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❌Xr500 (PS4 Lan Not connecting)!😡🤬😰

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Hey everyone , My ps4 pro has not had a issue ever connecting Ethernet with my xr500, over the last year, but finally about a month or 2 ago I unplugged my Ethernet from my ps4 and plugged it into my other one to update it faster, then tried plugging it back into mine and now it will always say"connect lan cable "😡🤬😡

I did at some point uncheck the Dhcp box in the LAN SETUP, and I assume this had something to do with it , but I reset my router like said below, and I've wasted days worth of time trying to figure it out .,. 

i have switched out the cords, restarted , reset everything , literally everything possible. 
Then I found out online it has something to do with the dhcp lease expiring or something where it's not picking up the cable is connected , or the IP address I had reserved for it initially somehow got lost and now it isn't finding my Ethernet anymore which is properly hooked up as it should be ... ✔️

It's a very sad time playing without an Ethernet cord is so bad and I need it back !..

please can somehow someone give me ANY information to fix this ... I'd appreciate it so much!!  I don't know much about this at all and I feel lost.. whatever you can do will help . 😭❤️
Thank you !


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Sorry to hear this!

It's really unlikely the issue is related to DHCP, but an easy way to check would be to give it a reserved IP address from the LAN setup and see if the problem continues.

Could you connect another device to the XR500 via an ethernet cable and see if that too can't connect?

What happens if you test the internet connection through the PS4 Pro settings?

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it says that it unable to detect the ethernet cord. and from seeiong other things online people say its something with loosing the ip somehow after i already had it reserved. like i said i unplugged the cord and plugged it back in and it hadnt worked since, i plug tghe computer in with the same cord and it works just fine. im not sure . i know for a fact as soon as i unchecked UPNP OR dhcp and rechecked it and then i had this occur ever since, i can no longer play mny ps4 pro with ethernet 

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On 8/22/2021 at 11:22 AM, Netduma Fraser said:

Give the router a reboot from the interface and it should resolve itself


2 minutes ago, Adehpt said:

it says that it unable to detect the ethernet cord. and from seeiong other things online people say its something with loosing the ip somehow after i already had it reserved. like i said i unplugged the cord and plugged it back in and it hadnt worked since, i plug tghe computer in with the same cord and it works just fine. im not sure . i know for a fact as soon as i unchecked UPNP OR dhcp and rechecked it and then i had this occur ever since, i can no longer play mny ps4 pro with ethernet 



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these links is what I mean. I don't think the ps4 ports bad cuz it clicks, I've used multiple new cords and they  all seem to work but for my ps4 and ever since I accidentally turned that dhcp as router button off and on and somehow it got a new IP and i already had my ps4 as address reservation but idk if it's because I switched the 3rd number in the IP sequence so it would be totally different ? I don't know much about it and got curious lol . . Plus I had a problem just like this where "lab cable not connected" showed up at a different house I was at, and it was a problem with the internet , and I got it fixed and can't remember how 

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As you factory reset previously which would have wiped any settings you changed and you've now given it a reserved IP that won't be the issue. Connect it directly to the modem, do you get the same issue? If so that's an easy way to rule out the router being the issue.

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