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BLACK OPS : COLD WAR. Some thoughts


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Overall I enjoy the game but SBMM is so thick, you sweat in every game. I miss the variety of good/bad players jumping in and out of lobbies.

It's almost impossible to grind weapons in these sweaty lobbies without getting melted. This sucks. 

Disbanding lobbies is also an awful idea. I remember back in the days when you started a kind of "vendetta"  with an opponent, trying to beat them in the next game. This was soooo fun.

As far as connection is concerned , I frequently get this "hi ping"  icon but I'm pretty sure it's false alarm. Otherwise I play OK with my 40 € open source firmware router and it's built-in QoS (I have posted my setup numerous times in threads an DMs).

I mostly quickscope but Pelington is a hitmarker machine and Tundra is slow as death. COD community for some reason despise quickscopers and they won trying to convince Treyarch to nerf these weapons.

I preordered the game and I don't regret it. I'm  looking forward to November 13 launch

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Played the alpha on ps4 had roughly 3.5Kd. Played the beta on xbox one had 1.5kd  so then played the beta on ps 4 and had 1.3kd. Looks like they only put the sbmm on from the beta.

Game isn't for me its like playing a game of cod thats 8 years old.

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Snipers are BS in this game IMHO.


Getting no scoped from 3m with a Tundra while I have to land half a magazine with a AK-74u is rediculous. Even shotguns get you hitmarkers at these ranges. Cross map sniping, fine with that though. This is an inherent issue with the Treyarch longer TTK games IMHO, BO4 also had these issues. I wish they used something like BO3 ttk. Overall I don't enjoy the long ttk.


Connections in this game are absolute garbage and SBMM makes it even worse. While I am typing this I am sitting waiting for my TDM lobby to fill. Seriously you can't fill a TDM lobby on sunday afternoon???!!?!?. I am playing on EU servers and geofiltering doesn't seem to do anything for me. You can change servers but they keep matching you up with people from all over the place and the Italy server for example plays like thrash. Wish I played on my fiber line though as it's hard to say if my cable ISP has something to do with it. I reset my router because it was showing high CPU usage but that did nothing.


Can't tell all the stats in this game but in TDM I am holding a 2.4 elims/d at the minute.


Aiming is messed up. If you are a hair off your target aim assist prevents you from correcting.


Visibility is arguably even worse than MW2019. What doesn't help either is that both sides use the same player models.


Loading into a game takes absolute ages. Maybe it's because of the slow PS4 harddrives but I am litterally waiting for ages until the animation starts. Also what is annoying is that there is no lobby screen for join in progress games. So you can't tell if it's people in parties or what map or game mode it is.


Footsteps are acceptable now that they have fixed the Ninja perk. It does shift balance to the 'perk greed' wildcard since you can run both ghost and ninja.


I absolutely hate the scorestreak system. First of all the bars are so small that you have no idea on how far you are off. Also it turns the end of the game into a steak spam fest. Because of this there is absolutely zero incentive to stay in join in progress lobbies. And I have litterally games seen decided by scorestreak handouts. Overall the artillery strike and warmachine are the strongest streaks. In BO4 specialist spam was hated upon, they have simply traded that for scorestreak handouts.


Weapons. All feel the same to me, cartoony and hollow sounds. Meta I would say is MP5, XM4 and AK-47. My personal favorite is AK-47.


Secondary weapons, pistols I only used the 1911 but got along with it well, however the shotguns are stronger they kinda overshadow the pistols.


Not a fan of the create a class system as a whole. I understand they want to immitate the MW gunsmith but for this game there is no unique attachments and it doesn't add much. Lethal / tactical standard on class induces lethal / tactical spam. Pick 10 was way more elegant IMHO. Also the wildcards, mentioned this before but Perk Greed is the most overpowered thing in the game, you're crazy if you are not running this. You get Tac Mask, Flak Jacket, Ninja, Ghost, Scavanger and replenishing tacticals / lethals in one go. Unless you need 8 attachments this is the thing to run. Also leveling up weapons with no 2XP active takes absolute ages.


Movement, sliding needs toning down or connections improved. Now it looks more like teleporting then sliding.


Overall feeling is that half the gunfights I loose are due to connection BS, poor visibility and aim assist / aiming issues. But you can turn that around saying that when I win the enemy had these issues. But as to the general feel, it feels unpolished and more like a free to play shooter than a tripple A CoD title.

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Disbanding the lobbies is part of the SBMM system. It'll be like that for the next few CoD games at least.

Gotta protect those who are shit at the game so they *might* spend more money ;)

The maps loading takes forever I agree... I've put the game on my SSD to see if that improves it.

EDIT : Now on my SSD, the map loads in about 3-4 seconds instead of 10-20+.

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I think the loading was bugged.. I have a ps4 pro with a decent SSD and some games felt like I waited over a minute in the loading screen. Some of these games had already started because I could hear people on the mic playing. One game I waited to see how long it would take and it was a couple minutes and it only loaded me in to see the final POTG lol..

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9 minutes ago, johnnytran said:

I think the loading was bugged.. I have a ps4 pro with a decent SSD and some games felt like I waited over a minute in the loading screen. Some of these games had already started because I could hear people on the mic playing. One game I waited to see how long it would take and it was a couple minutes and it only loaded me in to see the final POTG lol..

Yup. With the game on my SSD, the first match loaded really fast, the next much slower, seems random how long it takes.

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- Bad Visibility 

- Bad Team Balance & SBMM; always put me against stacked team

- The game require maximum effort in your end to optimize router to be as advantage as possible

Fortunately, Netduma Comboing with Freshtomato saved my my experience. >70% gunfight winning rate satisfied me enough. Been maintaining at 2.7-4 KD averagely. One Nuke 

I encourage you to ditch netduma (I only use it for Geo Filter) and buy cheap router (mine is 8$ Linksys WRT54GL) and boot FreshTomato FW in. and there you go!

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4 hours ago, Chaiyoabc said:

- Bad Visibility 

- Bad Team Balance & SBMM; always put me against stacked team

- The game require maximum effort in your end to optimize router to be as advantage as possible

Fortunately, Netduma Comboing with Freshtomato saved my my experience. >70% gunfight winning rate satisfied me enough. Been maintaining at 2.7-4 KD averagely. One Nuke 

I encourage you to ditch netduma (I only use it for Geo Filter) and buy cheap router (mine is 8$ Linksys WRT54GL) and boot FreshTomato FW in. and there you go!

Can you post your setup from wall to Tomato ? (ip address for each device, if you have a bridged modem, pppoe etc.)

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4 hours ago, Chaiyoabc said:

- Bad Visibility 

- Bad Team Balance & SBMM; always put me against stacked team

- The game require maximum effort in your end to optimize router to be as advantage as possible

Fortunately, Netduma Comboing with Freshtomato saved my my experience. >70% gunfight winning rate satisfied me enough. Been maintaining at 2.7-4 KD averagely. One Nuke 

I encourage you to ditch netduma (I only use it for Geo Filter) and buy cheap router (mine is 8$ Linksys WRT54GL) and boot FreshTomato FW in. and there you go!

Whats the benefits of running  the freshtomato firmware over the netduma please. I take it you use the freshtomato router to replace the isp router.

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Beta is over. 

My final opinion is that it was the best result a developer could ever come up with on such short notice.

There is a huge, HUGE industy flourishing on Youtube based on negativity. "It's a Cr@ppy, Sh!tty, awful game" etc.  (Eighthoughts, GGreloaded and so on). I hate this approach.

My advice is if you don't like it, don't play it. You can cancel your preorder and move forward.

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17 hours ago, Chaiyoabc said:

 I encourage you to ditch netduma (I only use it for Geo Filter) and buy cheap router (mine is 8$ Linksys WRT54GL) and boot FreshTomato FW in. and there you go!

How do you set up R2 with another for using the geo-filter? I'm guessing your fresh tomato router is the main, connect lan to lan with R2, console to r2? Do you only disable DHCP and QoS on R2? Do you put the R2 IP in freshtomato DMZ and console IP in R2 DMZ?

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4 hours ago, johnnytran said:

How do you set up R2 with another for using the geo-filter? I'm guessing your fresh tomato router is the main, connect lan to lan with R2, console to r2? Do you only disable DHCP and QoS on R2? Do you put the R2 IP in freshtomato DMZ and console IP in R2 DMZ?

I'd also like to know how. I tried every possible way to cascade LAN to LAN two routers (DD-WRT and R1) but I can't avoid double NAT.

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9 hours ago, Sgt-Greco said:

I'd also like to know how. I tried every possible way to cascade LAN to LAN two routers (DD-WRT and R1) but I can't avoid double NAT.

I got mine to work by turning off dhcp and upnp on my isp router and enabling both on the netduma R1. then full rebooted both units.

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2 hours ago, Honey Badger WS said:

I got mine to work by turning off dhcp and upnp on my isp router and enabling both on the netduma R1. then full rebooted both units.

@Chaiyoabc suggested to use Netduma for GF only and an open source router for QoS. I have posted what I'm trying to achieve here

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I downloaded & deleted the game 3 times during the Beta. The developers & Demonware (btw. Demonware moved the authentication server away from Ireland to Warsaw in Poland) are connection cheaters; they somehow filter/delay your packets then to have in & out problems. Every small studio is capable to provide a working neutral netcode to let the players decide the outcome of the gunfight unlike the Gay Of Duty series. Imo in general the COD developers are mentally handicapped people who don't see their programming faults. Also a problem is that these people have no gameplay advisors. That's why they put so much bullshit is put into the games. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/20/2020 at 8:50 AM, Chaiyoabc said:

- Bad Visibility 

- Bad Team Balance & SBMM; always put me against stacked team

- The game require maximum effort in your end to optimize router to be as advantage as possible

Fortunately, Netduma Comboing with Freshtomato saved my my experience. >70% gunfight winning rate satisfied me enough. Been maintaining at 2.7-4 KD averagely. One Nuke 

I encourage you to ditch netduma (I only use it for Geo Filter) and buy cheap router (mine is 8$ Linksys WRT54GL) and boot FreshTomato FW in. and there you go!

I encourage you to ditch Netduma...................does this forum even have mods anymore? SMH

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8 hours ago, TryHardUndies said:

I encourage you to ditch Netduma...................does this forum even have mods anymore? SMH

lol. I didn't mean to offend anyone. Netduma is still good. its geo-filter is unique feature. it is just I can find better router that can handle bad netcode better. 

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8 hours ago, Chaiyoabc said:

lol. I didn't mean to offend anyone. Netduma is still good. its geo-filter is unique feature. it is just I can find better router that can handle bad netcode better. 

Netduma is a cool router I had it since IW. But I only noticed it worked acouple of games then it was random against some other/new players or try hards. And when peaple say "ping is king" that is absolutley bs. If your settings are shit and you play on a low ping server you will still get melted. If your settings are great then low ping is king. So will Netduma fix the lag comp issue in CoD? Maybe depends on your settings. But I would say Tomato handles it better.

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1 hour ago, Cussiv said:

Netduma is a cool router I had it since IW. But I only noticed it worked acouple of games then it was random against some other/new players or try hards. And when peaple say "ping is king" that is absolutley bs. If your settings are shit and you play on a low ping server you will still get melted. If your settings are great then low ping is king. So will Netduma fix the lag comp issue in CoD? Maybe depends on your settings. But I would say Tomato handles it better.

Personally for me, my R1 worked gloriously with IW but every CoD since its been seriously inconsistent.

I tried the XR500 with WW2 but that was worse than the R1 which wasn't that great.

OpenWRT, Asus Merlin and FreshTomoto have all worked so much better with CoD.

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On IW R1 was great when I found p2p host/dedicated lobbies around 30 ms with stable ping on Xbox, I found more bot lobbies on PS4 with geo-filter in IW. I dont remember how it performed on PS4.. I was kinda new at that time and didnt understand much about settings. The only different I noticed when XR500 come out that it performed worse then the R1 on ww2. Then alot of testing nothing worked I bought an gaming switch and sold xr500. (This is back in the days I played ww2)

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