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R1 DumaOS Briefly Delayed

Netduma Luke

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Promised 'brief weeks' delay resulting in actual months raises questions Netduma needs to address and at least not fool new potential customers, who will buy R1 hoping to get DumaOS on it. Netduma's Project Management team should absolutely have a development schedule for DumaOS for R1 and it's a shame they don't share it with us, their customers. 


Is the development of DumaOS completely cancelled for R1? If not, then give us the schedule.


Does partnership with Netgear block the deployment of DumaOS to R1? If so, find a way to evade it - give us an open beta, leak it to github, whatsoever.


Concerned that DumaOS will be pirated and ported to a regular 50US Mikrotik? You should have foreseen this and your customers should not pay your shot.

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Promised 'brief weeks' delay resulting in actual months raises questions Netduma needs to address

And it's not like they're adding anything new, checking for bugs, stress testing or "building from the ground up" anymore. They admitted the OS is otherwise complete in the OP:


"Nothing more as we have everything else working"


10 weeks with no word after breaking the news it wouldn't be released a few HOURS before launch time, just to make it backward compatible... and they still haven't replied, never mind released it. Lol. Is it unreasonable to expect a little communication? I wonder if those who have access to the secret subforum here have even had any news and they're just supposed to stay quiet. Ah whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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problem they may run into is they can delay a release forever and not have to face a class action lawsuit. If they come out and just say its not coming then they potentially have a problem with consumers that purchased the r1 with the advertisement of duma os coming to r1...yikes

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Just haven't seen much that needed moderating. And I've been enjoying the hot weather rather than sitting at the computer.

Hmm, you just ignore people, till they get angry and you ban them. That's the way to behave! Even Queen can learn from you!

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I have received secret information about the release of the update. If my verry trusted netduma spion source is correct the update for netduma R1 will be on  January 5, 2053. But only if the technology for sending data over the internet to a router has been invented by then.

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