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Lag Compensation counter-measures using simjc74's glorious combo technique


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I have to admit I have had some awesome gameplay on Blops 2 recently. I managed to get k9 unit twice recently and before that only once before.


Although last night I gave up after less than hour as there where so many hacked lobbies. :angry:


Bring on Blops 3 !!   :)

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I do the opposite I have my download at 8% and upload at 100%


Correct me if I am wrong but I believe having a higher download makes you a host since you are downloading all the players.

The upload is how fast you upload your actions.


So if you lower the download then you wont be host and keep your upload normal then everything you do will be as fast as it can be.


So the end result for my connection to xbox live is like 1-3mbps down and about 5-5mbps upload.


Smooth games with perfect hit detection, also my MTU right now is 1375.

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  On 10/29/2015 at 3:28 PM, alex49h said:

I was just in NYC last week! It must be that Verizon Fios. Like the MarkOfJ he has some beastly gameplay with That fresh fiber connection! Wish we had it here in my neighborhood in Southern Cali.

I feel you. Im in oregon and the best I get offered is century link dsl which is awful!! they wont even up my upload speed from .89 mbps.

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ll n3mes1s what made you use mtu 1375  out of curiosity  

My self on ps4 has been trying diffrent  mtu mine should be  1500 but mine seems to work better on 1392

Your idea on keeping upload high and  download low im gonna try that

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  On 8/16/2015 at 7:59 PM, KayOneX-24 said:

Hi everybody,


it's been some time since I've posted. Been busy these days to show you something.

First off, I want to thank our forum mate and famous youtuber: simjc74.

Sim, I'd like to thank you for inspiring me when you've introduced me to your Netduma/TP-Link-Router-Combo-Technique

by your video on YouTube:




Recently, I've had a lot of trouble with the lag compensation/netcode of Call Of Duty, again.

It has been the same situation as in the past even if my setup is OK...


...You turn around a corner and get shot behind cover.

...You shoot a whole magazine into a guy, while he turns around and kills you with a magical bullet.

...You are forced to camp due to the lag comp issues...The guy enters the room and kills you instantly and you can't stand a chance.


This describes exactly what I've experienced for a couple of weeks until now.


I know there's everything OK with my line (at least for now), my netduma R1 and with my reflexes. ;-)

So, the only reason could possibly be the poor netcoding of Call Of Duty.

Said and done. It is :-)


I've tried the following method on XBOX360 and PS4 by testing it with Black Ops 2 (XBOX360) and Ghosts (PS4).

I can say that this method has eliminated the disadvantages I've experienced prior to this.

Now every shot registers immediately and I feel like having fun playing the series again.

That's why I want to share my findings with you.

I haven't tested this method while playing in a full party, yet.

I'm going to keep you updated as soon as possible.


First, I'm going to show you my physical setup:


Gateway (Fritz!Box 7490) -> TP-Link WDR4300 -> Netduma R1 -> Consoles

Internet speeds: 8 Mbit Download, 1 MBit Upload (throttled using CC to prevent lag due to queues):



My consoles are directly (wired) connected to the Netduma R1 as the R1 does the whole pre-filtering stuff,

such as geofiltering, ping assisting and - not to forget - the congestion control.

Then the TP-Link comes into play to throttle some specific ports of your consoles to deceive the lag compensation

and thus to eliminate the disadvantage for having a low ping.


Part 1.) Now for the more technical stuff:


I want to show you my settings of the Netduma R1 first. I think you know how to setup so I'll save some time here.

But, you can ask me anytime if you need support. These are my settings for the R1:


...Those are my geofilter settings:




...My congestion control settings:


attachicon.gifCongestion Control.jpg


...My Miscellaneous settings:




Done!  :)

The first part is done. You should set your home location by using the home location icon to your

true geographical location and press the snap button twice.

I would set up the ping assist to 40ms, but this depends on your base ping.


Since we're done here for the first part, we need to approach to the second one, the TP-Link settings.

What we need to set up is the bandwidth control of our TP-Link, That's what we're going to do now:


Part 2.) Now for the throttling stuff:


If you've already logged on to your second router (TP-Link), please click to "Bandwith Control".

This needs to be filled with your personal internet bandwidth information.

Remember, I've got 1 up and 8 down, so this is how it looks for me:


attachicon.gifBandwidth Control.jpg


Now for the important part... The throttling stuff. I've figured out that we don't need to throttle the whole console,

because it can be a hinderance when you want to use it for other things than gaming, such as watching

clips on YouTube, mailing, browsing and so on. If you don't want to switch your settings everytime you've finished gaming,

please do the following:


Please click to "Rules List" -> Select the IP of your console -> Throttle the egress (=upload speed) to a maximum of 40 kbps.

-> Select a first port range (UDP) from 3074 to 3076 and a second port range from 10000 to 65535. 

This is how it should look for you:


attachicon.gifRules List.jpg


What we've got now:


We have found a way to bypass the lag compensation that made us feel like being a second behind everytime.

We have found a way to even the playing field and make the CoD series enjoyable again.

We have achieved this by limiting the matchmaking of the game to keep the ping as low as possible.

Then we have improved the result by installing a counter-measure for the lag compensation by throttling only the

required UDP ports and not the whole device. So we can use our console for everything else, because the bandwidth

for surfing, mailing, youtubing is not affected by our game fix.

This works perfectly for me. I hope it works for you too and would like to hearing from you.


Sincerely, KayOneX-24

not possible to play for me with 40 kbps, i am standing still in the game xD (BO3) i don't know how you do that.

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  On 11/11/2015 at 3:52 PM, Zennon said:

He is stating 40kbps upload (this will not effect ping time so wont change a thing game wise)

if i do this, (i have the same setup) i cant play.. it lags like Shxx bro. am i doing it wrong?

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Jeycee these settings were for cod ghosts not bo3 also he uses the tp link to throttle certain ports not all his connetion

 Btw when i tried it i got a 1 red bar on ps4   it was terrible but these settings are for  ghosts 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/12/2015 at 1:06 PM, kinel said:

i actually  get an a+ for both up and down  constantly for bufferbloat


I haven't checked buffer bloat for gaming on BO3 since about day two.  I literally could not tell a difference and the number of variables were putting me into a tailspin of doubt.


PS4 and BO3:  I've been running 80/80 on PS4, while playing in a party with Fuzzy Clam, and playing solo.  I get a few WTF engagements, but for the "most part" this has been stable for me while playing on Illinois dedis.


XB1 and BO3:  I'm currently running a new setting. 97/97 with share excess UNTICKED (saw it in a video from someone) and the XB1 prioritized at 3x the rest of the network items.  This works pretty well to be honest, but it CAN cause some problems with household traffic as you are taking up dedicated bandwidth and aren't sharing.



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