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netduma lags alot

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Yes talking about Seattle. I can't get anything unless I'm including Seattle in my filter. It always looks like Imma be on a different server but when game starts boom I'm in Seattle. Don't know if I was lucky earlier or the wifi helped. FQs19 have you tried this? Your speeds are similar to mine

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if the ping to seattle is less than 70ms, it's not seattle but the one in Landsdowne, PA that is absolutely horrendous. 


To get a game without including WA state, you have to increase your size to at least 1000 miles. 


I can't play with Ping Assist because of that bad dedi, so I leave Strict Mode ticked, radius to 1000 miles excluding the west coast, florida, and the east coast. 

Home is set in Arkansas. Ping Assist at 0.

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I forgot to mention that it takes about 5-10 mins to get into a lobby. 

You need to let the Xbox exhaust all options so that it forces you to either be the host or join a P2P lobby. 


If you can't be a host, you'll be waiting for a P2P lobby to open. 

It takes time. 


But it's worth the wait. 

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I just recently repurchased an Xbox One to play Halo and Destiny.  I know you and many others are having trouble with the AW on xbox so i borrowed a friends copy to see what was going on.  Honestly i can now understand why everyone who plays it complains of Seattle and lag and is generally unhappy.   Rooms are much harder to find and there is much more lobby booting.  The only servers i got were Seattle and Illinois but it didn't matter because connections were terrible every game.  I probably would have quit a long time ago like others if dealing with that everyday.  


The one thing i can tell you, is it's not the netduma.


 There was a very noticeable difference in the PS4 and Xbox versions.  I'd like to say that yes Ops3 will be better but am very hesitant to after not knowing what the player count will be like after competition moves to ps4.


It's not a PS4 is better than Xbox issue at all, as i played both Halo and Destiny on the xbox right after testing AW and they played great.  AW is definitely not perfect on the ps but plays much better.   Needless to say, i switched my PS4 reservation to xbox to play with local friends but will have it switched back to PS4 before the week is over.  

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Don't have the NetDuma yet but I don't have any issues with finding lobbies on either ps4 or Xbox for AW. Gameplay is laggy most of the time but can find games a majority of the times. Playing mostly FFA or TDM and Gun Game (sometimes).


Despite some other comments I'd seen where people said they found more lobbies when none of the DLC map packs were loaded, my experience is quite the opposite. I uninstalled the map packs from one of the Xbox's and left all four on the other. I had better luck findin ffa lobbies on the one with all the DLC but not as many on the one without, which took a little longer to find a lobby.


Will definitely be trying BF when its available for open beta soon.

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Hi Spartacus.  If we turn the geo filter off there is no problem at all finding rooms.  But in doing so you're completely at the mercy of where the game throws you.   You could be on the East Coast playing in Seattle or further out.  A key feature with the duma is the geo filter which gives you control of where you want to play.  Being form the East Coast, I try to stay on servers on that side.  What you see us referring to is the shrinking population of the game and us having to expand the geo to allow more people in.  Servers further out definitely give you a greater chance to lag.  With a high player population and using the geo filter, a lot of lag is eliminated for much smoother games...  AW is just a little unpopular right now which makes it a little harder.

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Anyone gonna play battlefront. The beta in like a week

yup.  looking forward to that.  will def be playing Star Wars on the xbox with some friends.  


going to give AW another try tomorrow as well to give it a fair comparison.  Don't want to write it off for one bad day.   And Treyarc is different than Sledgehammer so their game could play wonderful on both systems.. we just don't know yet.  If they code it properly and don't add a ton of latency and even sbmm to segregate population it could be great on both systems.

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I hope so Jeff! I know I had problems on Ghost too but not even close to this AW thing. Thats when I changed my gt to TheSirLagAlot. Though I'm thinking I should have went with mr hitmarker, I get alot of them

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For what it's worth, AW also just updated yesterday or day before (can't remember), for me at least, the game was completely unplayable with me experiencing my good old pre-ND days of 0.5-(?) sec lag... may not be a Netduma thing here.


Not very helpful to you lol, but just wanted to offer that here.


Try to get some games in today and post back your experience, as I'd like to know myself :)



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What does it mean when most the players not showing up on my map?


Do you mean players or just potential hosts? Players will only show if its a P2P game like Destiny. If you're having trouble seeing hosts follow http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_can_t_i_see_anything_on_the_geofilter

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Just players I would have thought they would still show up as potential hosts, even if outside the geo filter. Showing up as a triangle. After messaging a player, who happen to have a duma, he was in the UK.

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Just players I would have thought they would still show up as potential hosts, even if outside the geo filter. Showing up as a triangle. After messaging a player, who happen to have a duma, he was in the UK.


If they're outside the filter they're getting blocked, thats what a triangle means, that's good because its prevented you getting a far away game :)

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