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Yep cod is fked for good connections..


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On 12/31/2021 at 10:36 PM, Knomax said:

Why you install DDWRT?It has broken QOS for several years now...also day by day they "release" firmware that is always in beta fixing one thing and damage 10 things!!

Cos I thought I could add like a ping delay to my packets to make my ping 30ms in game, didn't work this way so router going to get put back to normal! 

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1 hour ago, prince-horus said:

Salut nofear avec quel routeur obtiens tu ce buffer et de telle vitesse un x86 ou autre ,merci

peu importe le routeur ou ton buffer ça n'a aucune incidence sur ton gameplay..comme je l'es dit plus haut sur mes 2 screens  mon gameplay reste le même a la différence que sur le 1er si je down en même en temps que je joue ça na pas d'impact sur mon gameplay contrairement au 2ieme.

La réponse est ailleurs !!!!! plutôt "les réponses"

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Someone's post the other week had me thinking. They said they had some good gameplay while they were downloading but it went to shit when they stopped downloading.

This was a known thing back in the day, people would let torrents run while they played and got a good connection. I tried it back in MW3 and it was the only way I could play the game even though I had a bad ADSL line.

There was a guy last night in one of my matches, his killcam didn't look smooth at all and there were chinese names in the match so I thought maybe they had connected to our server. I messaged him afterwards if he was in China or if he has a bad connection cause it was laggy and he said his family is streaming stuff. This guy was almost impossible to kill.

Makes me think maybe streaming/downloading stuff while you play can give you a better experience if you're usually one to suffer cause of your good connection due to lag comp. Throttling alone doesn't seem to help, maybe some throttling and a stream to saturate your connection a bit can mess with how the gamepackets are handled and give you a "fairer" experience

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22 hours ago, Nofear said:

i can play while downloading no affect my gameplay


22 hours ago, Nofear said:

no latency on the network very important " even under load "


16 hours ago, Dopam-IT_1987 said:

perfect gameplay 

i'm testing new option for my new connexion 

:) happy new year everybody 


Capture d’écran 2022-01-07 à 16.30.27.png

Nice..with Gigabit connections YOU dont have bufferbloat at all as i said before.....bufferbloat at first place caused by connection...not enough speeds to transfer the packets....with gigabit connection you dont have this problem.

Second place is the "device"...router to cause buffebloat..but this doesnt  appear very often.

If with this connection your gameplay stills not good ..you can blame the game...your connection is perfect and you cant do anything better.

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1Gbit internet can have bufferbloat as well, but for other reasons. If you have lan connections 1Gbit then the interfaces often max out at 940mbit. So setting it to 900mbit or so can cure that.

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5 hours ago, dpk_ydv said:

@Netduma Fraser is traffic prioritization only needed if the connection is saturated? Would traffic prioritization be needed for a Gigabyte connection?

It's always a good idea to use it in my opinion, even if the connection isn't saturated a network queue can still exist and so that will put gaming ahead of it

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Guys, I have a 1GBPS connection up and down and have set my speed to 900/900. Have less than 6 devices in the house and my network is hardly saturated.

For some reason, I find that setting my PC as games console the Traffic Prioritization works better but my upload is more than my download. Have also set Geofilter as my PC which shows as a console and filtering mode is off.

Is that an issue? What is the best recommended setting for PC in your opinion? I am mainly gaming on PC and playing Vanguard. Router is XR500 on latest firmware.

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