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Sbmm , destroy modern warfare


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This game is garbage whit sbmm , one match u win and then u lose , 

every lobby is full whit different connextions 

today someboy kils me whit light machine gun and i had the mp7 , the man was running whit the lightmachine and still he was faster  , 

not one setting in the netduma works becoz u can set ur geofilter where u want , overal are mix lobby’s whit lag and high Ping , 

i have now problems whit Gaming to my OWN skill and then losing 

but wht infinity ward here do have nothing more the do whit gaming , the bad connextions they are the winners in this game 


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2 minutes ago, N3CR0 said:

Sounds like your typical CoD game then. Can't wait to buy it 😕

I like the game , only the maps are not perfect , after Some time u learn the maps and then they are not so bad , 

the guns and sound are perfect , only the footsteph make me crazy , i mis ninja in the perk system , i want rush 

i hope  that they remove sbmm off set in lobby appart , then this is for me the best call of duty since years 

on this moment i can not enjoy , the bad connections is not fair , the hole matchmaking is wrong , 



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5 minutes ago, NinaRicci2011 said:

I like the game , only the maps are not perfect , after Some time u learn the maps and then they are not so bad , 

the guns and sound are perfect , only the footsteph make me crazy , i mis ninja in the perk system , i want rush 

i hope  that they remove sbmm off set in lobby appart , then this is for me the best call of duty since years 

on this moment i can not enjoy , the bad connections is not fair , the hole matchmaking is wrong , 



Black Ops 4 was the same. I'm fighting the connections myself. Its really annoying as I just got the VMP and that thing is possibly the best gun in the game but sometimes when I fire 6 shots, only 2 actually register so I die while on a streak.

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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What do you mean by not one setting on the router works? Are you using QoS? Are you using the Geo-Filter to get the closest server? What's your average ping shown by the Geo-Filter ping panel?

Im using QOS and my geo filter and my ping is showing me in my 30s every game...and I'm getting melted before I even see them...I've tried messing with everything on my router and I feel like I'm 3 seconds behind everyone in this game. I'm having trouble shooting guys that are going 3-15 in games. I normally carry around a 2kd in every COD...so i'm not the best player but I'm not this bad.

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30 minutes ago, David824 said:

Im using QOS and my geo filter and my ping is showing me in my 30s every game...and I'm getting melted before I even see them...I've tried messing with everything on my router and I feel like I'm 3 seconds behind everyone in this game. I'm having trouble shooting guys that are going 3-15 in games. I normally carry around a 2kd in every COD...so i'm not the best player but I'm not this bad.

Your ping is on point so the router is doing it's job. Have you tried forcing different servers slightly further away as they can sometimes play better. Also what settings have you used for QoS? - Have you optimised it for your connection?

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22 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Your ping is on point so the router is doing it's job. Have you tried forcing different servers slightly further away as they can sometimes play better. Also what settings have you used for QoS? - Have you optimised it for your connection?

My Ping is arround 20 , i have try much settings whit the dumaOs , my speed is not optimal becoz everytime my speed drops , 

My download is 300 and upload 20 , when i do Speedtest i have just arround 50 ( sometimes 75 ) , my upload is wel arround 19 ,

i set in bufferbloat my speeds near 300 download and 20 upload , my sliders i set 30 download and upload 95 becoz i have this speeds whit speedtest , then my geofilter i set 1200 km and ping near 30 , i set my home in my country ( belgium ) i have al great servers arround my country , nothing works , i have try to set my homebutton in vs , there i have more bad games , 

then my settings @home , modem , netdumarouter then ps4 whit cable and al the rest WiFi 

i have set ip adres netduma in my dmz from modem , i have open Ports from modern warfare in my modem and UPnP enable , 

upnp enable netduma And not open Ports , becoz works not , 

dhcp i have set ip adres from ps4 in device 

QoS is enable 

traffic enable 

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Anti-Bufferbloat lowering your speeds by that much is normal given your %. You should remove the ports and UPnP on the modem as you have the router in the DMZ so this would only cause potential conflicts. Where are you located? I would suggest you follow this guide while hammering your connection with downloads/streams and try different Anti-Bufferbloat percentages to see what lowers your ping the most and keeps it stable. http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-how-to-test-your-internet-ping

Also how have you setup Traffic Prioritization?

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17 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Anti-Bufferbloat lowering your speeds by that much is normal given your %. You should remove the ports and UPnP on the modem as you have the router in the DMZ so this would only cause potential conflicts. Where are you located? I would suggest you follow this guide while hammering your connection with downloads/streams and try different Anti-Bufferbloat percentages to see what lowers your ping the most and keeps it stable. http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-how-to-test-your-internet-ping

Also how have you setup Traffic Prioritization?

Traffic Prioritization stand on always , dumaOs classified games enable 

must i remove UPnP on netduma router too ? 

I am locatied in Brussel belgium 

i gonna try the settings 

thanks for support , 

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11 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

No leave UPnP enabled on the R1. Try with the guide/settings and let us know how you get on.

I have just play Some games , its terrible , 

one match good , other one destroyed , its SBMM

The lobby’s are mixed full whit american people en asian 

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37 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Where are you from? There should be plenty of servers around you, even in other countries (if Europe) that may play better for you.

I am from Belgium , the little country between frenche and germany and Nederland 😀the other side from the sea is Engeland , i have set my distance from 200km till 1400km , overal servers , and overal its terrible , the problem is the matchmaking , the lobby’s here in europe sit full whit asian and american people , thats not normal , they lag from all sides , when i play ww2 i have nothing problems 

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1 hour ago, NinaRicci2011 said:

I have just play Some games , its terrible , 

one match good , other one destroyed , its SBMM

The lobby’s are mixed full whit american people en asian 

SBMM is Skill Based Match Making. You're talking about asians and US players in your lobbies. That can't be helped as MW isn't geo based match making, its skill based.

Unfortunately, that messes up the pings which makes your experience horrible.

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I've been there, lovely place! I would suggest setting your home location in England and then setting a really small radius just to include the UK, I think the UK server is pretty good, I play on it all the time. Make sure you turn Ping Assist to 0 and have strict mode on.

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9 hours ago, N3CR0 said:

SBMM is Skill Based Match Making. You're talking about asians and US players in your lobbies. That can't be helped as MW isn't geo based match making, its skill based.

Unfortunately, that messes up the pings which makes your experience horrible.


9 hours ago, N3CR0 said:

SBMM is Skill Based Match Making. You're talking about asians and US players in your lobbies. That can't be helped as MW isn't geo based match making, its skill based.

Unfortunately, that messes up the pings which makes your experience horrible.

Thanks for the explain , i hope they remove , Maybe its build in the game then they never removed this 

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9 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I've been there, lovely place! I would suggest setting your home location in England and then setting a really small radius just to include the UK, I think the UK server is pretty good, I play on it all the time. Make sure you turn Ping Assist to 0 and have strict mode on.


I gonna try this in afternoon Fraser , thanks for the support , great job 

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On 11/16/2019 at 10:53 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

I've been there, lovely place! I would suggest setting your home location in England and then setting a really small radius just to include the UK, I think the UK server is pretty good, I play on it all the time. Make sure you turn Ping Assist to 0 and have strict mode on.

I have try the settings , nothing works , i have try al district from Amerika , China , Engeland , and hole europe , its everytime the same 

one match i OWN whit big positive and the other match i go back hole under 

they have build the game whit SBMM , overall the lobby’s are mixed , u find Nice servers , but the problem is that they drop people from overal in the world in every lobby , bad connextions whit good connextion , 

i gonna went back near ww2 , ther i have now problems 

i hope they trow SBMM out the game fast , becoz its not playeble 

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On 11/16/2019 at 1:37 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

Anti-Bufferbloat lowering your speeds by that much is normal given your %. You should remove the ports and UPnP on the modem as you have the router in the DMZ so this would only cause potential conflicts. Where are you located? I would suggest you follow this guide while hammering your connection with downloads/streams and try different Anti-Bufferbloat percentages to see what lowers your ping the most and keeps it stable. http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-how-to-test-your-internet-ping

Also how have you setup Traffic Prioritization?

So if I have my xr500 in DMZ....youre saying dont use any ports or UPNP?

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5 minutes ago, David824 said:

So if I have my xr500 in DMZ....youre saying dont use any ports or UPNP?

HAHA...nevermind...I read that comment before that wrong

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On 11/16/2019 at 7:37 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

Anti-Bufferbloat lowering your speeds by that much is normal given your %. You should remove the ports and UPnP on the modem as you have the router in the DMZ so this would only cause potential conflicts. Where are you located? I would suggest you follow this guide while hammering your connection with downloads/streams and try different Anti-Bufferbloat percentages to see what lowers your ping the most and keeps it stable. http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000074717-how-to-test-your-internet-ping

Also how have you setup Traffic Prioritization?


1 hour ago, Netduma Alex said:

Have you tried using Ping Assist?

Yes , i am using Ping assist , i have set this near 45 

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5 hours ago, East said:

Just to let you know SBMM is confirmed to be found in the game code. Which is set to enable sbmm=1



If matchmaking should give you even opponents,  then loosing is not hardward based. Beside hacking ofc.

Maybe more aware of peekers advantages, which is a skills of knowlegdes. Other prefer exploding of game mechanism.

Either way time spend using setting up DumaOS, maybe should bw spend become a better player or unlock gear to become a better player.

Just a thought!

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