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Live in IL but want to play on US servers. how?


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I rather play this game (BO4 Blackout) on US server with 180ms ping than playing on EU server with 80 Ping and my shots doesnt register.

I live in Israel in the Middle East so i get to play on EU server. I played last weekend with my US friend and i was enjoying it much more! 

so can you help me play only on US with the GEO FILTER?



this is where the US server are:


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  • Set your home to the centre of the USA, make sure the radius covers the entire US.
  • Turn Ping Assist down to about 30, and disable Fast Search.
  • Make sure that your device is listed in the Devices menu at the top of the page, and if it's not, press Add Devices and choose your console.
  • Make sure to put it in Filtering Mode instead of Spectating Mode.
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did all, and actually i set ping assist to 0 (so i will be canceled anyway).

i put my "home" at Florida (same place my friend live) and i rather play on the East Coast (better ping to Israel)

gonna go home in couple of hours to try it out! 

hope it  will work! 


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Set you settings how he described above; set desired play location, BUT turn ping assist to 0, strict ON, Fast Search OFF, make sure the device is Filter ON, turn OFF device (xbox/ps4), flush cloud, wait a few minutes then boot console.  Search for game and wait. This should allow for at least a few matches within the filtered area. You may still get games outside of filtered. If so leave the settings alone or you risk a timing issue with duma built in anti cheat. Search again if you get a server outside of filtered settings. 

With ping assist on at all you will also connect to ANY server that even momentarily is within the PA settings off what you have, 200ms shown above, or what he stated 30ms. 

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5 hours ago, stalker4hire- said:

Set you settings how he described above; set desired play location, BUT turn ping assist to 0, strict ON, Fast Search OFF, make sure the device is Filter ON, turn OFF device (xbox/ps4), flush cloud, wait a few minutes then boot console.  Search for game and wait. This should allow for at least a few matches within the filtered area. You may still get games outside of filtered. If so leave the settings alone or you risk a timing issue with duma built in anti cheat. Search again if you get a server outside of filtered settings. 

 With ping assist on at all you will also connect to ANY server that even momentarily is within the PA settings off what you have, 200ms shown above, or what he stated 30ms. 

thanks! gonna try it tonight and update you guys later on.

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You're definitely in Filtering Mode rather than Spectator Mode? You've definitely got your PS4 added to the Geo-Filter?

It could be that we have some mislocated servers and one of the EU servers is being displayed as in America. We try to keep our information on all game servers totally up to date at all times, but if Activision were to reassign something, it might take us a few days to catch it. Try making your radius smaller, perhaps just the east coast of the USA? Or the west coast? Hopefully attempting to dodge the mislocated server, if that's the problem.

And as stalker4hire- said before, make sure ping assist is at 0, strict mode is on and fast search is off.

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hello ronmargan

I also occasionally like to play in the servers of the United States and sometimes it can cost a lot to do it, I tell you my experience and what steps I take to play.

To begin my configuration is as stalker4hire said more or less, I place my location in the center of the United States and cover that area, strict mode on, autoping on, ping = 0 assistance and quick search disabled. With that configuration I could get some US server I could still because as I say it is not easy to get at this time.

The main problems are 2, the first is that it will cost you to find games since the first thing the game does is connect to the nearest servers and if it is not possible, it starts to try more distant servers causing the problem from the room more than once indicating that you can not join the room. Once you have tried several times to start appearing circles within the radius that you have marked, then it is when the second problem appears, the servers misplaced in the Cloud.
There are European servers poorly located in the cloud and appear in the area of the United States, as the first thing the game does is to test the nearest servers, as soon as it detects a ping lower than a ping to a server in the United States it will connect to that European server. In case you are with a European server located in the United States you can report it in the following link indicating the ID of the server and the ping it shows.

one solution is to block the European servers that are located there until it connects to an American server, but it is usually a complicated and expensive job that can be a bit hopeless, once the Netduma team has the servers well located in the cloud it will be easier and there will not be much problem, that's why it's important to report them.

Greetings and I hope I have clarified a bit the subject and that it serves to play

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How do you know what server you're on? Are you figuring it out via the map, via your ping, or just from who you end up talking to? Could you take a screenshot from when you're connected so that we can see what DumaOS thinks you're connected to?

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Does that error appear to get into the lobby or the game? If the lobby then that won't have been the game server so you can delete those, there will be an actual server that appears when you're in a game, what ping do you get to that?

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