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R1 DumaOS Briefly Delayed

Netduma Luke

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There's 37 pages here with no response. This is calculated at this point, they know if we all complain here only, it does no damage to thier reputation. It's an echo chamber that no other potential customers see and likely might not ever. They posted another Twitter Ad a few days ago an I made a "not on my R1" comment. Jack replied that we should use the forms for problems. He knows that people that see him reply to me and try and direct me to "the proper channels" makes me look like a whiny internet goon who skipped the right way of dealing with my problem. It's not about actually helping me. They are mitigating damages. Posting in here is a waste of time. Go to Twitter and FB, use all the hashtags they are using to promote the new OS. They will block and delete but the damage is done. I've been very civil, polite and patient for years. At this point I'm not even sure I care about the update. It's the principal.

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Any news on the R1 update?

I haven't been around for some time... Anti-Jitter and Anti-Spike would be quite interesting for my internet connection and it would also bring me to buying a new R1.

I have claimed a refund for the XR500 when I first got it and realized that it came without Anti-Jitter, OpenVPN support and so on...

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So.. I was doing some googling about Netduma and found Lain had issues with on of the guys helping him develop the Netduma software.

The guys name is Maccabi and he helped fix the lag comp on MW3 back in the day.  Check out his twitter post about Lain.


Seeing as "company I shall not name " made an "official statement" my turn..

sorry would've been quicker but you know legal bods like to make sure you aren't posting libelous comments and all that ;)

As you know I came back from the gadgetshowlive as was terminated by netduma as they "claimed they had no money left to pay me" , what many people may not be aware of is for months way many months before launch i worked for them for free. I offered to return to that arrangement as they were quote "broke" and they turned me down it was at this point it was obvious they were about to screw me... wasn't actually until feb they actually started paying me a basically a fraction of what i would have normally charged for what i was doing for them. But hey i figured as i told many people the "investment" of my time for free when they became successful would pay off...shame i didn't know then what i do now about their "less than above board practices and utter unprofessionalism.

again for those now jumping up and down how great and honest these guys are.. think back to when i was announced as cm and all the glowing comments they gave me as they were both utterly clueless as to what the hell they were doing. Nothing went out be it tweets, youtube videos, press releases ect without then running it by me.. this is a fact . Heck the one time i left them to their own devices they gave our companies twitter account over to a kid and couldn't understand why i was pissed about this , kinda weird being at codchamps and seeing codchamp tweets i didn't send go out. I should add as the "kid in question" now basically works for them and met me at gadgetshowlive before you get all defensive you are me pre gadgetshowlive..just remember that mate , a day after you met me they screwed me ...might want to think about that some more eh?

They then screwed about paying what was owed claiming they had other people who they owed money too to pay off first... " Feel free to deny this but i still have the emails so unlike you i don't need to fabricate stuff or make false allegations yes I am SOOO going to mention you swatting me now because your asshats .

They can't make any further statement "due to legal reasons" want to know what those legal reasons are... and the reason i have been so quiet recently.. "company I shall not name " SWATTED (well in fairness swatted isn't the right word they "cybered" me is more apt as they went out of their way to @#$% me virtually and the result was i ended up in the hands of the cyber crimes unit -see cybered...cyber even majorly depressed i still got teh funnies)

They made up a bunch of false allegations and a result of which is as my close friends know my life has turned to put it bluntly @#$%.
I didn't even know about this till months later.. months I hasten to add I had just written off the moneies owed, and months of blood, sweat and tears i'd put into making their company a success only to be screwed over.
Unfortunately unlike me some people instead of being adults and professional and just move on decided to be vindictive.
Yes folks this is the sort of company I had the misfortune to be associated with, and why did they do that? They were "butt hurt" over my 100% factual twitlonger months back over being forced to sleep on someone elses floor because my room mate ( a company director no less) decided to shag some slapper he picked up and promised to make a "booth babe" -- go on deny that too its not like half the people organizing the gaming section at gadgetshowlive weren't present to witness that. Or maybe it was as i called one of them anti semetic for telling me not to mention publicly i am Jewish as you didn't want to "offend" potential customers.. cos at the time alot of their sales were from the Arab states or maybe it was because they took offence as I highlighted they were ripping off epsilon with what was owed to them for sales using their discount code?
Whatever reason they did what they did, what i hoped would just be easily resolved has now dragged out to a whole pointless waste of thousands of tax payers money and police man hours who could've i'm sure being investigating actual crimes.( months of investigations, being raided by the police ect all adds up you know). My only other theory is during the time as again some of you know i was still fighting to get what was owed to me i started legal action against them and decided to stop and just drop the matter as i realized it would end up involving people i class as friends or at least friendly with.

long story short.. they made a false allegation ( with "supporting false documentation" ), I was arrested at my house, had my pc laptop bagged up and then taken to two separate police stations before finally being interviewed by the cyber crimes unit who had to come all the way from another county poor guys. I'd like to say the matter was then done and dusted but nope because some people are so @#$% petty and vindictive they wouldn't drop it so lets just say there is still an ongoing "legal issue" that i will happily carry all the way through as it means i will be able to have EVERYTHING put on file and in the public domain. ( have fun trying to deny @#$% then )

Having never been arrested or fallen foul of the law before the whole experience was utterly terrifying. Since then as I live in a small village i have been the subject of numerous "rumors" from the locals as all they saw were riot vans and me being carted off by the police computers in tow.. so i'm sure you can all imagine the muttered accusations i have heard under my breath from the locals since then. Nothing nicer than getting off the bus and hearing old folk whisper thats te guy who was busted for drugs, or my personal fav kids screaming pedo down the road at me cos you know yeah really makes me wan to go out that does

Oh and since then simple things like the tesco delivery driver knocking at the door has caused me to almost have a heart attack as all i saw thru the door window was a florescent jacket. Actually have to add funny side story here.. before the police came to mine they went to the wrong house and tried to arrest a poor old 60 yr disabled guy who tey thought was me luckily he kinda saw the funny side it as i went around to apologize to him as i felt terrible that had happened to him indirectly due to me.

A i exaggerating this? again my close friends know what 'ive been going thru since this happened trust me it hasn't been pleasant .

So whatever you think of me as a person people of the internet, again close friends know my honesty and integrity has never been questioned before.. ( heck in fact im too flipping honest and speak my mind which gets me in trouble but thats another story ) . take heed you have any dealings with "company i shall not name" and you run the risk of being wrongly accused of ill doing if you piss them off and having you pc equipment taken away great if you are oh i dunno a esport player or streamer who needs that equipment to make a living".At the very least you will probably be ripped off in whats owed to you in referrals as they have creative accounting practices.

As for the issue that they needed to set the record straight on nope all you sheep jumping to their defense are entirely correct- of course a company who sold you a £25 router for £150 with some fancy software is telling the truth- oh wait my bad that fancy software.. well most of the amazing functions are actually on the routers default os , other stuff is basically openwrt hidden behind a fancy gui, the vpn idea was ripped off from another company btw ..

talking of ripping off you know the why the logo of the company kept changing?
they stole a photo off the internet of a cheetah , then tweaked it.. when this got pointed out to them instead of doing the honorable thing and fessing up they altered it some more... go on deny that one too.

so yeah feel free to believe whoever you want i really don't give flying, accuse me of being butt hurt.. i really don't care after what they did to me at gadgetshow after all i did for them to make their router launch a success should be an indication of what sort of people they truly are.
I mean and with respect here why wouldn't a company that sold you a £25 router for £150 using opensource software hidden behind a fancy ui be anything but honest, heck we can even overlook they stole the one thing they use as a sales gimmick to esport players and streamers from another company ..who btw sell CHEAPER ROUTERS for like $99 ...

As for requiring proof... everything will be a matter of public record soon.. all the email exchanges, all the skype texts, all the whatsapp messages, you can make your own minds up then :) Past that happy to sign into any device and pull up web based emails , skype convos ect after everything has become public record :)

As for those of you saying i should just move gee thanks i'd love to actually correction i did and put the whole sorry affair down to not listening to my gut , unfortunately it isn't me who needed to move on and not be petty, vindictive and make nothing into a huge @#$% needless waste of everyone's time , money and lives. So yes id love to have moved on and filed everything to the drawer marked asshats but they didn't allow me. for reasons see this paragraph.

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So.. I was doing some googling about Netduma and found Lain had issues with on of the guys helping him develop the Netduma software.

The guys name is Maccabi and he helped fix the lag comp on MW3 back in the day.  Check out his twitter post about Lain.


yeah, that guy has lost his mind.

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As much as I hate to say it, people need to relax because they received what they paid for when it came to the Netduma R1 Gaming Router. The fact is that DumaOS is a bonus for being loyal supporters during the early times of the R1. With that being said, it is a little concerning that I went through and read this entire thread seeking information about DumaOS on the R1 it seems that I will not find it here yet.


The misleading part is that I read early on that it would take a few weeks, and then it has jumped to months since that announcement. I fully understand that this stuff takes time but if you could provide insight on the progress of the situation it might be a little more calming for the people who are waiting to get their hands on the DumaOS. Personally I have been torn between waiting and just dropping the money on the new XR500 by Netgear partnered with Netduma.


I cannot say anything bad about Netduma, when my R1 died for unknown reasons they were reasonably prompt with getting it resolved which resulted in me receiving a replacement. However I have not been using the R1 for a while now essentially waiting on the new DumaOS since the current firmware is a bit buggy. Again a bit of info on how things are going with the backwards compatible situation and just feedback from the team would be a great ease of mind.


Good luck and keep up the great work NetDuma.

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If you want results, you need to demand it (you know who you are, original R1 owners). If your on YouTube or social media, you need to voice your concerns and frustration. I’ve waited long enough and hate to be pushed to the side just because you decided to release it on a newer hardware. You should of took care of your loyal customers. Now I’m not apologizing I’m very disappointed in the lack of transparency.

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Do you have any coherent and logical reasoning?




Are you just jumping on the "bash Netduma" bandwagon?


I own the trahs thing and it does not dominate lag or other peoples shit ass connection which allows them to have lag comp.


Also to find out if the thing is working you havbe to use a thirdparty software which we shouldnt have to do if you pay 250. the DumaOS is way over hyped

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I own the trahs thing and it does not dominate lag or other peoples shit ass connection which allows them to have lag comp.


Also to find out if the thing is working you havbe to use a thirdparty software which we shouldnt have to do if you pay 250. the DumaOS is way over hyped

If the XR500 is trash then what are you doing on this forum? It cannot improve a connection that has line faults or a bad isp. As your isp is BT you have a good isp so unless you have a line fault such as noise then you should have no issues. Regarding the dominate lag, that means it will allow you to connect to servers you choose that are near to you and allow you to prioritise your network traffic. 

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Again, if the Mods would tell Netduma that they won't be posting or moderating any threads/posts until someone from Netduma gives a clear and honest answer to the members here about the R1 update, it can management understand how much they are missing the boat right now.


Or they can continue to toe the party line and say "we're volunteers" and "just doing our unpaid jobs" without accepting any consequences for their complicity in Netduma's behavior.  

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Again, if the Mods would tell Netduma that they won't be posting or moderating any threads/posts until someone from Netduma gives a clear and honest answer to the members here about the R1 update, it can management understand how much they are missing the boat right now.


Or they can continue to toe the party line and say "we're volunteers" and "just doing our unpaid jobs" without accepting any consequences for their complicity in Netduma's behavior.  


Moderators are just long time users, with knowledge of the product. They're here to make sure that posts and people that break forum rules are removed.

I'm sure Netduma are aware of the situation without the moderators staging some kind of forum mutiny.


You can appreciate that I don't feel like laying my neck on the block for people that send death threats about my family and actively try to get me removed as a moderator.

No need to reply, this is a statement not the start of a discussion.

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If the XR500 is trash then what are you doing on this forum? It cannot improve a connection that has line faults or a bad isp. As your isp is BT you have a good isp so unless you have a line fault such as noise then you should have no issues. Regarding the dominate lag, that means it will allow you to connect to servers you choose that are near to you and allow you to prioritise your network traffic. 


Wrong, as it does have issues, every game has a thing called varibles, if the Xr500 was sooo great why dont netduma do live streams showing its 'dominate lag' tag line lmfao

also i am allowed on this forum to air my opinion to which its clear people like you dont want to aired.


Plus the geo filter does not allow you to connect to servers you choose, ive got clips of it not working, which are on twitter. As the game will just stop connecting to you servers and kicks you off the game as it will connect you to any server a game chooses.


As if say there arent enough players in the geo filter you've set the game will try always outside that filter, and coz it can not connect due to the filter it kicks u off the MP,. games like COD, Destiny 2, UC4, BF1, etc,.. all do this so the filter is quite pointless at times

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Moderators are just long time users, with knowledge of the product. They're here to make sure that posts and people that break forum rules are removed.

I'm sure Netduma are aware of the situation without the moderators staging some kind of forum mutiny.


You can appreciate that I don't feel like laying my neck on the block for people that send death threats about my family and actively try to get me removed as a moderator.

No need to reply, this is a statement not the start of a discussion.


I understand the role of the mods. My point is that the mods can use their voices to advocate for the members.  That's also a way of helping them.  


And I didn't say mutiny so don't go all Machiavellian.   As a group you can communicate to the company that's different than regular members. Or not, as you've obviously stated and done.   :(

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Wrong, as it does have issues, every game has a thing called varibles, if the Xr500 was sooo great why dont netduma do live streams showing its 'dominate lag' tag line lmfao

also i am allowed on this forum to air my opinion to which its clear people like you dont want to aired.


Plus the geo filter does not allow you to connect to servers you choose, ive got clips of it not working, which are on twitter. As the game will just stop connecting to you servers and kicks you off the game as it will connect you to any server a game chooses.


As if say there arent enough players in the geo filter you've set the game will try always outside that filter, and coz it can not connect due to the filter it kicks u off the MP,. games like COD, Destiny 2, UC4, BF1, etc,.. all do this so the filter is quite pointless at times

I never said the router didn't have issues, I disagreed with you that it was trash, which it clearly is not. As for airing your views, you are welcome to and if I did not want yours aired they would have been deleted, so you are wrong again on that part also. As for the geo filter it is partly dependant on the game being played. I have never been disconnected from a game but I can also sympathise with those it happens to. 

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I had the new netgear router and returned it within a week of purchase. The ping assist has always been what helped me get into better games not the geo filter. If im playing with someone down the block and they have a 90 ping and i have a 10 how does that help me? Lag comp kicks in i shoot 10 times the server only has me shooting twice and boom im dead. Without ping assist the router is useless. I have 1gig connection so all these other features for bufferbloat and priotization are useless to me. Maybe their good for someone with dunkin donuts wifi internet but not for me.

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