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The jitter is nearly non existent in that plot, do not worry about the second to last hop, only the destination.


If the destination is good then the hop that has packet loss and a high ping is likely just a router using a different CPU path for TTL=0 packets than it does for routing data through.

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The jitter is nearly non existent in that plot, do not worry about the second to last hop, only the destination.


If the destination is good then the hop that has packet loss and a high ping is likely just a router using a different CPU path for TTL=0 packets than it does for routing data through.


That is good to know!

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One thing of note is that last hop is CHOOPA and we know from some testing that A7 has done that is the lesser of the two available options.  VULTR seems to have a far more reliable network response, or did as of BO3 when he was testing.


A7 - Has anything changed in your area to reverse the initial assessment of Choopa vs VULTR?

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  • 1 month later...

Telia.net sucks balls! Comcast was routing my traffic through telia because I complained about having a bad route and it made it even worse!

How did you get Comcast to change your route?

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I had a jitter issue, as well as packet loss...


Changed modems...nothing changed...


called time warner...complained setup an appointment


went to dslreports.com


ran line quality test

ran speed tests

ran ping test

Captured packet loss with pfsense...


Showed the technician, he replaced all connectors and found one had water in it...problem resolved.

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jitter and latency.jpgi have extremely bad jitter on almost every game of cod its always the last but 1 hop and also the latency on this hop is sky high as shown in this short plot.

Interesting. I'm in the UK on BT too; if I run a PingPlotter to one of the IW server IPs I'll get a great plot (constant 7.8-7.9ms, no packet loss, maybe a couple of "spikes" to 10ms a couple of times an hour), but the second to last hop is an NTT IP in France that usually gives me anywhere from 300-900ms of latency. 8ms should be great in IW, but it really isn't and doesn't feel like that at all.


Could this hop have ANY negative effects on the route to the destination hop or are middle hops totally irrelevant? 300-900ms is pretty ridiculous to France when I could get 20ms or less to a French CoD server. 300ms is like... trying to ping New South Wales from where I live.

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I had a jitter issue, as well as packet loss...


Changed modems...nothing changed...


called time warner...complained setup an appointment


went to dslreports.com


ran line quality test

ran speed tests

ran ping test

Captured packet loss with pfsense...


Showed the technician, he replaced all connectors and found one had water in it...problem resolved.


The only flaw to that whole thing is finding a tech who knows what ping, jitter, and packet loss is.

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The only flaw to that whole thing is finding a tech who knows what ping, jitter, and packet loss is.

he didn't i just showed him the tests and explained...he knew something was wrong then even though the signals were good.


It is a lot of being patient and explaining what is happening to them.

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  • 4 months later...

Telia.net sucks balls! Comcast was routing my traffic through telia because I complained about having a bad route and it made it even worse!


LOL, When it comes to IT infrastructure, The US is pretty far behind to say the least..


You can't even compare Xfinity/Comcast to Telia.

What does comcast offer, 100mbit/s max? I've got Telia 1GB/s fiber and Telia has already carried out the world’s first 1Tb/s transmission. So if anything sucks, It's Cumcast :P


Why do they route their traffic through telia anyway? 

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