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Router bullet registration.


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Hello everyone I'm wondering what can I do to get better bullet registration on warzone.. I see some of these streamers and they have crazy bullet registration.. as I find myself seeing first shooting first but still getting downed first sometimes it's even feel like some bullets just don't register at all... I use ISP modem connected to game.  Are there routers that you gotta mod to get better registration I just don't know. 

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i would strongly advise you to get a dumaos router


set your geo filter accordingly to what would give you a lower ping! i prefer polygon mode with fast search (DISABLED)

for myself i play on Seattle down to California servers 15-40 ping lobbies

ill average anywhere between 15-25 kills on a ps4

i go live and show my netduma & settings here


i have disabled dumaosgames in traffic prioritization and manually added my ps4 to games console while selecting (Normal) as I'm wired and applying this traffic to the (wan)

doing this should give you an edge especially if your isp accepts (DSCP) tags (determines traffic classification for network data & can be used to set a specific priority to your packets once it leaves your HOME) must be chosen accordingly as this is not random. ill leave a link here ( if im not too understanding)


Disable/Pause adblocker on your gaming devices 


for congestion control

I've always set my sliders to 70% this has always seemed like the sweet spot even being on multiple different connections! ranging from 25d & 3u to 250d & 35u & now 1000d & 100u & having alot of devices connected as well.


reserve your gaming device in DHCP

i swear on everything upnp gives me way better connection than port forwarding

whenever i port forward it takes years to find a lobby and connection doesn't seem right. i port forwarded for years and once i started using upnp i swear my connection has felt way better. idk man must just be me alot of people will claim upnp or port forwarding has no impact on increasing gameplay. but as a streamer who has been top 20 on leaderboards on a few cods ( as shown on my channel ) and is all about connection. i assure you all leave upnp on!

netdumas upnp is amazing. like if my bullets are not registering its always because im playing on a higher ping. 


just a customer who loves their product♥

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1 hour ago, Kg123 said:

Hi I’m going to try these how do I disable ad blocker on ps5 ? 

It's on the left side panel in your DumaOS menu. It should be off by default. I've placed some images to show you.






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11 hours ago, Ameryjr said:

ti consiglio caldamente di prendere un router dumaos


imposta il tuo filtro geografico di conseguenza a ciò che ti darebbe un ping più basso! preferisco la modalità poligono con ricerca veloce (DISABILITA)

per me stesso gioco a Seattle fino ai server della California 15-40 ping lobby

male in media ovunque tra 15-25 uccisioni su una ps4

vado in diretta e mostro il mio netduma e le impostazioni  qui


ho disabilitato dumaosgames nella prioritizzazione del traffico e ho aggiunto manualmente la mia ps4 alla console di gioco mentre seleziono (Normale) mentre sono cablato e applico questo traffico a (wan)

fare questo dovrebbe darti un vantaggio soprattutto se il tuo ISP accetta  tag (DSCP) ( determina la classificazione del traffico per i dati di rete e può essere usato per impostare una priorità specifica per i tuoi pacchetti una volta che lascia la tua CASA) deve essere scelto di conseguenza in quanto questo non è casuale . lascio un link qui  (se non sono troppo comprensivo)


Disabilita/metti in pausa il blocco degli annunci sui tuoi dispositivi di gioco 


per il controllo della congestione

Ho sempre impostato i miei cursori al 70%, questo mi è sempre sembrato il punto debole anche su più connessioni diverse! che vanno da 25d e 3u a 250d e 35u e ora 1000d e 100u e avendo un sacco di dispositivi collegati pure.


prenota il tuo dispositivo di gioco in DHCP

giuro su tutto upnp mi dà una connessione migliore rispetto al port forwarding

ogni volta che porto avanti ci vogliono anni per trovare una lobby e la connessione non sembra giusta. ho effettuato il port forwarding per anni e una volta che ho iniziato a utilizzare upnp, giuro che la mia connessione si è sentita molto meglio. idk man deve essere solo me, molte persone diranno che upnp o port forwarding non ha alcun impatto sull'aumento del gameplay. ma come streamer che è stato tra i primi 20 nelle classifiche di alcuni merluzzi (come mostrato sul mio canale) ed è tutto basato sulla connessione. vi assicuro che lasciate tutti upnp!

netdumas upnp è fantastico. come se i miei proiettili non si registrassero è sempre perché sto giocando con un ping più alto. 


non sono un amministratore ma un cliente che ama il proprio prodotto♥

i have about the same settings as you, only change that i have activated dumaosgame in the QOS, this helps me a lot. I have a FWA connection but this DUMSOS product is simply unique, it helps me a lot in stabilizing the connection. The hits fit perfectly which was not the case with my ISP's modem. The only thing I still haven't solved is the loby research on warzone. If I am alone, he finds them in a short time, otherwise if we are 2-3 people the search becomes very long and sometimes stops. I am noticing that if I disable the geo filter the problem disappears, but this causes the search for lobbies with higher ping.
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10 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Good advice from everyone, also as it's the router support forum we can't provide any official support if you don't have one of our routers

What's the difference between the r2 and netgears xr500 and 1000? They have the same features? 

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32 minutes ago, Killjoy said:

What's the difference between the r2 and netgears xr500 and 1000? They have the same features? 

The R2 is our hardware and runs the latest version of DumaOS - it is optimized for the software. Out of the XR routers the 1000 received 3.0 first and so is slightly more stable I would say than the 500 and has the same features. The 1000 also has WiFi 6 so if you have devices that can support it then its a good choice.

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On 12/28/2021 at 1:09 AM, Ameryjr said:

i have disabled dumaosgames in traffic prioritization and manually added my ps4 to games console while selecting (Normal) as I'm wired and applying this traffic to the (wan)

doing this should give you an edge especially if your isp accepts (DSCP) tags (determines traffic classification for network data & can be used to set a specific priority to your packets once it leaves your HOME) must be chosen accordingly as this is not random. ill leave a link here ( if im not too understanding)

How do you know that duma attach DSCP tags in packets leaving your router.......the link you provide it has the same 4 tins like Cake in diffserv4  but without saying what DSCP marks attached in which tin...only reference to tins...Voice ,Video,Best Effort and Background.

Etc If your ISP accepts dscp tags you must be sure that packets leaving from your router has DSCP mark..etc CS4 so it falls in first priority tin by ISP..Voice.

But i think Netduma cannot do this....marking packets.

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It can on some versions. XR500 has the options to keep DSCP tags outgoing to WAN. I have never bothered to check it though. It's simple to see. Do a packet capture from the debug menu and run that through wireshark.


You can never be sure that your ISP will accept this though.

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So I know this is a noob question. So I picked up the xr1000 and I cannot find a way to access the duma os I tried the routerlogin and it just redirects me to the netgear main link and has sign in everytime it redirects this is frustrating can anyone help by pointing me in the right direction ? Thanks



Nvmd found out I have to actually be connected through wifi and not hard wired... currently changing retires to 5 and rebooting router cause it's not displaying the geo filter. Also during gaming will I have to stay connected through wifi or after setting it up I can connect router to pc through ethernet cable? 

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38 minutes ago, Kg123 said:

This setting were good for a couple of days but now if someone is watching Netflix my game seems to be lagging on warzone 

You may need to further reduce the Congestion Control percentage in that case to compensate

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/27/2021 at 6:09 PM, Ameryjr said:

i would strongly advise you to get a dumaos router


set your geo filter accordingly to what would give you a lower ping! i prefer polygon mode with fast search (DISABLED)

for myself i play on Seattle down to California servers 15-40 ping lobbies

ill average anywhere between 15-25 kills on a ps4

i go live and show my netduma & settings here


i have disabled dumaosgames in traffic prioritization and manually added my ps4 to games console while selecting (Normal) as I'm wired and applying this traffic to the (wan)

doing this should give you an edge especially if your isp accepts (DSCP) tags (determines traffic classification for network data & can be used to set a specific priority to your packets once it leaves your HOME) must be chosen accordingly as this is not random. ill leave a link here ( if im not too understanding)


Disable/Pause adblocker on your gaming devices 


for congestion control

I've always set my sliders to 70% this has always seemed like the sweet spot even being on multiple different connections! ranging from 25d & 3u to 250d & 35u & now 1000d & 100u & having alot of devices connected as well.


reserve your gaming device in DHCP

i swear on everything upnp gives me way better connection than port forwarding

whenever i port forward it takes years to find a lobby and connection doesn't seem right. i port forwarded for years and once i started using upnp i swear my connection has felt way better. idk man must just be me alot of people will claim upnp or port forwarding has no impact on increasing gameplay. but as a streamer who has been top 20 on leaderboards on a few cods ( as shown on my channel ) and is all about connection. i assure you all leave upnp on!

netdumas upnp is amazing. like if my bullets are not registering its always because im playing on a higher ping. 


just a customer who loves their product♥

How can I setup upnp... router came with it off and wont let me enable it... also I've noticed I had better bullet registration on wifi after initial installation than now after connecting wired and having router setup and port forwarded so weird.

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1 hour ago, Killjoy said:

How can I setup upnp... router came with it off and wont let me enable it... also I've noticed I had better bullet registration on wifi after initial installation than now after connecting wired and having router setup and port forwarded so weird.

Could you please confirm which router you're using exactly? The Network Settings are a little different on them all.

With regards to your bullet registration, you'll need to make sure you've got QoS setup properly. To do this, please follow this guide: http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000077073-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-qos

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13 minutes ago, Netduma Liam said:

Could you please confirm which router you're using exactly? The Network Settings are a little different on them all.

With regards to your bullet registration, you'll need to make sure you've got QoS setup properly. To do this, please follow this guide: http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000077073-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-qos

I have the xr1000...  yea I would say the qos is setup already have my pc as priority and sliders at 70... but for some reason I still get the dreaded see first shoot first but die first dilema... when I didn't do anything to the router and was on wifi at first that did not exist and would usually do great in those instances.. 🤯🤯

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12 minutes ago, Killjoy said:

I have the xr1000...  yea I would say the qos is setup already have my pc as priority and sliders at 70... but for some reason I still get the dreaded see first shoot first but die first dilema... when I didn't do anything to the router and was on wifi at first that did not exist and would usually do great in those instances.. 🤯🤯

OK, I know a lot of users on our forum have discussed the issue, have you read through some of the other topics mentioning the issue in this sub-forum?

Otherwise, we've also made some improvements to QoS in the efforts of helping with this issue and a couple of our beta testers have reported good results so far. We'll be bringing these changes to the XR1000 as soon as we can so that should help too.

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15 minutes ago, Netduma Liam said:

OK, I know a lot of users on our forum have discussed the issue, have you read through some of the other topics mentioning the issue in this sub-forum?

Otherwise, we've also made some improvements to QoS in the efforts of helping with this issue and a couple of our beta testers have reported good results so far. We'll be bringing these changes to the XR1000 as soon as we can so that should help too.

No I have not... I'm new and not good at navigating this forum yet if you wouldn't mind pointing in the right direction I'd appreciate also.... whats the issue with the router if you don't mind me asking is there something I can do on my end other than resetting it and just run it from a fresh install? Or is it just a issue with the ethernet and should run it on wifi ? 

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10 minutes ago, Killjoy said:

No I have not... I'm new and not good at navigating this forum yet if you wouldn't mind pointing in the right direction I'd appreciate also.... whats the issue with the router if you don't mind me asking is there something I can do on my end other than resetting it and just run it from a fresh install? Or is it just a issue with the ethernet and should run it on wifi ? 

Sure thing, you can find all the topics here: https://forum.netduma.com/forum/114-call-of-duty-support/

There's a few pertaining to hit registration so you'll just have to have a look.

It's not an issue with the router or the software really, it could be several things such as the server you're playing on, your distance to the server, routing and other things on your network. The reason it's so hard to try and help with is because it can be quite subjective, you can't really measure it, it's just based off of how the game feels.

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50 minutes ago, Netduma Liam said:

Sure thing, you can find all the topics here: https://forum.netduma.com/forum/114-call-of-duty-support/

There's a few pertaining to hit registration so you'll just have to have a look.

It's not an issue with the router or the software really, it could be several things such as the server you're playing on, your distance to the server, routing and other things on your network. The reason it's so hard to try and help with is because it can be quite subjective, you can't really measure it, it's just based off of how the game feels.

Right unfortunately that's the only way one can tell based of of feel.... the only difference that I can pin point is the wifi vs wired which makes no sense... when I ffeshly installed it and did no tweaks to dumaOS the hit reg was ridiculous but once I went wired that's where it all went down hill. Don't understand. I managed to check some of those posts regarding the hit reg. But none mention any actionable fixes. 

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4 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

WiFi is inherently more unstable than ethernet, some people believe playing on WiFi can give you lag compensation. If WiFi works best for you then use that, you don't have to play on ethernet if it's not as good.

Man idk what's going on with this thing... In one of our previous condos. I mentioned how when on wifi my nat was open and that was without doing anything to the router fresh install then once I would connect with ethernet it would say moderate.... now it does the opposite when connected through wifi it's no longer open nat and it's moderate what's going?? 

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1 hour ago, Killjoy said:

Man idk what's going on with this thing... In one of our previous condos. I mentioned how when on wifi my nat was open and that was without doing anything to the router fresh install then once I would connect with ethernet it would say moderate.... now it does the opposite when connected through wifi it's no longer open nat and it's moderate what's going?? 

That must just be the way the game detects NAT as there is no networking reason that the router would treat each differently in terms of NAT - both are on the same network and port rules would apply regardless of the way it is connected so you can ignore that

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21 hours ago, Killjoy said:

How can I setup upnp... router came with it off and wont let me enable it... also I've noticed I had better bullet registration on wifi after initial installation than now after connecting wired and having router setup and port forwarded so weird.

cant really assume with things happening unexpected so make sure just to be safe

 (your geo filter isn't blocking an authentication server & traffic prioritization is set up accordingly to your gaming device as well as adblocker being disabled strictly on your gaming device)

going to try to help the best i can! if i was there locally i could resolve this so much easier

Suggestion, i have had a few encounters where i had a moderate nat. a quick reboot fixed that for me, also in device manager make sure you set your devices and gaming devices accordingly! when playing on wifi compared to ethernet i've noticed my R1 assigns another unique ip thats different depending if im using wifi or wired

remove any rule you have for port forwarding enable upnp and reboot your router

if your using a PlayStation put it as PlayStation or games console same goes for xbox

- try to change your dhcp ip for the gaming device you're using

- if using a pc & upnp is failing you, go to settings & enable network discovery & automatic setup of network devices (will be a small box you can select)

- if your upnp is opening 3074 udp for cod its definitely the game.

  are all games moderate with upnp enabled while connected ethernet? or just cod?

if all seems to fail...while connected using Ethernet and you are still recieving a moderate nat type

if you look at your gaming device you will see it has a a unique ip address your router gave it. enter your gaming devices ip that your dhcp is giving out to your device and put it into the dmz section

hope this helps cheers 🍻

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