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this might help with bo3 connection

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my games was playing crap til i tried this thanks to raddy


it may or maynot work for you

i have a few tips that might help you from reading over post and put it all together


could you guys try this for me


heres what i think is the most important part

i copied these exact settings and game plays great now

copy raddys exact setings including his  speed test results  here they are 28.95 dl and 7.27 up

i put 28.95 dl and 7.27 up into my set bandwith in congestion control settings my normal speeds are a lot higher

if i use my normal speeds the game plays crap for me i cant get a kill but with raddys setings im getting double kills

you need to reboot router for settings to take affect

btw set you geofilter to where ever you are

i even copied his set distribution i set my ps4 to 17 percent lol


click on this link its for raddys settings it says its for uk users but it might work for everyone

just put  your location where you are if america click america if europe click europe if austraila click australia etc etc hes in  england so thats where he set his too same as me

i copied every setting he posted includind misc settings also disatribution 17% etc etc

here they are they helped me


also could you click here


and see what readings you get for buffer bloat

i actually get an a+ for bufferbloat

i think its the upload thats the most important part i think you need at most

4100 kbs to make this game run ok i posted a thread about this here if any one intrested


after you copied raddys settings could you click the link for buffer bloat ans see what rating you get for bufferbloat if you dont get an A rating i would increase or decrease the upload or downhload i bit more so you get an A rating



this site also might help you know if you need to increase either the up load or download individually 

as you might only have to increase upload  and this site give you rating on both so you can see what needs to be increased or decreased

try to get an A rating

my ping to dedis are around 15 ms to 20 ms average


i really realy hope this helps you guys out

and any one who views this

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I put my speeds 180 down and 12 up in the netduma and the only thing I use is the geofilter to set me inside the united states so I don't connect to any other servers and I have no problems with lag on BO3 except for 1 or 2 bs deaths out of the almost 2,000 kills I have now

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well before the speed adjustment I got a c or d in bufferbloat after I get an A although speed and quality take a hit . I don't care what any of it reads if this solves my gaming problems.


I put my speeds 180 down and 12 up in the netduma and the only thing I use is the geofilter to set me inside the united states so I don't connect to any other servers and I have no problems with lag on BO3 except for 1 or 2 bs deaths out of the almost 2,000 kills I have now

If I use these speeds as they are as I have almost the same I am a second or so behind in every single cod. I'm guessing the differnet hops we go through may be the difference.

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i did that and still got put on the server lol with strict mode on and pa off 

I reset the F#$k out of everything, modem, router xbone and seemed to be able to use with a small radius. I have my home between w.Virginia and Virginia and Maryland where they all meet. This set up seemed to work pretty good last night. I had bad games but they were bad games I wouldn't say they were lag I would say I got my ass kicked. I did expand my geo to include Kansas for a short period and had some glitchy lobbies but had some decent ones too.

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I tried these setting and it didn't really make any noticeable difference for me, im still pinging around 40/50 ms every single game i get in, i don't think iv played a match in BO3 that has been under 40/50ms, the connection and hit detection for me is terrible :-(    

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@oatesy50. Try this just to see what kind of ping you get. Make your geofilter as small as it will let you. Make sure it is set over your actual home location. Then set your ping assist to 35 then see if you get in a game. Keep going until you find the lowest ping that will allow you in a game.

Please let me know if this works for you. Or what is the lowest ping you are able to get with this technique.


Now just another note. You will not be able to get into a lobby with a ping that is lower than your base ping.

Usually the lowest ping you are able to find will be your base ping +approx 20ms.

So for me my base ping is 10ms and the best lobbies I can find is 20 to 30ms.

Oh yeah. Strict mode must be on.

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@BuckNasssty I tried these settings, i put my Geo-filter as low as it would go and used the PA to get into games, i tried it on 25,30,35,40 and it just wouldn't put me in a game full stop just put me in lobbies by myself so i put the PA to 45 and it put me into a game but the connection wasnt very good the best it was pinging at was 45 ms 


Iv just done a speed test and for some reason my base ping is 38ms, its never normally that high, not sure what's happened there

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After tinkering with this I found having my download set at 70mb works best. I believe I kept everything else the same. I kept changing around till I got straight A's on everything for connection on dslreports test page.

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@BuckNasssty I tried these settings, i put my Geo-filter as low as it would go and used the PA to get into games, i tried it on 25,30,35,40 and it just wouldn't put me in a game full stop just put me in lobbies by myself so i put the PA to 45 and it put me into a game but the connection wasnt very good the best it was pinging at was 45 ms


Iv just done a speed test and for some reason my base ping is 38ms, its never normally that high, not sure what's happened there

So we need to somehow get your base ping down because this is holding you back from getting you into the low ping lobbies. May try pinging to different servers. Oh I forgot one thing. Set your congestion to 70/70 and prioritize your console to 25-50% when gaming as well.
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@BuckNasssty yeah my congestion is set to 70/70 and my console is set to 55% on device prioritisation, the lobbies im joining seem to be getting progressively worse, the last few games i have joined iv been pinging at around 70/80ms, its almost unplayable   

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@BuckNasssty yeah my congestion is set to 70/70 and my console is set to 55% on device prioritisation, the lobbies im joining seem to be getting progressively worse, the last few games i have joined iv been pinging at around 70/80ms, its almost unplayable

Yeah anything over 50ms I just back out. But there is a lot of bs on the low ping lobbies too.
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