue as I just couldn’t find a way to combat it and it led to a lot of deaths and really spoiled my enjoyment of the beta to be honest. I had no such problems back on IW last night.


The lack of class customisation - I sort of see what SH we’re trying to do but I’d prefer to have the option to drop the pistol in favour of an extra attachment or basic training.


I expected better graphics.


Totally, I think suppressors only on SMGs is going to annoy a lot of people. It's such a staple of CoD that it's a very strange decision, when "going back to CoD roots", to change this. To me 'roots' meant like CoD4 / MW2, not before. Maybe this is more like it was before those games, I don't remember.


Aiming didn't feel right to me for a while either, like there was wonky acceleration added to the rotation speed at 'full-stick', and like the ADS sensitivity and hipfire sensitivity weren't in-sync. Strafing is the way to go - it usually is in FPS anyway.


I liked that we get a pistol and a grenade but I would rather have got to pick 3 or 4 perks and not have all this divisional stuff. I think that any CoD without 'Pick10' will always feel weird now we're used to it.


Same on the graphics, I was (unrealistically) expecting to be wowed by some gritty immersive beautiful graphics.

I suppose I was wowed by the graphics and the sound actually but in the opposite way to what I would have wanted.

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I hate everything about it. I've never played such a laggy boring mess... and to think I was looking forward to going back to basics, especially as I assumed it might help hit detection. Nope. There's next to no viable weapon choice (well none of my guns worked anyway), the inability to experiment with perk and attachment combinations means you'll get bored of using the same things over and over. 7ms to my local server had me shooting hitbox-less player models and anti-aim assist force fields stuck behind lagtards who melt in a frame, and I lost count of how many clips I saved of me taking damage or having an enemy open fire at me before a single pixel of their player model was visible on my screen. I could turn to a guy, open fire, register nothing, die, watch the killcam and apparently I'll have died before I looked at them.


How fast does the PPSh fire... 900rpm? I saved a clip of me turning towards a guy, firing 6 shots and then dying before I looked at him. That's 333ms of discrepancy on 7ms. Ok.


I love that I wasn't stupid enough to pre-order ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Shane & Roy may I ask how well you did and has this affected your reasons?

Not played it lol, but from what ive watched on streams and what i hear, it seems just as bad as previous titles, im holding off cod games until it improves, not holding my breath though, going by how they handled AW.

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Cautiously optimistic-


Hit detection was horrible for me. I couldn't kill 75% of the time. 20% of the time I won enough battles to go positive. 5% I kicked ass. I liked the sounds and scenes but I'm a Hardcore white. If HC sucks I'm out.


I'm not buying the season pass until it proves itself though. I learned a hard lesson with IW. I quit that game a long, long time ago.


The first shotgun was probably my best weapon.



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