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I've had enough... lag comp

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you're bleeding for your good connection


This is not true.

For a start most of us are playing on dedicated servers so we are not the host anyway.


We all (a lot of us at least) tested this back on CoD4 / MW2 etc and we return to it every so often...


I have just tested it again (not sure why), I throttled to 250kb up. And I tried 500kb up. I also tried 101kb (which is supposedly the 'holy grail' to beat lag compensation).


It didn't work at all.

Average games, average scores, maybe a bit worse than average actually but there was always at least one player that could melt me.


One player was total crap and finished 23-20 but he melted me 5+ times and was my 'nemesis' killing me 7-5.

My overall KD is way higher than his and was also higher than his in that game too but he battered me specifically.


I tried it in a few other games and it just played normal, some people seemed to melt me or took too many bullets and some the other way around.


So what does that mean?

Does it mean that these others are throttling too so it doesn't work on them?

What if everyone throttles their connection? Would that break the internet or simply ruin the game?


I know that you're trying to help people but I don't think this is helpful advice. If you feel it works for you then go for it and enjoy it.


I'm not a mod/admin and I have no authority over what you post but please stop posting this 'heavy throttling' as a 'solution' because it is not proven to work or help in any way at all.


Feel free to create an 'off topic' thread with this a suggestion for people to try but be prepared for the fact that a lot of people will grief you.

Someone else created a virtually identical one about 6 weeks ago - they may never recover from the psychological trauma.

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Dude that you don't have any clue what you're talking about don't come at me, It does work on Black Ops 3, do I need to send you video's for proof, really laughing my ass of here.

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Older COD's (Server Side prediction, that is why there are so many hackers on the older COD'S, there was no need for compensation lag back then and that why it doesn't work....


Its like saying, lets put a Blue Ray in a cassette player  :wacko:

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To any one whom is reading this post and is thinking of doing throttling hard for connection.  DO NOT do this.  I talked to an Xbox representative  and directly asked if it was wrong.  They flat out said yes and was and actually wanted me to report the names of anyone who was doing it.  I did not do that, as i just wanted to know if i and many others were right or wrong on this issue.  Hard throttles to get by lag comp is indeed manipulation and they made clear that they were very serious about that.

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You wanted people to follow your advice though, to try 'heavy throttling', you keep sending people PMs about it.

I tested it and it didn't work, what's the problem with that?



It doesn't work on the older COD try Black Ops 3 lol


It was BO3 that I tested it on tonight for you.

I tested it on the old CoDs when they were at their peak.


Some youtube 'expert' said that it worked on those games back then just like you are saying it works on BO3 now, I tested it back then and it didn't work.



Older COD's (Server Side prediction, that is why there are so many hackers on the older COD'S, there was no need for compensation lag back then and that why it doesn't work....


Its like saying, lets put a Blue Ray in a cassette player  :wacko:


No, it's not like that, it's more like trying to treat epilepsy with starvation (but not really).

So you're saying that this is the first CoD with lag compensation then?

I vaguely remember having to lead targets occasionally in CoD4 (so you might be right about that one) but I don't remember having to do that in the other CoDs/Blops.

You know what lag compensation is for right?


Also, you didn't answer my questions, why didn't it work for me? I still got melted a few times and I went try-hard with the VMP.

Do you think they were throttling too? You said it would work.



Dude that you don't have any clue what you're talking about don't come at me, It does work on Black Ops 3, do I need to send you video's for proof, really laughing my ass of here.


What did I say that said suggests I don't have a clue? I only said that I had just tested it and it made no difference to me.

I thought that's how 'research' works, someone tests the hypothesis and reports back their findings.

Perhaps it didn't work because I didn't truly believe it, like sugar pills or Neverland.


I'm not 'coming at you', I was being civil. If you continue to follow this foolish path then I will come at you.

I will come at you like the four horseman of the apocalypse and I will rain down destruction upon you - with the speed of Michael Flatley's feet, the vengeance of the old testament God and the ferocity of Thor's Hammer, there will be nothing left of you.  ;)

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MW3 benefitted from throttling, BO3 doesn't, at least not anymore.


I play BO3 more than most people and I've tested everything, things that go above and beyond most minds and throttling DOES NOT HELP.

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Throttling does work, can you guys tell me the steps you take when you throttle?

Honestly, I just want to help, so let's try to get this to work.


Lol, ok, I do appreciate that you're trying to help and that is most definitely to be encouraged.

I don't think you're right but I also don't feel like arguing anymore, so we can agree to disagree.


I set my bandwidth to exactly what is's supposed to be (what I get from multiple speed tests).

I have my Xbox One in hyperlane.

I reset my 'Device Priority' and checked 'Shared' for Up+Down*.

I have the algorithm set on 'Reactive' (I have also tested it with 'Pre-emptive' too).

I adjust the bandwidth sliders until on the Xbox One it says that my bandwidth is the desired amount, 500kb / 250kb / 101kb.

*I have also tested the bandwidth sliders at 70/70 and used the 'Device Priority' 'flower' to throttle to the Xbox One (until I received the chosen kb).

I have tested getting the Xbox 'Network Settings' bandwidth to the chosen kb and I have also tested getting the BO3 bandwidth to the 101kb.


Is that how you're doing it?

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No that's not how I do it (shared needs to be unticked to begin with).


I found a video tutorial how to get this to work with the Netduma R1: 


I didn't create or Upload the video (I got nothing to do with it)


I wouldn't downgrade that hard, as seen in the video, I would try to aim around 400/500kb/sec





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500kbps that was my speeds on TT ADSL with a 16ms ping.


I now have 50mb fibre with TT with a 16ms ping using the same LLU backhaul.


Both line's jitter free.


Game's plays identical, please explain :)

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That's the same video we followed when we tested it about six weeks ago - I couldn't get it to make any difference at all.

There's a thread somewhere in here where someone posted that video and lots of us tried it.


A few people thought it worked at first but then after a few days decided it was just a placebo. Even I thought it worked for a couple of games too.

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It is because you use the Netduma r1 Geo-Filter? Since I use the Netduma R1, I don't have to throttle anymore, but that's because everyone in my area have around the same internet speed as me. 

There are many other factors to take into consideration, the internet speed/ping people have in your area if you use the Geo-filter.

It also depends if you play in a party and if so where do your other party members live and what connection speed do they have. I can assure you it does work because it is simple; actually, it does for some part the same as the Geo-filter if you think about it.

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Its clear that what works for someone may not work for another as everyones connections are differerent. I have to air on the side that throttling works best for lag comp but thats just me and my connection. At the end of the day everybody wants that gd hit detection and less bullshit deaths so all advice on the matter should not be disregarded.

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Bandwidth is idle.


The client only sends the size of packets that the server needs and the server only sends back what the client needs.


In both directions the bandwidth is idle.


Ping compensation.

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Bandwidth is idle.


The client only sends the size of packets that the server needs and the server only sends back what the client needs.


In both directions the bandwidth is idle.


Ping compensation.

But lowering your bandwidth makes your ping more unstable no? hence tricking the lag comp algorithm into not compensating your connection as much.

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But lowering your bandwidth makes your ping more unstable no? hence tricking the lag comp algorithm into not compensating your connection as much.

Not at all and it is a good thing too as that is network manipulation frowned upon by MS and legit players.


The only thing it will change is when you go under the mtu value of the packets being sent is that you will incur packet loss to the detriment of yourself.

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Not at all.


The only thing it will change is when you go under the mtu value of the packets being sent is that you will incur packet loss to the detriment of yourself.

But then why would throttling hard play better than running the standard optimum settings?

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It doesnt.


And yes i have tested with network emulators, don't judge me guys, it was all in the name of science :)

Maybe not for you but for me at times and others on here it seems to work. Im a good player and have been playing long enough to know when its playing better for me or not.

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It doesnt.


And yes i have used network emulators to test all theories, don't judge me guys it was all in the name of science :)


Loser ;)


You have got a 'sell you soul for' connection though so I can't say that it was wasted time.

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Its clear that what works for someone may not work for another as everyones connections are differerent. I have to air on the side that throttling works best for lag comp but thats just me and my connection. At the end of the day everybody wants that gd hit detection and less bullshit deaths so all advice on the matter should not be disregarded.


You're absolutely right, what works for some won't necessarily work for others but this is being suggested as an absolute 'fix' to get around 'lag compensation'. This is misunderstanding what lag compensation is anyway, if this was stopping lag compensation then you wouldn't be able to hit anyone at all.


We're not disregarding it though, we've tested it for hours upon hours. Logically it shouldn't work and it doesn't.

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