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Throttling connection


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Can you throttle the up/down load speeds just by limiting the Qos sliders?  Is there a way to just throttle the speeds going to my xbox so I do not slow down other devices on my network?  


Ive done this before on other routers and it improved hit detection/gameplay



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23 minutes ago, Derek2626 said:

Can you throttle the up/down load speeds just by limiting the Qos sliders?  Is there a way to just throttle the speeds going to my xbox so I do not slow down other devices on my network?  


Ive done this before on other routers and it improved hit detection/gameplay



You can use bandwidth allocation, with Share Excess disabled from the submenu in Bandwidth Allocation. You can then limit the bandwidth to specific devices.

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6 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

You can use bandwidth allocation, with Share Excess disabled from the submenu in Bandwidth Allocation. You can then limit the bandwidth to specific devices.

Is Bandwidth Allocation the best way to throttle download/upload then rather than using QoS sliders? I’ve always used the QoS sliders to try this but never really notice any difference.

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17 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Congestion Control is the easiest way to limit it, if you have Traffic Prioritization running then this will supersede Congestion Control/BA so might be what you're experiencing there

The only TP rule I have set up is Gaming/Voice (WAN) so should that be disabled if I start using Bandwidth Allocation?

From my testing, the QoS sliders do limit the download/upload speeds when I do speed tests so is using both making my connection worse?

Also what are the best settings to use for Bandwidth Allocation when gaming? I don’t need any other devices in my house to have much speed at all when gaming as I’m the only one in the house.

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38 minutes ago, K0NSPIRACY said:

The only TP rule I have set up is Gaming/Voice (WAN) so should that be disabled if I start using Bandwidth Allocation?

From my testing, the QoS sliders do limit the download/upload speeds when I do speed tests so is using both making my connection worse?

Also what are the best settings to use for Bandwidth Allocation when gaming? I don’t need any other devices in my house to have much speed at all when gaming as I’m the only one in the house.

All 3 features can be used at once if you wish to, if you're wanting to throttle specifically and the TP rule is prioritizing then disable that.

You don't really need to change BA just for gaming, it uses very little bandwidth and giving it more won't make it use it. As long as it has ~1Mbps then you're good!

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12 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

All 3 features can be used at once if you wish to, if you're wanting to throttle specifically and the TP rule is prioritizing then disable that.

You don't really need to change BA just for gaming, it uses very little bandwidth and giving it more won't make it use it. As long as it has ~1Mbps then you're good!

Is there any point to throttling connection then? It doesn’t sound like it would improve hit detection in game.

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31 minutes ago, K0NSPIRACY said:

Is there any point to throttling connection then? It doesn’t sound like it would improve hit detection in game.

Some people say that they find it helps with lag compensation, it's worth a try if that's something you feel you're struggling with, otherwise no need

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So after testing my speeds on other devices with “share excess off” I was getting 20 up and 20 down


share excess on I was getting 200+ up and 200+ down, so it seems like it is throttling other devices in the network?

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10 hours ago, Derek2626 said:

So after testing my speeds on other devices with “share excess off” I was getting 20 up and 20 down


share excess on I was getting 200+ up and 200+ down, so it seems like it is throttling other devices in the network?

Yes, that's because these devices are strictly limited to their allocation and cannot borrow from other devices. That's the only way to specifically hard limit a device though.

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  • 3 months later...
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39 minutes ago, Ivanbad said:

So when choosing share excess off for console gaming, do you have to uncheck in devices, applications or both?

It's just the one option for share excess so it will apply for whichever method you choose to allocate bandwidth

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On 11/9/2022 at 9:25 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

Some people say that they find it helps with lag compensation, it's worth a try if that's something you feel you're struggling with, otherwise no need

It does, I made changes like you suggested. Hit reg felt much more better more consistent I mean, got a win in the end 


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My settings if anyone is interested

Geo filter 2000 km ping assist 0 (default settings)

QoS: 95% UP Down 85% - You will need to find sweet spot that works for you, keep adjusting the sliders until you have A+ score on waveform website.

Bandwidth Allocation 2mb up and 2mb down

TP disabled

Uncheck share bandwidth 

Disable UPnP

I already have a decent hit reg but this made it crips and consistent.


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On 2/24/2023 at 1:27 PM, Seye said:

My settings if anyone is interested

Geo filter 2000 km ping assist 0 (default settings)

QoS: 95% UP Down 85% - You will need to find sweet spot that works for you, keep adjusting the sliders until you have A+ score on waveform website.

Bandwidth Allocation 2mb up and 2mb down

TP disabled

Uncheck share bandwidth 

Disable UPnP

I already have a decent hit reg but this made it crips and consistent.


Seye could you post a link to this webpage you mentioned about   

Waveform as i cant find it or never heard of it before

  When i searvhed for it  i only find  music sites

 Do you settings work in multyplayer as well as warzone

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In its current state, the game is unplayable for me *without* throttling connection. 

Gigabit connection, base ping of 3–5, without throttling, the game feels "fast". I shoot first die first always, it's like i've been nerfed.

Throttle using Duma to 1up/1down, the game feels like its "slowed down", steady and I don't lose guns fights that I know it should be winning. 

If I didn't have a Duma and I was using my stock provider equipment, the game would be unplayable.

I reset router to factory, all I use are the QoS and I ring fence my home location (UK) and play on those servers. I don't feel the need to force other servers when throttling. No TP, no UPNP.

Nothing else works. I've changed settings to get perfect buffer bloat, experimented with capping speeds at different levels, it just feels like the game is still punishing people with 'good connections' when it should be the opposite. It's 2023. There is no reason for lag compensation to exist, there has been enough time for people to adapt to new technology and faster speeds. Given the cost of consoles and games, there is no reason to cheap out on internet. You can't use location an an excuse either as you may not get commercial ISP's in your remote area, but you can always use specialist providers and dedicated lines.

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5 hours ago, kinel said:

Seye could you post a link to this webpage you mentioned about   

Waveform as i cant find it or never heard of it before

  When i searvhed for it  i only find  music sites

 Do you settings work in multyplayer as well as warzone

Yes works it, perfect on multiplayer. A clip with settings on multiplayer, bullet reg is really good. Here is the website 


Keep adjusting your QOS slider until you get A+ or A score, make sure no device is downloading while testing and test on wired connection not on wifi.


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1 hour ago, BigBoyJimmy said:

In its current state, the game is unplayable for me *without* throttling connection. 

Gigabit connection, base ping of 3–5, without throttling, the game feels "fast". I shoot first die first always, it's like i've been nerfed.

Throttle using Duma to 1up/1down, the game feels like its "slowed down", steady and I don't lose guns fights that I know it should be winning. 

If I didn't have a Duma and I was using my stock provider equipment, the game would be unplayable.

I reset router to factory, all I use are the QoS and I ring fence my home location (UK) and play on those servers. I don't feel the need to force other servers when throttling. No TP, no UPNP.

Nothing else works. I've changed settings to get perfect buffer bloat, experimented with capping speeds at different levels, it just feels like the game is still punishing people with 'good connections' when it should be the opposite. It's 2023. There is no reason for lag compensation to exist, there has been enough time for people to adapt to new technology and faster speeds. Given the cost of consoles and games, there is no reason to cheap out on internet. You can't use location an an excuse either as you may not get commercial ISP's in your remote area, but you can always use specialist providers and dedicated lines.

I'm in the UK also EU/UK lobbies are wicked LOL....I have experienced that before, on really great connection I get 2 shot killed which is unbelievable and watching the kill cam the enemy emptied his magazine in me. In game is different from what the server see's, this could be lag compensation /buffer float or SBMM is fucking with you! Not an expert on lag etc but I do know it plays a part in this issue.

Over the years I have learnt the hard way, the game punishes you for been good at the game to give less experience or noob players a chance to play the game and have fun, some times my pace or sprint is slower than usual cant evade or escape from gun shoots or ads is so slow and other times about a day or two later movement etc is back to normal. I went to a friends place logged on to my acc on his PlayStation, the experience was different it felt I was playing another game everything was on point. I was getting double digits skills even against try hards I didn't break a sweat or rage for random mishaps I couldn't explain. 

Trust me I have been toyed with by sbmm for 2 years straight on warzone 1, I get killed by low IQ players. For instance I see an enemy first backing me I start shooting break his armor he turns round puts two bullets in me and I get knocked down despite having full plates and full health this is just sbmm favouring the other player. The way around this for me then was to play with friends that where low skilled or play with friends at a different location having them to host, if I played solo I know its going to be a sweaty try hard lobby all day or random stuff I cant explain will happen. The up side to this is after about 4 to 5 sweaty games, the next game will be a mixture of noobs and average player then I get to dominate the lobby. I can tell  from the first t 2 - 3 enemies I kill on first drop, if they were clue less or noobs I just fry the lobby lol. 

Then Caldera map dropped, my experience was much better although I still met try hards which is better than random deaths or game giving enemy upper hand against me, I would say get your connection setup right play with other low level players or get your self VPN like most people do. I dont see the point using one cause personally it takes the fun out the game I enjoy playing against wanna be try hard etc cause I get a rush of adrenaline in the moment of gun fight enjoy the death coms after but changing locations playing against low level players isn't fun for me just my opinion.

My R2 is kinda broken at the moment just learnt it over heats, crashes my internet and loose internet for now I'm using ISP router which is surprisingly good. I will post more settings if r2 works again.

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When I watch your clip, what shocks me the most is the aim assist which seems completely to your advantage!

(I'm not criticizing your aim or your level... but the aim assist is abused in this video) 😉

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1 hour ago, Fuzy said:

When I watch your clip, what shocks me the most is the aim assist which seems completely to your advantage!

(I'm not criticizing your aim or your level... but the aim assist is abused in this video) 😉

Its because I play very low sensitivity, I play on  5/5 or 6/6, aim assist is like a magnet LOL dont  forget to use  'Blackops' its broken at the moment

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