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Lag Compensation counter-measures using simjc74's glorious combo technique


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Zennon - I always knew you were a smart dude, but this was some eye opening SHIT man!




So, I have been running tests for about an hour.  I can't stop making adjustments, running a test, making and adjustment and testing again.  For my OCD mind, this is dangerous...LOL


So the difference in Pre-Emptive vs. Reactive is NIGHT and DAY in bufferbloat and line quality.  I am definitely a Pre-Emptive setting owner.


Oddly enough, I tried all of your settings, and for me 100% on Download and 90% on upload gave me the best overall ratings (A,A+,C).  Apparently my speed is shit.  *shrug*  Seems to work for me.


Going to give Blops 2 a go now with these settings and see how I do.  Bagsta has gone and upped the stakes now with report.  :D


More to follow #DumaArmy

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Bufferbloat is a huge problem and unfortunately only the internet providers can really solve it. 

Thankfully, the upcoming Docsis 3.1 will include the fix we've needed for years. 



The current fix (bandaid) is a protocol called fq_codel.



I found out from Iain while tweeting with him that the R1 uses that same protocol!!!!

The more I learn about this router, the happier i get!

Shout-out to Iain and Luke!



You can find out if you have bufferbloat by using the speed test at DSLReports.com



For those that have the R1 attached directly to the modem:

You should follow the tuning guide to get the

fastest speed possible. 



Then take the DSLReports speed test with no numbers in the Set Bandwidth section and the sliders at 100% and have

only the pc doing the speed test attached to the R1. You'll get a graded result that looks like this:



The bufferbloat and quality grades are the important ones to look at.

This is what the grades mean:




Put the resulting speeds in the Set Bandwidth option on the Congestion Control page.

Then set the CC sliders to 95% or lower. This is critical.

If you set either slider at 100% you won't be using the protocol effectively.  


You can test the slider position to see what number works best for you.

I myself find that 95% on both works best for me. 

Setting the sliders lower doesn't help more, so I would just lose speed and gain nothing. 



For those with the R1 behind a router:

You need to know what your maximum throughput is. 

I would suggest doing that speedtest from a PC attached directly to your modem.

You need to know what your maximum speeds are and not what speeds you can achieve behind a router. 

I myself pay for 150mbps down and 10mbps up, but I can achieve 181mbps down and 12.5mbps up.


Those maximum speeds are what you need to put in your Router's QOS page. 

Each router does QOS differently so you'll have to read up on your router's specific settings.


Put the R1 in your routers DMZ and fine tune it for speed.


Then take the speed test
and put the speeds you get from that test into the R1's Set Bandwidth section and set the sliders at 95% or lower. 
Hopefully after doing this you'll notice better hit detection and less WTF moments.
Have fun DUMA ARMY!
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Don't concern yourself with the speed result.


Speed Grades
Speed Grades are given based on the top speed vs others on the same technology, in the same country:
top 2% - A+
top 10% = A
top 20% - B
top 50% - C
top 80% - D
otherwise : F
Note that whether the grade is "good" or "bad" is open to interpretation. Higher speeds and therefore higher grades generally cost more. You may get an "A" or "A+" and be paying too much. You may get an "F" and yet have a good value connection.
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I see yebs I have read through this articles and they really make sens. So there is some hope after all.


But have full benifits of this firmware majorty of inernet infrastructure would need to use it and that seems like a long way to go.

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So I played about 15 or so games last night of Blops 2 with the new settings.  It's too early to say that this change made a big difference in my game plays.  It really didn't in regards to my final score, placing or K/D.  If my shot was on, I was winning gunfights handily as it's been since very early on with Duma.



Where is "seemed" to really make a difference for me was in reactions to getting shot.  It just felt like I had maybe an extra blink of an eye to react and it felt like I definitely “just cheated that dude”.  I went 17-0 on Drone (TDM) and I should have been killed a couple of times.  I saved the game play as I want to watch one interaction from the other dude’s POV and see if what I saw/think happened is what he saw.



Short description:  Was in the open, in dead man’s land in the parking lot below the chopper pad on Drone, and a guy came out of nowhere (like he spawned just inside the control room, with a sub and starting shooting me in the side. An hour or so went by, and then I jumped, turned and burned him. To which I heard something to the effect of his displeasure with that particular engagement, and understandably so. 



I need to see his perspective because it felt like I had a L-O-N-G time to react and still get that kill.  :huh:




Tonight and this weekend is going to be a lot of playing with this new assessment tool and see if I can further fine tune some settings. 



More to follow….


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  On 10/23/2015 at 6:50 PM, lukasz said:

so what do you change exactly?


By using the blufferbloat tests, I was able to adjust both my download (100%) and my upload (90%) to get the optimal ratings for the 1) Bufferbloat, 2) Quality test and 3) Speed.  The best rating I got was A, A+,C, so I want to play with it some more and see if I can get closer to A+, A+ and B


The difference for me between Pre-Emptive and Reactive was amazing though.  I recommend everyone try this at least a couple of times, once with both settings, to see which gives you better numbers.  I should be using Reactive (D-), but PreEmptive gives me light year better grades (A).

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Nice find this from zennon so from doing a few different CC settings with CC at 100 both ways no one else on i get an A on Down and a B on Up with a very bumpy line and with 55-50 and 70-70 on CC i get two A's but a bumpy upload line and with 96 Down and 81 Up tested a few times i get a very smooth line both ways and two A's so are we trying to find A's both ways with a flat line or just simple A's both ways no matter what the line does?


Interesting stuff either way.

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  On 10/23/2015 at 7:06 PM, sncjez said:

Nice find this from zennon so from doing a few different CC settings with CC at 100 both ways no one else on i get an A on Down and a B on Up with a very bumpy line and with 55-50 and 70-70 on CC i get two A's but a bumpy upload line and with 96 Down and 81 Up tested a few times i get a very smooth line both ways and two A's so are we trying to find A's both ways with a flat line or just simple A's both ways no matter what the line does?


Interesting stuff either way.


Zennon (and others like FQs19 above) are really better suited to answer this question.


From my (extremely limited admittedly) understanding, I believe you are looking for as high of a grade as possible in each of the three categories.  I believe that is a timed sample, either by info/data sent received or similar fashion, and the grade is your average for that sample.  The higher the rating grade, the better sample quality overall, so that SHOULD lead to a better gaming experience.


But I will HAPPILY defer the floor to the much more knowledgeable around here.  :)

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I would not worry about the speed grade at all thats just how wide the band is, your ping will still be as fast at 90% as at 10% on the sliders.


Speed of BB is the wrong way of putting it as true speed is how fast your ping is.


It should really grade your ping not the "width" (speed as they like to call it).


As long as you get a good grade on bufferbloat and have your sliders at 70% for optimal congestion control (to stop others on the network causing lag then your good to go)

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Cheers for this managed a couple of hrs of different cods playing on ps3 and can say that C.C is definetly worth the effort to explore even when your the only one on the line the think broadband tester is a very usefull tool really noticed some jitter free aiming tonight compared to having my normal C&C settings.

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Did some more gaming tonight on Blops 2 with the same settings as before (88 down/100 up).  I ran this tool before turning on the console and was rewarded with grades of (A, A+, F).  *shrug*


My success continues if I am honest, and I don't think this is a placebo.  I got inspiration last night that if this would make a REAL difference I should be able to extend my comfort zone and target some higher score streaks.


I play solo, no party, and I play TDM.  75 kills to win a game.  A Loadstar is 1500 points (15 kills w/o dying, or tons of equip destroyed).  So far I have put up (3) Loadstars in games between Thursday night and tonight. 


Previously I had put up (0) Loadstars on this account.


My K/D has gone up.  Not much, but it's gone up.  So has my score per minute.


I've had several games with zero deaths, though they are drop ins when the game is pretty much decided, one way or the other.


I don't know if this makes a difference.  I don't know that it doesn't.


I can tell you I will NOT be playing anymore games until I run that simple test for the time of day I am going to be playing, and adjusting my settings to get A's for Bufferbloat and Line Quality.


You mileage may vary, but I am sold.


Thanks Z!



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  On 10/24/2015 at 5:14 AM, Dillinger said:

Did some more gaming tonight on Blops 2 with the same settings as before (88 down/100 up).  I ran this tool before turning on the console and was rewarded with grades of (A, A+, F).  *shrug*


My success continues if I am honest, and I don't think this is a placebo.  I got inspiration last night that if this would make a REAL difference I should be able to extend my comfort zone and target some higher score streaks.


I play solo, no party, and I play TDM.  75 kills to win a game.  A Loadstar is 1500 points (15 kills w/o dying, or tons of equip destroyed).  So far I have put up (3) Loadstars in games between Thursday night and tonight. 


Previously I had put up (0) Loadstars on this account.


My K/D has gone up.  Not much, but it's gone up.  So has my score per minute.


I've had several games with zero deaths, though they are drop ins when the game is pretty much decided, one way or the other.


I don't know if this makes a difference.  I don't know that it doesn't.


I can tell you I will NOT be playing anymore games until I run that simple test for the time of day I am going to be playing, and adjusting my settings to get A's for Bufferbloat and Line Quality.


You mileage may vary, but I am sold.


Thanks Z!

Awesome news mate :)

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I used the tbb test and got 'A' for both regardless of the where the sliders where apart from 100% on both then I got 'D' for blufferbloat.


Then I tried the dsl test JD tried at midday when it is quieter with sliders both at 70 and the grading was a dash - for blufferbloat, Quality 'A' and Speed 'C'


May be being a bit dumb but I can't see on their site what the - is for blufferbloat. Any Ideas?

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  On 10/24/2015 at 12:42 PM, Cajun72 said:

I used the tbb test and got 'A' for both regardless of the where the sliders where apart from 100% on both then I got 'D' for blufferbloat.


Then I tried the dsl test JD tried at midday when it is quieter with sliders both at 70 and the grading was a dash - for blufferbloat, Quality 'A' and Speed 'C'


May be being a bit dumb but I can't see on their site what the - is for blufferbloat. Any Ideas?

Restart the browser you are using. 

Clean cookies and cache.

Test again. 

If you are still getting a dash, you can go into Preferences located on the SpeedTest link in the header of the page and click on Default

then restart your browser and try again. 


If it still doesn't give you a result for bufferbloat, then there might be an issue with the speedtest.

I've gone a couple days without getting a result. I waited and the site was fixed by itself. 

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I'll just say what others have been saying...great find Z.


Just as JD said I'll be using this from now on before gaming.


Thanks from the forum users... :D

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Z...i have a question for you my results are the same for 70 % both sliders all the way to 93 % both sliders on reactive...A,A+ and C.


Question is where should I set my sliders,lower end to leave headroom or higher end ? And does it depend on what other things are going on network usage wise in my house ?

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