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DumaOS - Development Update

Netduma Iain

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Well is see Desktop... So either renamed Dashboard, or perhaps a desktop style widget/icon for direct duma access?

Also I see DumaOS {name} . If I can now name my Duma, I shall call it Xmas LagBot.

Apps?... Hmmm... Also notifications top right :)

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I don't know why but I am starting to feel like this version of Netduma can be bought and used on our own (probably MikroTik) routers.

Think about it. Why call it Duma OS? The clue is the word, 'OS'. Specifically promoting the router's custom firmware without actually hyping it up for potential new customers by promoting the current router that it will be on. Instead, by saying that it will be free for all Netduma R1 owners, feel more like giving free firmware upgrades for your phone prior to releasing it on the other potential hardware.

2nd clue: Board Name and Board Model. As far as we know, the current router is the only router for the Netduma. Therefore, there is no need for us to know what router we are on since we get our support directly from them. This might just be a 'future-proof' thing since they might release a new Hardware in the future but at the same time, it could also signify the Duma OS being on other routers as well. It could go either way.

3rd clue: The shopping icon seems to be the stone that tips the balance of this in favour of it being a purchasable custom firmware for multiple compatible routers. The page might contain compatible routers purchasable directly from Netduma themselves.
Or even a licensing page to show that we've purchased and have a valid key to use the full features of the Duma OS on our own higher end (still probably Mikrotik) routers. Or else, we've be stuck with a 1 day trial of the firmware perhaps? Or basically, you'll be getting a free bare-bones Duma OS and then you can purchase the apps that you need over time thus giving more accessibility to more customers since it will be much more affordable upfront with the apps that they want and then they can additionally buy more apps in the future to make it even better and more relevant in the future?

For all I know, I am completely way off from what they are planning. Or.. my hunch or idea could be a reality in the future.
Remember that the great driver of scientific innovation and technological innovation has been the historic increase in connectivity. In our ability to reach and exchange ideas with other people. And to see the connections from multiple small hunches and ideas. And then to borrow other people's hunches and combine them with our hunches and turn them into something new. That has been, what I believe, to be the primary engine of creativity and innovation in the last 600 to 700 years.

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i would like to test out the beta!

only the Canaries the first few that purchased the router when it first came out only beta test the firmware updates for a good month until official launch but middle February we all can test the firmware for some anyways that apply for it they will select a few for the last beta test before launch


Hello! Just got my NetDuma How can I get involved in the Beta?

only the Canaries the first few that purchased the router when it first came out only beta test the firmware updates for a good month until official launch but middle February we all can test the firmware for some anyways that apply for it they will select a few for the last beta test before launch

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only the Canaries the first few that purchased the router when it first came out only beta test the firmware updates for a good month until official launch but middle February we all can test the firmware for some anyways that apply for it they will select a few for the last beta test before launch


only the Canaries the first few that purchased the router when it first came out only beta test the firmware updates for a good month until official launch but middle February we all can test the firmware for some anyways that apply for it they will select a few for the last beta test before launch

all can actually test the beta for the open beta in mid February to re clarify 

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I don't know why but I am starting to feel like this version of Netduma can be bought and used on our own (probably MikroTik) routers.


yeah i thought about that too but there are also huge points against it which make me feel like they wont do that


- its a huge mess to handle support when your OS runs on all kinds of routers, even if you limit the compatible devices by a selected few

- theres either no or no good hardware/chip that properly secures your OS from being re-engineered or dumped for free illegal downloads if you allow the OS to run on lots of routers

- OS needs to be optimized for all kinds of hardware which means you would need to lab-test all of the compatible devices to ensure its running as promised



my guess is that the shopping cart is for apps/features you can purchase for the netduma

the OS is free but the apps do cost, say

- 9,99€ for anti-jitter

- 19,99€ for anti-spike

pretty sure the starting apps such as the two above are free but upcoming apps might cost then, that way you can sell the netduma router with the base OS for relatively cheap money

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Hello Devs,


i wanted to make a suggestion. NetDuma is a Gaming Router, the most important stuff you need to improve are Gaming Options. Period.


- Host/Geo Filtering - Needs a big revamp, we should be able easily add/remove from a Friends List. Once you APPROVE a geo location it is supposed to 100% clear filter connection, nowdays that doesnt happen, its a pain to clear a user, the GREE/RED Bar is really bad, its a year 2000 style. The opposite also needs a easy method to have a Block List. 


- Host/Geo Filtering - Map - Its awfull to navigate and choose the best circle. You should make an easier to zoom with mouse map, with COUNTRY SELECTION, we should be able to pick by country specially for European users, that im betting are the ones that need more Netduma with all close rountings close.


- Host/Geo Filtering - Visual - New connected hosts should blink on show details on a list, and others that are connected more than 1 min should not blink for example, so we can understand who is what.


- Host/Geo Filtering - Visual - Change every layout aspect, starting the Map, its almost not usefull to navigate, also focus on country lists like i said above. THIS IS THE MAIN FEATURE ONE THIS ROUTER, get a really wonderful to use GUI. 

- Host/Geo Filtering - Mobile App - We should be able to change filters, countrys or ratius like said before, using an App, easily direct from App not having to use 192.168. browser would be fantastic.

This is your main Feature on Netduma, you should focus on this. Netduma is GAMING


- VPN - Needs more Options


Focus on needed gaming features, get new advanced options, its 2016 there are alot more to do. Things like Memory Info on this Screenshot, are the least we care. Trust me, go big on Gaming, Ram usage etc we dont care, no one buys a Netduma to check for memory ram usage lol


Good Things to see:: R-Apps


Making features as modules is perfect, i dont want tasks to be running on my router that i dont need i delete them.

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Looks like in the future we will be downloading apps from here to add functionally and not incremental FW updates, great idea :)


that might explain why the shopping cart icon is still there, sounded like in the last teaser screenshot that it wasn't supposed to be there

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So, just by looking at the picture looks like we will be able to add/remove/install apps. Does that mean we can build and share apps or it's pretty much NetDuma apps only?


Overall, looks really nice. But, the look does not make it great, so I cannot wait to try it out and see what the bad boy can do ... Keep up the good work.

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i cant really share the joy. i am very disappointed that we did not got 1.03.6.xx or 1.03.7 . i just can not understand it. i have problems with slow GUI since 1.03.6 came out and i am not the only one. device priorization with share excess enabled never worked smoothly for me and recently the upnp/port forwarding problems. so when duma os is released it will be 1!! year since i deal with a buggy firmware. and we mainly pay for the firmware, so i can expect that at least the firmware run without any flaws, but this is not the case. i know lain is working a lot and i dont want to blame him, i really appreciate his work, but maybe there should have been a second team that is focused on the current firmware

I am with you on this one.  A product that cots $199.99 plus shipping should be a lot easier to use and should have all of its features working properly.  If a feature or features do not work they should be dealt with in a timely manner not in a years plus manner.  The router is out of its early early adopters phase and NetDuma is selling the R1 router to quite a few countries.  When you have reached the success they have, that is when you stop building excuses for the company and start holding the company accountable.  The most frustrating thing is that this router does not have QoS *Quality of Service* built into its software.  After investing this much money and after they have had this much success there is no reason why you, I or anyone should mess with sliders, the flower and anything else to figure out the best settings, connection and or bufferbloat.  What a train wreck this all has turned out to be personally for me.  Due to my investment with this company, its community and its potential I truly hope the best for them and wish them nothing but success.  For now I am keeping very low expectations for DumaOS 2.0 and I am slowly looking more thoroughly this time into other routers.   Keep in mind everyone NetDuma is not the only router company around and for Ian to say they're beating many if not all routers out there is unfounded.  One last thing I dont know why they are stressing that this UPDATE is FREE.  I don't think they would be greedy enough to charge for an UPDATE for a product that the community is and has beta tested and debugged for them!  Plus the community helps to get the games supported and by the way the games supported can be counted on TWO HANDS!


Thank You

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The most frustrating thing is that this router does not have QoS *Quality of Service* built into its software.  


Uh... what? Do you see that "Congestion Control" on the left? That's QoS. Look in the address bar. (/cgi-bin/qos.sh) It's been there since day one. It's just named less formally because not everybody knows what QoS means.


I'm seeing a lot of definitive statements for a post that is factually incorrect. If you need help getting your Netduma configured there are plenty of people here in the community that can help, and the Netduma support people are fantastic as well. 

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Uh... what? Do you see that "Congestion Control" on the left? That's QoS. Look in the address bar. (/cgi-bin/qos.sh) It's been there since day one. It's just named less formally because not everybody knows what QoS means.


I'm seeing a lot of definitive statements for a post that is factually incorrect. If you need help getting your Netduma configured there are plenty of people here in the community that can help, and the Netduma support people are fantastic as well.

Congestion control is trial and error. Congestion control on R1 router is not QoS. You might have all the time in the world to mess with congestion control but some do not. You should expect more from products you pay for. The NetDuma support people can be absolutely amazing but when I see them post ex: I think all necessary ports are OPEN when using Hyperlane instead of actually knowing is questionable to me. Once again this is my experience with this product and it has been less than stellar. By the way the QoS you and I speak of is being added in the next update.
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For me as an old git at 47 years, I am way less techy minded than most of you, but this is for me the Ronseal of routers. It does exactly what it says on the tin. And if I can understand it and how it works then I am pretty sure most can.

For me as for most it is not a cheap upgrade so if you have half a brain you research and read a few reviews.

From what I have read on this forum some people simply dropped the cash and expected to go 50-0 on their first game and every game after that.

Guess what, it doesn't do that.

The other thing the router does not do is mess with the game coding of every game you play to give you god mode? what really, no it doesn't.

It does what it says it does, which is puts you in the lowest ping lobby it can find in your given radius to give you the best chance of the best gaming experience.

"you mean it does not take into account the ping compensation etc of game developers that keep that sort of shit real secret?"

No it doesn't. guess why?

Seriously when Im having a bad game I look at my geo filter and ping bar, see Im in a good lobby and realise that the game is dicking me not the R1 and the sooner people realise this the better.

Really this router takes a bit of setting up but If a dumb ass like me can do it then I am pretty sure most people can but you have to realise, not all your gaming problems are to do with your router.

The other thing to consider is that maybe, and here's the kicker, maybe you just aint as hot as you thought you were. Age comes to us all. lol

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I think the QOS being desired by theguardian1 can be found in popular Linux based router firmwares, that's what I think, but may be wrong.


Features such as program priority or marking traffic such SIP, RTP, ACK, SYN and prioritising those for example...


The other thing to consider is that maybe, and here's the kicker, maybe you just aint as hot as you thought you were. Age comes to us all. lol

How dare you!


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Congestion control is trial and error. Congestion control on R1 router is not QoS. You might have all the time in the world to mess with congestion control but some do not. You should expect more from products you pay for. The NetDuma support people can be absolutely amazing but when I see them post ex: I think all necessary ports are OPEN when using Hyperlane instead of actually knowing is questionable to me. Once again this is my experience with this product and it has been less than stellar. By the way the QoS you and I speak of is being added in the next update.


You clearly don't know what QoS is, so let me give you a definition. Here is a good one from Wikipedia:




In the field of computer networking and other packet-switched telecommunication networks, teletraffic engineering refers to traffic prioritization and resource reservation control mechanisms rather than the achieved service quality. Quality of service is the ability to provide different priority to different applications, users, or data flows, or to guarantee a certain level of performance to a data flow.


So let's break that down. Traffic prioritization... you know... the ability to prioritize certain traffic, say that of a particular device. The Netduma does this in a number of ways, including bandwidth prioritization (the Congestion Control flower) and Hyper Lane, putting traffic for certain applications first in line should there be a queue. 


Seriously, if you need help learning how to use the Netduma feel free to ask. It does what it says it does, but you have to know how it works to get it to do it. This isn't a toaster with one function, it is a highly complex networking device that has to be flexible enough to support any type of network environment. You can't just plug it in and be an unstoppable death machine in your game of choice. 


Don't get me wrong, there are areas where the software needs to improve, and it could be easier to use. But when you say that the most frustrating part about the router is because of a feature being missing that quite clearly is NOT missing, I think maybe you can get more use and enjoyment from it if you take the time to learn how to use it and/or ask for some help from your fellow members of the Netduma community.

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I think the QOS being desired by theguardian1 can be found in popular Linux based router firmwares, that's what I think, but may be wrong.


Features such as program priority or marking traffic such SIP, RTP, ACK, SYN and prioritising those for example...


There are many ways of doing QoS. Netduma just tries to simplify the process. It provides bandwidth control via the Congestion Control flower, allowing you to set upload/download priority per device. It provides "application" priority via Hyper Lane, allowing you to designate certain traffic that should get higher priority by bypassing buffers. Hyper Lane actually goes above and beyond what most routers do by processing packets as they arrive without buffering. 


As a gaming router, Netduma provides as much QoS as you are going to need for most cases. There are some holes in their implementation, but for the target audience I think they're making a good tradeoff of simplicity and ease of use over complexity and flexibility. 

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guys debating on what congestion control or QoS is and wether its part of the R1 or not is absolutly irrelevant since the duma OS will have both combined as anti-spike anyway

even with fanglasses on theguardian1 has made some valid points that cannot be unseen, trying to quote him down doesnt change them the slightest


Netduma had a great start but they soon reach a turningpoint at which they have to consolidate their success, the release of the duma OS is just as much of an requirement for that as the points mentioned by theguardian1 or tidemaquina a page earlier

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There are many ways of doing QoS. Netduma just tries to simplify the process. It provides bandwidth control via the Congestion Control flower, allowing you to set upload/download priority per device. It provides "application" priority via Hyper Lane, allowing you to designate certain traffic that should get higher priority by bypassing buffers. Hyper Lane actually goes above and beyond what most routers do by processing packets as they arrive without buffering.


As a gaming router, Netduma provides as much QoS as you are going to need for most cases. There are some holes in their implementation, but for the target audience I think they're making a good tradeoff of simplicity and ease of use over complexity and flexibility.


1. You're preaching to the choir.

2. I was trying to look at what theguardian1 may have meant by his QOS comments and I mentioned what other routers do by way of QOS.

3. Hyper-traffic sets up packet priority first in and first out but it's not exactly the same as application priority. It'll likely be improved furthermore but like I always say, I'm happy.


I hope DumaOS 2.0.1 doesn't change any of what I have now with the R1, when you have a good thing you like it to stay that way.


GUI optimisation/efficiency as well as some more CC algorithms are the things I want. Codel & RRC are a little dated (since 2013/14) in this fast paced packet queueing/scheduling world.

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You clearly don't know what QoS is, so let me give you a definition. Here is a good one from Wikipedia:



So let's break that down. Traffic prioritization... you know... the ability to prioritize certain traffic, say that of a particular device. The Netduma does this in a number of ways, including bandwidth prioritization (the Congestion Control flower) and Hyper Lane, putting traffic for certain applications first in line should there be a queue. 


Seriously, if you need help learning how to use the Netduma feel free to ask. It does what it says it does, but you have to know how it works to get it to do it. This isn't a toaster with one function, it is a highly complex networking device that has to be flexible enough to support any type of network environment. You can't just plug it in and be an unstoppable death machine in your game of choice. 


Don't get me wrong, there are areas where the software needs to improve, and it could be easier to use. But when you say that the most frustrating part about the router is because of a feature being missing that quite clearly is NOT missing, I think maybe you can get more use and enjoyment from it if you take the time to learn how to use it and/or ask for some help from your fellow members of the Netduma community.



There are many ways of doing QoS. Netduma just tries to simplify the process. It provides bandwidth control via the Congestion Control flower, allowing you to set upload/download priority per device. It provides "application" priority via Hyper Lane, allowing you to designate certain traffic that should get higher priority by bypassing buffers. Hyper Lane actually goes above and beyond what most routers do by processing packets as they arrive without buffering. 


As a gaming router, Netduma provides as much QoS as you are going to need for most cases. There are some holes in their implementation, but for the target audience I think they're making a good tradeoff of simplicity and ease of use over complexity and flexibility. 

I truly appreciate you having taken the time to educate me on some of this I mean that sincerely.  I can accept that Congestion Control and Hyperlane is QoS in some form.  Also if it is true what you have said about Hyper Lane than that is great.  I am glad that you also can agree with me that NetDuma OS in the state it is now can use some tweaking and so on.  From DumaOS 2.0 I personally want to see Congestion, Flower and Hyper lane traffic have an option to be AUTOMATIC.  In other words let all those features work in tend om.  Let those features and the R1 router read my ISP connection, let it diagnose and analyse my ISP, let it optimize and then let the R1 router implement those settings from the readings and calculations it got.  Do not tell a consumer like myself that this router kills lag etc but then forget to say that I have to personally diagnose my own network.  Figure out what all those readings mean and then adjust the flower, congestion etc to the correct settings. Not everyone is knowledgeable like yourself, and not everyone has the time to learn the router and its software.  If the router is intended for people that have lots of time to spare, or have network engineering degrees then it should be advertised as such.  I personally enjoy this discussion and I hope you do as well.


Thank You

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Off topic kinda... but I'm just as excited as anyone for the new firmware to be released but those of us "in the know" knowing what we know from past experiences, part of me almost feels bad for Iain,Crossy and Fraser for the inevitable backlash that will come with the 2.0 release.As I genuinely like these guys and consider them friends but the amount of bullshit that's gonna come with the release,will be HUGE and IMO kind of sad.This is based solely on my experiences on this forum with other members.People are gonna expect the unheard of out of this new OS,which leads to a certain part of the community being extremely unhappy or pissed off with their results from it.And just like last time around a lot of the people who weren't getting the results they expected were either...A - had unrealistic expectations of what the firmware could do or B - their set up on their home network was incorrect with the duma only being used for half of it's features.


I just hope the masses realize that the firmware can only do so much for us as gamers, it's not gonna make you the next MLG star.But will definitely make our gaming experience better than without it by leaps and bounds.


It's just something to think about and keep in mind as the firmware gets closer to release date... ;)

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