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  1. I will , anyways thank you for time 👍
    1 point
  2. Do keep us updated and do continue to fine tune Congestion Control and see how you get on
    1 point
  3. It's safe to put the XR in the exposed host option on the fritz as the XR has its own firewall. How did you setup QoS exactly?
    1 point
  4. @MatijaCool, no big deal. Understandable, as you’re on PC as well, so hackers and DDoS are more prevalent. So for QoS, just tweak your speeds to where you no longer have packet loss. The best way to do this is to run a speed test or use something like Waveform. Do remember to connect all devices to the XR1000 or just simply disable Wi-Fi bands on the Fritzbox if it’s an option.
    1 point
  5. @MatijaHere’s a link that you can use as a reference to find the option after you do take the WAN IP from the XR1000 and add that to the Fritzbox. https://nl.fritz.com/service/knowledge-base/dok/FRITZ-Box-6660-Cable/131_Exposed-host-in-FRITZ-Box-configureren/
    1 point
  6. @MatijaDid you set it up to always on the QoS page? Because if it’s on auto, then it’s not going to properly apply as it would only apply when it detects certain applications. DMZ isn’t safe, but it’s the only option if you want to open ports while gaming through the XR1000.
    1 point
  7. @MatijaA router cannot resolve packet loss issues that originate outside the network, which appears to be the case. Have you had a technician inspect your node and box unit? If you conduct a pingplotter test for approximately five minutes, what results do you obtain?
    1 point
  8. No need to do anything different. They'll let me/you know if they need something specific
    1 point
  9. No worries, glad you were able to get it sorted and thanks for the solution/update!
    1 point
  10. apologies just seen this. so phone wise i restarted without DHCP done. and phone seem to stay connected now which is odd now. When i next go on my ps5 i will give this an attempt and keep you posted once done.
    1 point
  11. You shouldn't have had to pay customs fees originally as you're in the EU so I don't know how that happened. We use a distributor now and it's mainly UPS, we're limited to the options they use/provide/that can give us the best rates. If you have a look on the site you can see how much it would cost now with UPS and see how it compares with what you paid previously
    1 point
  12. Thank you @Netduma Fraser you guys do a good job, i”ll keep all those servers on the deny list just incase.
    1 point
  13. We've made the changes and are testing the cloud update ourselves to make sure there aren't any issues then we'll do a gradual rollout.
    1 point
  14. Thank you I will look at this
    1 point
  15. clayton319

    vpn for xr1000

    That sucks I upgraded from an Asus rt ac86u that I was using nordvpn with for the last 5 years might have to use the Asus Still just for Ethernet Backhaul mode and set the VPN up on that and turn off wireless
    1 point
  16. Added - it has been removed currently
    1 point
  17. That's a bug on Early Access, you'll need to factory reset then it will stay and 0 and you won't be able to enable it again
    1 point
  18. I've been on the latest firmware since the beta with factory reset at time of update. It was only until recently that the 5GHz band got extremely weak. I may first factory reset on the current firmware, check the 5GHz range, and if it's still weak, I can downgrade and try that. It will have to be later tonight. I'll report back then.
    1 point
  19. Okay, Would like to follow up again
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Not exactly on the fritz, if it can't ping the server then it can't know what additional ping to apply. It also won't work 100% of the time generally just due to compatibility
    1 point
  22. lmintoi

    Netduma R1 to R3

    1 point
  23. Hey Netduma fellows, Hope you’re all having a great day! I wanted to share the best settings I’ve found for improving my online gaming experience. Now, I’m not sure if the Netduma team will be happy about this because, honestly, none of these settings are related to the Netduma router. I’ve been using Netduma routers for over five years, starting with the R1 model. Sometimes, they performed great; other times, not so much. Over time, I began to question whether using QoS alone was the best approach—until I was introduced to SQM (Smart Queue Management). Some of you might already be familiar with SQM, CAKE, and FQ_CoDel, but let me tell you—SQM is an absolute game-changer when running on high-performance router hardware with OpenWRT. My Solution for Consistent Performance The key to getting good, consistent results (which has helped me maintain a 3+ K/D ratio in every FPS game) was: 1. Using a high-performance router that supports OpenWRT 2. Enabling CAKE as the QoS algorithm Since CAKE requires significant CPU power, I chose the Flint 2 router, which can efficiently shape over 500 Mbps of traffic while running CAKE. The Best Part? Set It and Forget It The only tuning required is adjusting overhead and MPU (Minimum Packet Unit) settings. Other than that, once set up, it just works. That’s all I wanted to share. Hope this helps someone out there struggling with network consistency!
    1 point
  24. Application name: The Finals Device type used for capture: PC Any other comments: Currently listed in Geo-Filter but doesn't work. Posting for a new capture. thefinals.pcapng
    1 point
  25. @Netduma Fraser, I did a factory reset on v.4.0.540. No changes to the 5GHz band. Devices seem to only detect it within 5'. I downgraded to v.4.0.290. No changes. Devices also seem to only detect it within 5'. I tried auto and assigning a channel to the 5GHz and this doesn't change anything regarding the range to exceed 5'. Logs attached for what it's worth. To reiterate, no walls in-between where I am testing, no other online devices, no other changes to the environment when the 5GHz band used to work with OK range. Antenna's have been in the same position as well. Literally just one day the 5GHz only reaches 5' out. At first, I thought it was simply down. It's up, just only within 5' lol. Heck, even the 5Ghz band used to reach outside 20' through the exterior walls. Please let me know next steps. It's been I think 3 months on this router. I worry it gets more issues with age. I can try to unplug and plug the antenna's back in just as a sanity check.. Update: Plugging the antenna back in did nothing. I also noticed my USB laptop fan I have plugged into the R3 router (have always had my R3 on it with 0 issues) isn't turning on. This never prevented a 5GHz signal going beyond 5' as the signal was much stronger before on the same laptop fan. I then went and tested multiple low power USB devices on the R3 USB port and no device gets power, no phone will charge, no device will power on, no power light on it, nothing. So now the USB port doesn't work. Not sure if this got shot during a firmware update/factory reset. Something tells me an internal part of this R3 has stopped working that feeds power/connections to the USB and/or 5GHz antenna. I wonder if the device only works within 5' because the 5GHz antennae aren't connecting to something internally, so the router loses the range the antennae provide. 2.4GHz works fine, it seems. no clue if these use different antennae, though. To add... I have found other posts with similar issues, so it seems it's not only me. I have done what you have suggested in other posts below: Split the bands, give 2.4/5GHz different names and apply - you'll want to connect to 5GHz specifically for speeds Use a WiFi analyzer to find the least congested channel and change to that Experiment with the widths to see what gives better results Ensure it's in an elevated position - not on a metal surface Ensure there aren't any electrical / wireless devices e.g headphones etc within close proximity ~3 feet if possible Set the antennae to this position _ | | _ Again, literally nothing changed and just the other day the 5GHz range went down to 5' only against multiple devices (so I know it's not my phone), and my USB port isn't working. I am still downgraded to firmware v.4.0.290. Satuday update: I did a hard reset with the button on the back for 30 seconds, waited 5 min, and still nothing has changed. I had turned on Remote Access as I'd like someone to poke around and check anything else. Without any resolution, I would like to do a warrantied replacement/RMA. Sunday update: My work laptop and only my Iphone 14 pro is disconnecting constantly due to DHCP requests. I have it set to 10000 minutes as well as assigning a static IP address to the device. In system logs (added logs), you can see it constantly trying to connect to my iphone and identifying "DHCPREQUEST" and "DHCPACK". I've restarted my phone, re-assigned a new IP address, and it is still doing the same thing. My phone constantly is going on/off the 2.4GHz band and now my work laptop (unfortunately i had to work this weekend). My phone and work laptop on the 2.4GHz band now show a weaker signal in the Device Manager even though I am in plain sight from the router (router even pointing at me) within 20'. It hadn't been this weak before. Again, no added interference. Iphone wifi settings are the same as the wives and hers stays connected. I also received my USB Digital Multimeter. Works on ports on my PC. Plugged it into the back of the router and it receives no power. Got this to further confirm if the USB port is working or not. R3_2025-03-22T02_51_37.142Z_logs.txt R3_2025-03-23T20_51_42.051Z_logs.txt
    0 points
  26. That's totally fine, it's great that we can faciliate learning about networking to the point you're looking at it more in depth, however when it comes to promoting the use of other routers/software it's just not something we can have on the forum. You're welcome to all converse via PM and of course take it somewhere else like a Discord server
    0 points
  27. Glad you're all having an open converstation about networking, that's great! If I could ask you to take the conversation elsewhere though, this is the Netduma support forum, so not the place to be promoting alternative routers
    0 points
  28. @KinGzzyThere's something called google search ....
    0 points
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