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WWII Fix Yet?


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Has anyone figured out a way to make WWII a better game to play? I have never raged this much, not even IW made me rage this bad with the horrible hit detection and all that s***. Are there any specific settings to try or anything I can use to try and force P2P lobbies to get away from these BS Dedi Servers? I know it's a long shot question, but any help or way to make it slightly better will help. Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys!

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Has anyone figured out a way to make WWII a better game to play? I have never raged this much, not even IW made me rage this bad with the horrible hit detection and all that s***. Are there any specific settings to try or anything I can use to try and force P2P lobbies to get away from these BS Dedi Servers? I know it's a long shot question, but any help or way to make it slightly better will help. Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys!



Hopefully Activision/Sledgehammer will have a patch for the game soon because there are so many problems with it at the moment.

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Hopefully Activision/Sledgehammer will have a patch for the game soon because there are so many problems with it at the moment.

Yea, thats the sad part. But has anyone figured anything out to make things a bit easier? like codes for the router or anything?

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Once servers are back online it becomes very hard to force P2P. The only people I think that would be able to do so are people that do not live very close to a server. Server hop and try to find a server that plays better

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Yea, thats the sad part. But has anyone figured anything out to make things a bit easier? like codes for the router or anything?


No because the majority of issues are related to the game itself rather than the servers. There's nothing wrong with my connection to most lobbies but there is a lot of other stuff that is wrong.

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Sorry for the huge wall of text, but I think it may help some folks. If others think I’m nuts chime in as I’ve tried this with other games with very little luck, but when I swapped to WiFi and the google dns servers ( last night I’ve seen quite an impact. I was struggling to get consistent good games and at least so far I’m pretty happy going 30-3, 28-5, and other games about the same as well as 15 or better kill streaks which is what I was used to in IW. Yea I’m still getting a few lobbies that are less ideal, but nowhere near negative like was the case between matches before, when I’d get the above numbers than go 8 and 15 or some ridiculousness cause I’d die before seeing anyone. Could be placebo to be honest, but I’ve dramatically improved if so and I’m half way through prestige 2 so it’s an odd time to suddenly click and be amazing. I’ve also forwarded ports, am using turbo and even though I have 100/20 fiber I’m using preemptive mostly at about 20 percent down and 30 percent up. Also shrunk my geo and changed my location around servers to either to my east or west and put assist at 0 and strict on, it takes maybe 30 seconds or so to find a game, but it’s worthwhile. Seems odd things are effecting this game cause the folks with potato WiFi are usually great too, have to assume their lag comp needs adjusting. .


Power went out before from wind here in Cincinnati and my settings wiped with cookies enabled so I’m experimenting a bit now, but last night and today have been amazing even when I did go under 2 kd it was my fault cause my shots still connected. Just a thought as I’ve tried this before with little to no measurable improvement, but with WW2 it feels like I found a sweet spot. I too have been going nuts wondering if I just suck suddenly or if hit detection and servers do. If your bad this won’t make you good, but if like myself you’ve got a great setup and have been a good player through most cods and suddenly can’t be consistent in ww2 give it a shot.


Also I was sprinting a lot before and saw a vid on how sprintout times horrible even negating QuickDraw in most instances so I slowed down which improved things as well. Hope this helps others and we all can enjoy this game consistently, also hope I’ve not just gotten lucky and after posting I log on and get rekt.

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What I started doing was lowering the congestion control by a high amount and that's actually working to an extent. 20 down 3 up and sometimes 15 down 3 up



This is what I did before the answer before with some success, still not so consistent and it felt like I was almost lagging myself and getting over on others, where the game runs great for the moment now after what I’d mentioned above and it actually feels fair like skill suddenly matters again. .

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Just played two more and the teams were good, still a 3 to 4 kd, I could actually do the cheap contacts that offer rare drops now. Until last night I’ve just been saving up until I got the 1175 for the 20 and 25 kill tdm and dom contract cause the others were hopeless consistently getting a couple good games.


Please others let me know if these help or if I’ve somehow just finally figured out how to do well. I was near throwing in the towel with my 1.20 kd before, now I’m finally coming up in the world again. Thought maybe I’m just too darn old before as I’ve been gaming since just before Nintendo’s first release. Yikes

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Sorry for the huge wall of text, but I think it may help some folks. If others think I’m nuts chime in as I’ve tried this with other games with very little luck, but when I swapped to WiFi and the google dns servers ( last night I’ve seen quite an impact. I was struggling to get consistent good games and at least so far I’m pretty happy going 30-3, 28-5, and other games about the same as well as 15 or better kill streaks which is what I was used to in IW. Yea I’m still getting a few lobbies that are less ideal, but nowhere near negative like was the case between matches before, when I’d get the above numbers than go 8 and 15 or some ridiculousness cause I’d die before seeing anyone. Could be placebo to be honest, but I’ve dramatically improved if so and I’m half way through prestige 2 so it’s an odd time to suddenly click and be amazing. I’ve also forwarded ports, am using turbo and even though I have 100/20 fiber I’m using preemptive mostly at about 20 percent down and 30 percent up. Also shrunk my geo and changed my location around servers to either to my east or west and put assist at 0 and strict on, it takes maybe 30 seconds or so to find a game, but it’s worthwhile. Seems odd things are effecting this game cause the folks with potato WiFi are usually great too, have to assume their lag comp needs adjusting. .


Power went out before from wind here in Cincinnati and my settings wiped with cookies enabled so I’m experimenting a bit now, but last night and today have been amazing even when I did go under 2 kd it was my fault cause my shots still connected. Just a thought as I’ve tried this before with little to no measurable improvement, but with WW2 it feels like I found a sweet spot. I too have been going nuts wondering if I just suck suddenly or if hit detection and servers do. If your bad this won’t make you good, but if like myself you’ve got a great setup and have been a good player through most cods and suddenly can’t be consistent in ww2 give it a shot.


Also I was sprinting a lot before and saw a vid on how sprintout times horrible even negating QuickDraw in most instances so I slowed down which improved things as well. Hope this helps others and we all can enjoy this game consistently, also hope I’ve not just gotten lucky and after posting I log on and get rekt.

I'm kind of confused on what exactly you did to fix the issue lol. It was a bit long, but worth the read. I think the post being long made it confusing. What exactly did you change to get better results?

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Could have been lucky timing and other settings doing it, but I just reset things after the power outage and something in the setup or a huge improvement to the servers locally helped a lot. Granted I may be closer to these servers or all the other variables so this may not work for everyone, but I’m finally having a blast. I bought my netduma before IW after getting so tired of ps4 and cods bs online setup from the Stone Age and I’ve loved every minute. Yea the trial and error figuring out what works best at launch for each game tries my patience a bit occasionally, but overall I’m pretty impressed by it and by the folks here pushing us updates and tips.


Thanks for making psn and cod playable again duma team.

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  • Netduma Staff

Could have been lucky timing and other settings doing it, but I just reset things after the power outage and something in the setup or a huge improvement to the servers locally helped a lot. Granted I may be closer to these servers or all the other variables so this may not work for everyone, but I’m finally having a blast. I bought my netduma before IW after getting so tired of ps4 and cods bs online setup from the Stone Age and I’ve loved every minute. Yea the trial and error figuring out what works best at launch for each game tries my patience a bit occasionally, but overall I’m pretty impressed by it and by the folks here pushing us updates and tips.


Thanks for making psn and cod playable again duma team.


Thanks for letting us know! Plenty of people are still having issues with CoD WWII unfortunately, so please let us know if you continue to have a great gameplay experience.

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I tried Google servers but didn't make any noticeable difference... Getting whooped is getting whooped. 6 games in six hours had a KD above 1 the rest all below.


Rage quitting and then being put back into the very same game to me is the epitome that something is wrong. So many people trying to play should be theoretically improbable to get the same game.


Tried using reactive algorithm but testing seems to have some packet loss.


Using 30% CC retards an A+ line to a Couple quality pushing it lower turns fibre into polystyrene cups on string

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  • Netduma Staff

I tried Google servers but didn't make any noticeable difference... Getting whooped is getting whooped. 6 games in six hours had a KD above 1 the rest all below.


Rage quitting and then being put back into the very same game to me is the epitome that something is wrong. So many people trying to play should be theoretically improbable to get the same game.


Tried using reactive algorithm but testing seems to have some packet loss.


Using 30% CC retards an A+ line to a Couple quality pushing it lower turns fibre into polystyrene cups on string


What's your base ping and the results of an Internet Diagnostics? For people encountering strange CoD WWII issues, I'd recommend trying to get the best line quality possible - until the game developers sort their servers out there's not a huge amount that you can do other than fix locally caused lag.


Try resetting Device Prioritisation, set Anti-Flood to 70/70, put your console on Hyper Traffic and only use Reactive if your speeds are over 50mbps. If you want a detailed break-down of your line, I'd recommend running a PingPlotter test for half an hour pinging a site like Twitter.com (or a local news site).

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Internet diagnostics on Netduma is "Exceptional"

Base ping 8ms

bufferfloatA+ (sometimes A)

line quality A+ (sometimes A)

Hypertraffic doesn't seem to do much although typically my network may only have me on it so barely utilised.

speeds are usually 65mb down although preemptive can shave 13 to 15mb off that even with CC sliders at 100%

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Also I was sprinting a lot before and saw a vid on how sprintout times horrible even negating QuickDraw in most instances so I slowed down which improved things as well.


This is most likely what made the big difference. This CoD is all about being cautious because most people are just sitting back camping, hiding in the corner, etc.

And like you said, sprint-out is slow and quick-draw doesn't work at all if you're sprinting either.

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What's your base ping and the results of an Internet Diagnostics? For people encountering strange CoD WWII issues, I'd recommend trying to get the best line quality possible - until the game developers sort their servers out there's not a huge amount that you can do other than fix locally caused lag.


Try resetting Device Prioritisation, set Anti-Flood to 70/70, put your console on Hyper Traffic and only use Reactive if your speeds are over 50mbps. If you want a detailed break-down of your line, I'd recommend running a PingPlotter test for half an hour pinging a site like Twitter.com (or a local news site).

I always have A+ across the board with regular settings. Although I don't actually game with other devices online most of the time, I average 1ms bloat with 0% packet loss and around 0.1ms jitter with my 7ms latency to my local server.


My one and only smooth game on WW2 involved me forcing around 20% packet loss so I got an F grade for line quality. You'll even see me using F as a clan tag in the video I'm about to link, just because I like keeping track of what I do in case I finally find something that makes the game work. Not only was there a drastic difference in time to react - a NORMAL time to react where I'm not being instantly beamed only for a killcam to show me a stuttering wifi goon was drawing Zs across me with 3 sensitivity and dogshit accuracy - but the hit detection was the best I'd seen to that point. If you think my hit detection looks "meh, that's normal" or even bad in this game - and I don't know what's considered good feel wise in this title because I haven't had any hit detection - then just know every other game has been self harm-inducing in comparison lol



No wonder all the hexagon YouTubers from IW are tearing it up. Dropping packets full of information about shots landing is how to improve hit detection apparently! Seriously though I'm confused. I haven't even bothered server hopping yet... I just wanted 7ms to be playable so I don't get worldstarred by people with no eyes every gunfight.


I put Ghosts on the other day and got flawless hit reg on a 6.7ms player host even though the lobby was full of people spread out far and wide. Even IW, a game I've had terrible issues with, makes WW2 look unplayable. I had a 7.48KD for the week last time I got on IW, playing endless parties and sweats with nothing but nonlethal streaks in TDM, and I go negative to awful players in WW2 on the same connection because I'm suddenly half a second behind the action while basically host? Yeah ok hahaha. I warm up vs extra health hardened bots on WW2 to sharpen both reaction time and sustained precision, can go 100-7 against wall hacking, prefiring throwing knife users that don't miss, then go online and suddenly I can't aim because players will have some invisible barrier over them pushing my aim back as if 14 sens is too slow

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Saaaaame! I was having some good luck before thanksgiving, after though it all went to hell. I thought they were back on the dedis, but it seemed very p2p to me. What gives? Can’t seem to hit s**t all of a sudden, hose someone down with the bar and they just spin around and one shot me with an smg.


Don’t have a duma yet, for the record.

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Saaaaame! I was having some good luck before thanksgiving, after though it all went to hell. I thought they were back on the dedis, but it seemed very p2p to me. What gives? Can’t seem to hit s**t all of a sudden, hose someone down with the bar and they just spin around and one shot me with an smg.

Don’t have a duma yet, for the record.

Yep duma or not this is the case, I started another thread before thanksgiving cause I’d found great setting that finally made it playable for nearly a week. Than come Wednesday everything’s went to sh@t and nothing’s consistent except terrible games. I didn’t think it was possible, but old SHG actually managed to screw the pooch worse. SHG smh what a joke

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Perhaps we should all do a sit in protest to demonstrate our collective dissatisfaction. We could all squeeze in the point du hoc glitch, make daisy chains and sing kum by yah. Maybe then they will listen.


My protest involves playing Infinite Warfare instead.


I feel sorry for the devs of IW, they took a lot of flak for making another jetpack CoD but the game is so smooth and so polished - I genuinely think it's one of the best CoDs.

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