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I've had enough... lag comp

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Alright. Im really getting sick of this crap. I have done almost everything to try and fix this router and its settings to have a better experience with black ops 3, but it seems that anything i do does not make it better, but will make it worse. I have used ping plotter, but it told me that my connection over a matter of 3 hours was really good. I have tried numerous settings with DSL Reports and have A to A+ connection on both BB and UP/Down. congestion control has been set to make sure im getting the best connection for the game. PS4 is set on hyperlane. And all im getting is bad lag compensation, people killing me around corners, i shoot first and die, dying behind walls, this is getting absolutely ridiculous and I need an answer on how to fix this problem. My anxiety has been through the damn roof because i only do good once out of 10 to 20 games and i cant take it anymore. Someone please help me in the best way possible to get better games because i am definitely about to give up on cod and the router at this point. Any help appreciated, but please make sure that you possibly know or think that it will work. Thank you.

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Not 'doing good' does not mean that your router is not working.

If I gave this router to my Sister she would not do well at CoD, she would destroy my stats in one hour.


The majority of the things you have described are not 'lag compensation'. They are simply lag.

Although some of them sound perfectly normal (albeit annoying) for CoD anyway.



Please provide the following details...

  1. What firmware version are you on? (Check at bottom of any page on the R1. If lower than 1.03.6 please follow upgrade instructions here first).
  2. What speeds do you get from multiple speed tests?
  3. What is your current setup? E.g. ISP hub/modem (Specify model) > R1 > all devices 
  4. What is your specific issue? (Provide as many details as possible. If it is a lag issue include the screenshots from here in your post)
  5. Any other information (such as settings you may have previously tried).



Don't miss anything (nothing at all) or I will just have to ask you again.

Don't miss the end of number 4 either.

Please set out your response clearly, one big lump of text will make it much harder to look at (and you need people to read it).

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It's been double xp for a week straight and that always affects the game.  Could be as simple as that.   It's brought all of the super tryhards out as well, so the games are much tougher on top of it.  

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im on the latest firmware, already tried everything on wiki so not worth doing it again, i usually get the same results from the speed tests, modem is highest speed provided by optimum, specific issue is that i can never get any good games anymore because of the lag (or lag comp whatever) game says my connection is fine, ping plotter says everything is fine, DSL says everything is a+ except speed (probably normal) at this point im really not sure what to do.

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Alright. Im really getting sick of this crap. I have done almost everything to try and fix this router and its settings to have a better experience with black ops 3, but it seems that anything i do does not make it better, but will make it worse. I have used ping plotter, but it told me that my connection over a matter of 3 hours was really good. I have tried numerous settings with DSL Reports and have A to A+ connection on both BB and UP/Down. congestion control has been set to make sure im getting the best connection for the game. PS4 is set on hyperlane. And all im getting is bad lag compensation, people killing me around corners, i shoot first and die, dying behind walls, this is getting absolutely ridiculous and I need an answer on how to fix this problem. My anxiety has been through the damn roof because i only do good once out of 10 to 20 games and i cant take it anymore. Someone please help me in the best way possible to get better games because i am definitely about to give up on cod and the router at this point. Any help appreciated, but please make sure that you possibly know or think that it will work. Thank you.

It gets pretty bad on Double XP weekend, what's your style of game play slow or fast? what is your class set up? if your just running around and not taking your time you will almost going to loose every gun fight. Playing with wore out controller is not going to help. what type of monitor do you have, gaming monitor? there is too many thing that could make you lag.

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i use a 20 something inch tv and im a run and gunner. problem is that i see all these other youtubers doing it and it doesnt work for me. This doesnt make sense Frank. I run and gun just like them with a 2.35 average KD and i get destroyed. Something is wrong

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i use a 20 something inch tv and im a run and gunner. problem is that i see all these other youtubers doing it and it doesnt work for me. This doesnt make sense Frank. I run and gun just like them with a 2.35 average KD and i get destroyed. Something is wrong


This is the prob ^^^.  You mention getting destroyed and never doing well.  Even mentioning previously that all of your test are good.  So from what i see, all the test are good and you run a great k/d for never doing well at all.  It looks like you're doing just fine!  If anxiety is getting to you just take a few days break from the game, you're probably just burned out and need a break.

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im on the latest firmware, already tried everything on wiki so not worth doing it again, i usually get the same results from the speed tests, modem is highest speed provided by optimum, specific issue is that i can never get any good games anymore because of the lag (or lag comp whatever) game says my connection is fine, ping plotter says everything is fine, DSL says everything is a+ except speed (probably normal) at this point im really not sure what to do.

Try some other games. This forum is rife with info detailing how crappy BO3 is to players with good connections. Many have had success by moving their home location to give them a higher ping to the server which they suspect has leveled out the effects of lag comp.


I don't play BO3 as much as many forum members, but the other games I play work well. I'm just telling you this because so many have real success with the R1. There are so many aspects of gaming we have 0 control over, but your R1 gives you control over what we can manage. Good luck and 2.35 KD is pretty sweet

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It's true a lot of people moan about bo3 being unplayable and I've been guilty of it but then i can jump on gears of war and play on that EU server and it's so crisp and smooth which puts faith back in my connection and you realise there's nothing actually wrong with the setup you have

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Well yea my K/D is a 2.35 but its getting lower and lower. I literally have to keep leaving games constantly so that it doesnt go too low. So i kinda am having bad games, if i have to try and take a picture of the Past KDs i will to prove it. 


Fraser, from what I have seen, when i ping the host or dedi, it usually is really good and sits at at least 10-25 ping, which is really good. But for some reason i am still having the problem where i shoot first die first, getting killed around corners, and etc to my problem. What else should I try doing since whatever i am doing is not working for better game experience?

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We can't diagnose issues due to your k/d going down, we work exclusively on ping. You're getting a great ping which means the router is doing its job. You can provide the screenshots from here http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=lag_support_instructionsbut you've got the best ping possible really

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Maybe matchmaking has placed you in harder lobbies? Your KD would certainly support that theory. Might have to pull up your try-hard undies and get some work done.  Reading the graph for 12 hours is hard to make a determination on jitter, at least for me...not an expert.  Try a plot for 30 mins to an hour and that will help see what kind of jitter you're dealing with

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ok ill try that. My tryhard undies are basically falling apart lol. At this rate i should just f-ing camp because no matter how my style of playing is (always changes) i still get my ass kicked lol. So try using PPlot for an hour and give you the results while playing the game or without playing?

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ok ill try that. My tryhard undies are basically falling apart lol. At this rate i should just f-ing camp because no matter how my style of playing is (always changes) i still get my ass kicked lol. So try using PPlot for an hour and give you the results while playing the game or without playing?


The key with Ping Plotter is to check the quality of the line you are using, DURING the time you would normally be gaming.  And then an equal run during down time (like the middle of the night) to be able to check the first graph against the norm, or "your baseline".


The best bet is to run ONLY Ping Plotter for an hour or so during the peak time, when you figure the most network traffic is happening.  Generally 7:00 to 9:00 PM has been a sweet spot for a lot of users.  You don't want to be gaming, or having a lot of internet traffic, because you are trying to see what you are up against in terms of network saturation and "jitter".  


We will be able to assess that better if both samples are taken with AS CLOSE TO ZERO other internet traffic during the time of testing.


I will say this, that second image you posted above is not ideal.  We will have to see what your baseline looks like, but you could be fighting something COMPLETELY beyond your own home.


I have shared this several times, but I made my early career in Cable TV.  I worked it for many years and eventually became a traveling construction contractor in several major US cities.  My personal house was wired by me, and I used some top quality stuff.  Having said that, the plant out on the street is in such an over-saturated (high customer count) that my line quality was shit.  100% packet loss at times and tons of Jitter.  I ended up switching to a dedicated gaming line (VDSL) from another carrier because the Cable TV model is fine for TV and basic internet, but that model does indeed make gaming difficult to say the least.





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I will say this, that second image you posted above is not ideal.  We will have to see what your baseline looks like, but you could be fighting something COMPLETELY beyond your own home.


That second plot looks a little unstable to me but I'm no expert.


It doesn't have the epic spikes that I have and the average latency is lower than mine too.


My connection is pretty terrible though.

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maybe i should try to go to using a monitor. I always wanted to try it but didnt have the money. I dont wanna do further testing cause im kinda getting sick of it but i will definitely try going to a monitor. Thanks for the help guys

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im on the latest firmware, already tried everything on wiki so not worth doing it again, i usually get the same results from the speed tests, modem is highest speed provided by optimum, specific issue is that i can never get any good games anymore because of the lag (or lag comp whatever) game says my connection is fine, ping plotter says everything is fine, DSL says everything is a+ except speed (probably normal) at this point im really not sure what to do.

Honestly, it's optimum online. I'm assuming your Long Island area!? Or Tri state. I've had the exact same issues using optimum. I e tried everything. Our location on east end North America for some reason always connects to eu/uk servers. When I close that off its a constant struggle where I may not lag but players in my lobby are to where I can't hit shots. Makes no sense to me. I've had a 1v1 with Frazier. No difference. Everyone is a God and I become a scrub. My kd is 2.3 and wl is 3.2 however since the Duma I'm around l.5 in each now. I e actually went back to optimums provided dlink and disconnected my Duma. Posted it to eBay. Good luck my man. It doesn't help everyone. Especially optimum users for some reason. Maybe our isp is doing something.

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