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Fellow Customers: What Improvements Have You Seen So Far?


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I'd really like to know from some of you what kind of improvements you have seen in your gaming since using the R1.


I have been following news on this device since October and once it released I watched several reviews on YT from satisfied customers. People were posting screen shots of their KDR's getting jacked. Screen shots of their last 5 games with nothing less than a 4.0. Just crazy scores and stats that they claimed they never pulled off before. Made it sound like the R1 provided such an ideal online experience that it was almost impossible to do bad.


When I got my router I thought I would have similar things to show off, but I don't and I'm still confused as to why. My games do feel smoother... but its not drastic. The biggest thing for me is that I'm not getting lobbies in Mexico anymore, which was horrendous before. The lag has been reduced quite a bit and hit detection definitely feels more accurate but my overall scores and stats aren't much different at all.


I had a lot of help from Iain who helped me configure my router properly and make sure I'm set up right.


I just want to know what types of results others have been seeing. Is it just better connection for everyone or are most of you actually seeing an improvement in your own stats as a result of using the R1? 

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When I got my router I thought I would have similar things to show off, but I don't and I'm still confused as to why. My games do feel smoother... but its not drastic. The biggest thing for me is that I'm not getting lobbies in Mexico anymore, which was horrendous before. The lag has been reduced quite a bit and hit detection definitely feels more accurate but my overall scores and stats aren't much different at all.


I think this is all you should expect.

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When I got my router I thought I would have similar things to show off, but I don't and I'm still confused as to why. My games do feel smoother... but its not drastic. The biggest thing for me is that I'm not getting lobbies in Mexico anymore, which was horrendous before. The lag has been reduced quite a bit and hit detection definitely feels more accurate but my overall scores and stats aren't much different at all.


I had a lot of help from Iain who helped me configure my router properly and make sure I'm set up right.


I just want to know what types of results others have been seeing. Is it just better connection for everyone or are most of you actually seeing an improvement in your own stats as a result of using the R1? 


I was in the very same boat as you only 1-2 weeks ago.


I had Iain help me sort out some of my issues but sadly there wasn't much wrong on my end and even connecting to my nearest Dedicated server in CODAW meant my games were so-so.


That was until I decided to play around with the device prioritisation settings, for CODAW I now give my console 85% and disable share excess. I also leave download and upload cap at 100%. For all other CODs I find changing the percentages works better but not for AW/Ghosts.


Now I have decent/great rounds, varying from 2-20k/d. Almost as good as my BO2 experiences with the Beastduma.


Everyone's connection is different and different settings work for different people but I was like you with CODAW and clutching for straws because I was in local lobbies but the games weren't better, thankfully that is sorted (at least right now).

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I'd really like to know from some of you what kind of improvements you have seen in your gaming since using the R1.


I have been following news on this device since October and once it released I watched several reviews on YT from satisfied customers. People were posting screen shots of their KDR's getting jacked. Screen shots of their last 5 games with nothing less than a 4.0. Just crazy scores and stats that they claimed they never pulled off before. Made it sound like the R1 provided such an ideal online experience that it was almost impossible to do bad.


When I got my router I thought I would have similar things to show off, but I don't and I'm still confused as to why. My games do feel smoother... but its not drastic. The biggest thing for me is that I'm not getting lobbies in Mexico anymore, which was horrendous before. The lag has been reduced quite a bit and hit detection definitely feels more accurate but my overall scores and stats aren't much different at all.


I had a lot of help from Iain who helped me configure my router properly and make sure I'm set up right.


I just want to know what types of results others have been seeing. Is it just better connection for everyone or are most of you actually seeing an improvement in your own stats as a result of using the R1?

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Lets put it this way. Before duma i could not manage to play ground war in AW because of the large amount of players in addition to the connections wherever they may be. I had a few problems early on with the duma but worked them out. We all raved on the geo filter. The geo filter made it a ten out of ten. The last few days i have thrown my geo filter in the bermuda triangle just to get rid of it. Its not even needed. No need for a large geo filter to connect. Now I connect in less than a minute. The past few days i have not connected to a host above a 50 ping regardless of game mode. We thought this was a ten of ten when in reality its off the scale. A 35 ping or less in almost every game is almost unheard of in console gaming.


There is no guarentees in KD but your connection will improve.

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The duma wont make you a better player over night you still have to grit down and get your adrenaline rushing to do well .


For me this is easier to do when the game world i am playing in is smooth and not glitching i get transported to this world and live it.


I am now hitting a weekly k/d of 2, i couldnt get that before on AW on other cods i could.


Dont think of the duma as an advantage machine you still have to play well but hit registration, stuttering and bad lag comp is gone.

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The R1 won't make you a better player but it will let you play to the best of your ability.


If you are a better player than your previous router would let you accomplish due to bad host match ups, high ping, too much stuff going on on your network, then your play will improve instantly, if not at least you can work on improving your play without worrying about BS deaths

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Akic has it I'm afraid. Some good players were maybe being seriously hindered by their really poor connections via matchmaking and those players see an immediate jump. Others were already trending as good as they could be and the router just cleans things up (hit reg, better lobbies, less BS etc).


If you feel your connection is better, which your post seems to indicate, then now you can forget about worrying about bad lobbies and just crack on and enjoy the games. Hopefully those scores will rise as you stop worrying about being BS'd in game :)

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i have t o say i am not a pro player i am not constant 2 kd slayer bot like many people sad before some people are grate player and duma give them the last ingredined of the recepi i suck on aim only aroun 16-17 % until i get better at it i will lose a lot of gun fights thats life also sometimes my navigation around the map suckc and i keep getting shoot at the back all the time bot what i get with the duma its the possibilty to improve thoes things on a daily basis in a fair games remeber is no to give you and adwantage is to keep thisg fair and yes i see improvemnt now wen i am adjusting to new play style my kd in genral went up to about 0.5 bot i  am infirst 3000 ply in ffa on ps4 and once i woes in first 200 ply in weekly plays for ffa

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The biggest difference for me ( if i'm allowed to answer this question ;) )


Is the congestion control and device prio, due to where i live i cant get a better connection than 7.8 down and .4 up , i live in a house with a teenager obsessed with youtube and a better half addicted to netflix  Before I got my r1 my gaming was mostly limited to when neither was in or late at night , or there would be constant screams from various rooms about who was using all the net .

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@ Adam that's funny cuz it's true.


Like people said the duma won't make you a pro player the minute you plug it in.What i think it does is even the playing field so when i lose a gunfight now,i think" yea i got outplayed".As opposed to " I fired 8 times at that dude and all i got were hit markers".It makes the game what it's meant to be...FUN.And if you weren't having fun before and you are now, after purchasing the duma then i'd say those are pretty good results.

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It's really improved my ability to win gunfights.  I used to always lose one-on-one battles.  I still get bs'd by getting shot behind walls and stuff, but it's much improved.  My K/D has gone from 1.19 to 1.24 in two weeks.  I have also noticed that I get in more lobbies with lower quality players more often.  Before R1 almost everyone in the lobby was like a 10th prestige or higher.

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I am a PC player, and I still do not understand how the R1 works. But it works for me. I have to assume the Congestion control for me is what is doing it.  I have many devices, a wife and child that share the internet with me as well (could recording Dropcams)

My issue was that I seem to put 4 to 5 bullets in someone and I die instead with what looks like 1 or 2 shots at full health.  Now with the R1 I can tell my hit detection is spot on, not just by my shots but by the sound of my gun. (yes it seems silly).  Does my KDR go up? It can, but I am not the type of player that is worried about KD, I really like playing the objective (ie. Domination, HP), So I am typically running around going to the objective to try to take it.  The difference now is that I am winning the fights I believed I should have been winning before. Yes my KDR is now improving because now I am not dying as much :)


So yes, this R1 works for me, I feel like trying to remove the R1 to validate it, but no way, I have been enjoying the game 95% of the time since I got the R1.  Not going to mess with the connection now. :)

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I'm still waiting on mine. I just want to be able to have a fair game, i can put 20 bullets in an opponent and them turn around and insta-kill me. It seems like i have to fight the aim assist because it's laggy and when someone does an exo jump my aim assist goes sporadic. it seems like everyone is using over clock while i'm barely jogging and get killed instantely. It feels like i'm at least a second behind. If it can make the game butter smooth.....count me in!

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Yes the congestion control is outstanding in my eyes too Adam, it has stopped arguments in my house :)


Its was top notch on adsl and still as great on fibre, i have tried many types of CC and they all pale in comparison.


Oh yeah and the geo-filter and ping settings ar'nt bad too ;)

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The router has simply been amazing for me.  Its been the lowest amount of latency I think I have ever seen in Halo (outside the original CE LAN party days).  I have been a little lucky because I play with a local friend who leads matchmaking, has 15ms ping, and tends to be assigned host while we play Halo MCC.  I had a recent 10 game k/d of 6.37.  Which, is just absurdly higher then my normal of 2.0ish K/D.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

I remember when I first used it to download on my PC and play with no difference in ping. I was utterly astonished because it was something id never have considered before because I knew playing would be laggy. It was amazing! Nowadays, when I play I normally always get into 25ms and under games and you can really notice the difference. I dont get to play much but when I do I love it :D

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since AW i did everything to get better connection (everything...), but it was not better. My pings to were great but the game was bad... i wanted to stop playing AW! Then i saw on twitter NETDUMA, i was lucky and could order it at the same time :) I am still impressed what this little thing can do! Now i know why i was lagging all the time, it was distance and especially the jitter. I am very happy that i can see what's going on and i can choose better games. Its fantastic, nobody could tell me what was the Problem, now i know better. Keep it up Guys, Thanks again!

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Regardless of my K/D going in either direction (I never expected the router to do anything about it), I was looking for smoother, less lagging gaming sessions.


By restricting how far out I was allowing a connection, there never was a doubt, I would get smoother gaming sessions, simply based on lower ping times to given hosts.


This is all I was hoping for and this is "exactly" what I get, no more, no less.


I know there is nothing that can insure no lag other than playing on a lan (and still that doesn't mean it can not occur), i just wanted something that would be, considerate of the connection, place connectivity before anything else, the the R1 does that to a tee.


I am not going on a publisher/developer bashing rant, so I'll coin it as ... the R1 corrects the mistakes that have been made when determining what is most important in FPS match making, connection first, ALWAYS first, no matter what.


I know publishers/developers have posted, that their title, takes connection has top priority and before anything else, however the R1 proves that those types of statements are indeed, not accurate/truthful.


It's so wild to watch all the denied connections that I would have been connected to, it just simply blows my mind, why the match making algorithms would ever match players in the fashion that is being attempting, if connection was first.


I apologize for the long winded statement, but you ask.  ;)

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