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Open Beta of DumaOS on the Netduma R1: General Discussion

Netduma Admin

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Another batch of download links have just been sent out.

Apologies to everyone asking where they are in the queue - it takes a long time to look everyone up as it's all in Mailchimp which hasn't been designed to facilitate that - so we won't be looking any more up now.

Hopefully it won't be a much longer wait for you.

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Where's the batch for us that have been customers since release....how long do we wait for iv signed up to disclamer within the hour of posts going out i understand theres lot's of application's however is what im seeing is people that applied later than others are getting acsess before those that were fast at applications.or am i missing something here 


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I bought my Netduma back in August of 2015, I find it kind of ridiculous I wasn’t even sent an invite and had to come here and dig through forum posts to find out this was released. On top of that, I don’t automatically get a beta code even though you guys stated early adopters would, so now I have to sit on a list that you guys are slowly rolling out. Just wow

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7 hours ago, GymKrush said:

I bought my Netduma back in August of 2015, I find it kind of ridiculous I wasn’t even sent an invite and had to come here and dig through forum posts to find out this was released. On top of that, I don’t automatically get a beta code even though you guys stated early adopters would, so now I have to sit on a list that you guys are slowly rolling out. Just wow

Same here October 2015

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20 hours ago, Azlios said:

Would I be right in thinking that’s the last set until Monday?

No - we've just sent out another batch a few minutes ago.

17 hours ago, IREWolfman said:

Looks like I'll be waiting  a while. I thought I replied as soon as email appeared. Oh well. Stick with nat1 for now.

Thanks for being patient - hopefully your turn will come soo.

12 hours ago, seanc683 said:

Where's the batch for us that have been customers since release....how long do we wait for iv signed up to disclamer within the hour of posts going out i understand theres lot's of application's however is what im seeing is people that applied later than others are getting acsess before those that were fast at applications.or am i missing something here 


Hi Sean - there's nothing more upsetting to an Englishman than a queue jumper, so I can assure you we have been very strict about sticking to the first come first serve basis! Who appears to have jumped the queue?

11 hours ago, GymKrush said:

I bought my Netduma back in August of 2015, I find it kind of ridiculous I wasn’t even sent an invite and had to come here and dig through forum posts to find out this was released. On top of that, I don’t automatically get a beta code even though you guys stated early adopters would, so now I have to sit on a list that you guys are slowly rolling out. Just wow

Understand the frustration here because we share it too. In an ideal world we would have emailed every customer's email address. However, people only shared this data with us for the purposes of their order, so we do not have the right to spam them. For that reason, we only emailed everyone who had signed up to our newsletter / announcement email, which we have been pushing for several months. 

Anyway, things are looking stable so hopefully it won't be too long before you receive the firmware.

3 hours ago, RAF said:

Same here October 2015

See my response to GymKrush above

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1 minute ago, DoZZa said:

I have two R1's, one at home and one in the office. When I eventually get the firmware, can I install the same file on each R1?

Yes you can, no problem doing that. Thanks for checking.

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Actually it’s a very smart question! This is why you can disable QoS in Anti-Bufferbloat. It’s the equivalent of the old Super Turbo mode, as it allows around 700mbps throughput. 

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3 hours ago, Sgt-Greco said:

My Geofilter shows no activity either on spectating or filtering. 

Can you make a new post about your issue please but try this first:

  • Flush the cloud
  • Hard turn off console, delete device from Geo-Filter, re-add to Geo-Filter, boot up console and game
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11 hours ago, kinel said:

Can i please beta test the new firware

Sorry i havent been on these forums for months

So if ive put this reply in the wrong section  im sorry



21 minutes ago, velloonythedeity said:

sign me up for the beta

You can sign up for the beta here:


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My review on Duma OS (didn't have a look at all the comments so some things might have being already said) 

Connection Speed : 200Mbps down 100Mbps up


  • Setup was easy and straightforward (got up and running within 5min)
  • Geofilter does indeed works perfectly landing me games with low ping 
  • QOS fixed my bufferbloat problems resulting in smooth stable gameplay 
  • The allow and deny options actually works this time 

Cons :

  • Remove the option to see the hosts Ip from the ping section
  • CPU running at 80-100% constantly 
  • Some options where a tiny bit too hidden in my opinion 
  • Enable/Disable login screen isnt a option 





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it is amazing well worth the wait, 

just letting you know a bug I found on mine which you may be aware of, is the upnp table, when turned off and rebooted router it still shows the port and ip address ect, not sure if supposed too, the firmware before cleared once disabled. 

Well done tho to all the netduma team done a fantastic job, massive achievement 👌🏻


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34 minutes ago, witton90 said:

it is amazing well worth the wait, 

just letting you know a bug I found on mine which you may be aware of, is the upnp table, when turned off and rebooted router it still shows the port and ip address ect, not sure if supposed too, the firmware before cleared once disabled. 

Well done tho to all the netduma team done a fantastic job, massive achievement 👌🏻


Thanks, we'll look into that!

5 minutes ago, Jlman3705 said:

Hello.. I used a different email to sign up then the email I use for the forum.  Will this be an issue with placement in queue? And may I ask where I am in the queue?  Thanks

Not an issue and we're not letting people know their queue number.

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