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Expensive but potentially worth it?

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Why should anyone bother giving you their time when you're so disrespectful?

The issue isn't the Netduma , you're obviously doing something wrong

For starters , you're using wifi instead of cable , which is going to cause latency here and there.

Secondly , the halo servers are worse than blackops 3 servers , they're straight garbage , always will be.


If you play a game or two perfectly fine , then it incrementally gets worse , it's not a netduma issue.

Something else is causing the lag issue you're experiencing.


There's an impeccable amount of satisfied customers here , in fact we're the majority. 

Almost every person that encounters an issue with their netduma has their issue solved because they're rational.

Having a bad attitude wont get you anywhere

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It's quite simple actually Asentrix. As a customer I expect a working product, how utterly ordinary to talk about respect, are we all sensitive flowers?


I come as a customer, not your friend. 


My issue is with the duma, so If I want to share my opinion, I will. When I use my service provider router/modem the issue does not occur, but I bought the duma for a specific purpose. What would cause it to not hold it's own connection then lose accessibility completely? This is technical not friendship, business not a social event.

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It's quite simple actually Asentrix. As a customer I expect a working product, how utterly ordinary to talk about respect, are we all sensitive flowers?


I come as a customer, not your friend. 


My issue is with the duma, so If I want to share my opinion, I will. When I use my service provider router/modem the issue does not occur, but I bought the duma for a specific purpose. What would cause it to not hold it's own connection then lose accessibility completely? This is technical not friendship, business not a social event.

If you don't give respect you wont get any respect back , notice the lack of help on your thread?

Your problem is easy to solve , but rather than helping , I'm not going to bother.


Good luck business associate

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How do you know the product isnt working? Nothing in the routing/networking world is plug and play in regards to having fine tuned settings. Computers tend to do exactly what you tell them to do.


Make sure you're on the latest firmare

Follow the suggested settings guide carefully


Now you're at a starting point where you can ask for help if you're not having favorable results.


The router is also still in a development cycle. I just recently found out I had to turn off turbo mode to keep the router from rebooting. Being in a dev cycle there are glitches we have to put up with. I don't think I've ever seen anyone anywhere say the router is "done" or is in any way shape or form plug and play.


There are many many people that had the same initial thought as you doesn't work etc etc but have had their issues figured out.

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I've had the new firmware since the day it was announced 1.03.5m .No I don't use turbo mode. Wi-fi workaround is unticked. The issue only occurs through the duma not the isp modem/router. Congestion is set to 70/70.


I've also tried putting the WAN address of the duma into my modem's dmz.

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So your major issue with the router is you don't get consistent gameplay ?


Welcome to the world of online gaming.


I'm sure it's just a set up issue and an easy fix...


But that's just my empty uneducated theory.

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playing on wifi isnt recommended when gaming. a wired connection is always better. they have a new policy so try not to be so angry and disrespectful in the fourms 

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Let me try to be clearer...


The issue as previously stated is that the wifi connection of the duma (only option) incrementally and rapidly goes downhill after about 15 minutes of xbox live activity. The wifi connection dies and becomes inaccessible and requires a manual power cycle to gain any access to the duma.


I just watched a whole tv show episode without dropping the connection. So the duma is having a huge problem with xbox live it seems. And for me, it has always behaved this way.


Why? I do not know, that's why I am here. But it does not only affect me that's for sure.


In terms of settings I also tried following bagsta's post http://bagsta69.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/netduma-r1-settings-and-happy-new-year.html

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Let me try to be clearer...


The issue as previously stated is that the wifi connection of the duma (only option) incrementally and rapidly goes downhill after about 15 minutes of xbox live activity. The wifi connection dies and becomes inaccessible and requires a manual power cycle to gain any access to the duma.


I just watched a whole tv show episode without dropping the connection. So the duma is having a huge problem with xbox live it seems. And for me, it has always behaved this way.


Why? I do not know, that's why I am here. But it does not only affect me that's for sure.


In terms of settings I also tried following bagsta's post http://bagsta69.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/netduma-r1-settings-and-happy-new-year.html

I know that this is not the total solution to your particular problem but have you considered investing a few pounds in a couple of powerline adapters? I use them and they work a treat.

That doesn't solve the wifi issues though.

I am on PS4 so cannot comment on Xbox set up or hardware but I find the PS4 wifi to be incredibly flakey.

The point of the R1 is to maximise your network and put you into lobbies that YOU will have a low ping to host.

It sounds like there are other issues at fault here.

I really don't want to come off as patronising so forgive me if I am but have you tried different cables, making sure everything is fully pushed in, rebooting the modem and then the router and try a internet diagnosis and post up the results here.

If the xbox allows you to record video of gameplay maybe try that and post it up so people may be able to see exactly what the issue you are having is.

Are you getting onto dedicated servers or are they p2p games?

Just trying to help and look at all options to try and get you up and running :)

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Hello, firstly I would like to say that we are a friendly community here. You have bought a product and require technical support, we can provide you that. However, you do not need to come in and be insulting. We will help. Though if you are rude to others we will issue a warning. Now on to your issue.


I note you said that wifi workaround is un ticked. While it is usually the case that this needs to be disabled since you are having issues can you enable this and see if it resolves your issues please.

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I know that this is not the total solution to your particular problem but have you considered investing a few pounds in a couple of powerline adapters? I use them and they work a treat.

That doesn't solve the wifi issues though.

I am on PS4 so cannot comment on Xbox set up or hardware but I find the PS4 wifi to be incredibly flakey.

The point of the R1 is to maximise your network and put you into lobbies that YOU will have a low ping to host.

It sounds like there are other issues at fault here.

I really don't want to come off as patronising so forgive me if I am but have you tried different cables, making sure everything is fully pushed in, rebooting the modem and then the router and try a internet diagnosis and post up the results here.

If the xbox allows you to record video of gameplay maybe try that and post it up so people may be able to see exactly what the issue you are having is.

Are you getting onto dedicated servers or are they p2p games?

Just trying to help and look at all options to try and get you up and running :)


First of all, I would like to thank you bagsta. I went with your suggestion of a powerline adaptor, they really do work.


Now onto an ongoing issue since day one, the constant loading bar or intermittent unwillingness of the software to actually open the host filtering page.


Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. When it does it does whatever it wants, sometimes shows connections, sometimes doesn't. And it rarely updates in realtime to show the actual host.


I'm using the most current version of chrome.

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Hey, glad they work. Were all just trying to get stuff working and it can be frustrating at times.

Ive had great games on Blops 3 since launch right up till tonight where I have gone from and average 2.5 - 7 KDR on hc tdm to 0.5. So I feel the pain too.

This has happened to me on black ops 1 2 and now 3, after around the 3 month mark the game just goes to shit for me.

Hopefully its just a one off and tomorrow I will be back to handing out some bagsta luuuurve. But with the history of this dev I ain't holding my breath.

I use firefox if you want to give that a try and on my laptop I used to have to disable avg antivirus to get things to work. Might be worth a try just to see if it helps. :)

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First of all, I would like to thank you bagsta. I went with your suggestion of a powerline adaptor, they really do work.


Now onto an ongoing issue since day one, the constant loading bar or intermittent unwillingness of the software to actually open the host filtering page.


Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. When it does it does whatever it wants, sometimes shows connections, sometimes doesn't. And it rarely updates in realtime to show the actual host.


I'm using the most current version of chrome.


If you're experiencing an issue with loading the page. Hard refresh the page, does that resolve it? 


If not I'd suggest doing a factory reset from settings > miscellaneous. Once that's sorted follow this guide to ensure the Geo-filter displays everything correctly.

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Is there a difference between just clicking refresh and holding ctrl+f5, they seem to do the same thing.


I slightly agree with bagsta, I've seen more reliability using firefox. Even that has issues though. The main game I'm playing is halo 5 if that affects anything.


A reboot seems to have a temporary effect.


Does adblock interfere?

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Hey, glad they work. Were all just trying to get stuff working and it can be frustrating at times.

Ive had great games on Blops 3 since launch right up till tonight where I have gone from and average 2.5 - 7 KDR on hc tdm to 0.5. So I feel the pain too.

This has happened to me on black ops 1 2 and now 3, after around the 3 month mark the game just goes to shit for me.

Hopefully its just a one off and tomorrow I will be back to handing out some bagsta luuuurve. But with the history of this dev I ain't holding my breath.

I use firefox if you want to give that a try and on my laptop I used to have to disable avg antivirus to get things to work. Might be worth a try just to see if it helps. :)

Same here, they keep mucking these games up, the beta was fine. Then they do updates and ruin it. Beginning to hate the game now.



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Try turning ad blocker off for a few games and see if it makes any difference, worth a try.

When I first got mine it worked great on Windows 7 but I had to constantly press control f5 to refresh the page on laptop running Windows 8.

Turned off the avg anti virus and it worked like a charm.

Good luck

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Is there a difference between just clicking refresh and holding ctrl+f5, they seem to do the same thing.


I slightly agree with bagsta, I've seen more reliability using firefox. Even that has issues though. The main game I'm playing is halo 5 if that affects anything.


A reboot seems to have a temporary effect.


Does adblock interfere?


Ctrl + F5 is a hard refresh which forces it to load everything again. Try Bagstas suggestion above.



It seems to be working well, it will be in the next upgrade :)

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Got my R1 yesterday and got it configured using shipping FW. 



Played BO3 last nite. Very interesting gaming. I was going very well for what I was doing. had several ## and 0 games. Noticed some lag issues which I think and believe was coming from the opposing teams players as we saw fluctuation in there signal bars during game place which my team mates also noticed. I noticed that while I hosted my teammates, game play was good for everyone. I noticed going head to head with an opposing team member that I mostly came out on top. Using a different router, I wouldn't be as lucky. 

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Got my R1 yesterday and got it configured using shipping FW. 



Played BO3 last nite. Very interesting gaming. I was going very well for what I was doing. had several ## and 0 games. Noticed some lag issues which I think and believe was coming from the opposing teams players as we saw fluctuation in there signal bars during game place which my team mates also noticed. I noticed that while I hosted my teammates, game play was good for everyone. I noticed going head to head with an opposing team member that I mostly came out on top. Using a different router, I wouldn't be as lucky.


At least your getting some luck...I'm not.



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Let me try to be clearer...


The issue as previously stated is that the wifi connection of the duma (only option) incrementally and rapidly goes downhill after about 15 minutes of xbox live activity. The wifi connection dies and becomes inaccessible and requires a manual power cycle to gain any access to the duma.


I just watched a whole tv show episode without dropping the connection. So the duma is having a huge problem with xbox live it seems. And for me, it has always behaved this way.


Why? I do not know, that's why I am here. But it does not only affect me that's for sure.


In terms of settings I also tried following bagsta's post http://bagsta69.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/netduma-r1-settings-and-happy-new-year.html

Hi Janco,


I was having some serious issues that I was beginning to think were the fault of the R1 after the .5m firmware update. Netduma knows there are a couple bugs in the .5m version and they're working to get them sorted.  I downloaded a program called ping plotter and started running a 6 hour test where I plotted the ping for the R1 and all of my ISP hops.  It turned out there were some massive lag spikes coming out of the ISP's 2 hops.  We're talking 1500ms-2800 ms with packet loss and everything.  I wasn't gaming at that time, but I decided to do a plot of the network while I was gaming and you could see in the graphs it provides where the lag is being introduced.  My R1 usually runs about 1-4 ms of jitter depending on what is going on at my house. But i had evidence of what was happening on the network during those WTF moments.  The issue wasn't with the R1  it was ridiculous jitter and congestion on the ISP.  That congestion was making the game unplayable.  


Other people have had compatibility issues with the chipsets of their ISP's modem's too.  Either of those things may be contributing to your problem.  I know it doesn't seem like it because your having wifi issues and you're attributing them to XB Live. But check out Ping Plotter.  You get the pro version for a month for free.  It's totally worth having the information it provides. I might even pay for the license for it when my trial expires.  Because of the info I gathered the ISP is coming to the house this week to check their equipment.  If it is a problem with the R1, you'll be able to see it on the graphs.  Take the information from Ping Plotter and combine it with some DSLreports bufferbloat tests and you get a lot of inside knowledge to your network issues.  Also it's a good idea to make sure you switch ethernet cables between the duma and your modem out just in case you have a bad cable.  

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