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Hi all,

I seem to have issues with the geofilter on my XR500.
I live in Germany. When I bought the XR500 I set my radius on around 450 KM around me to connect to the 2 closest Modern Warfare servers (taken from the dumaOS Modern Warfare Servers).
At the beginning, it worked perfectly. It took a little bit longer to find a game, but when I did the connection was amazing!
Now, since some days, I find games extremely quick and play against people from spain for example, who clearly had a connection advantage (so I guess the server was closer to them, outside of my radius)

So I did a test: I shrunk the circle to the minimum (100KM), in this radius there are only villages around my city, and non of the servers are in the radius. According to the radius, I shouldn't find any games. But then I searched for a game and found one immediately, playing against spanish and french people (I live in east germany).

Does anyone know why it suddenly stopped to filter? Hope someone can help me! :)

Thanks in advance!

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EDIT: When I have the geofilter tab open and run the game, search for game and get into a lobby. But the geofilter doesnt show a single player or server on the map
I double checked the ps4 Ip adress and it is correct too.

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Do you have Ping Assist enabled in the Geo-Filter Map options? Also have you got the zoom completely zoomed out when you look at it? If not thats probably why you can't see anything. Does Auto Ping still show up?

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You mean it's still getting games outside your radius? Hard turn off the console, make sure your Geo-Filter settings are how you want them and flush the cloud. Then boot up the game and see if it works properly then.

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Yes, still getting games outside. The difference is quite noticeable (suddenly no shots connect).

Okay, I turned off the console completely, set up the geofilter how it worked at the beginning with the same distance and flushed the cloud. Now I turn the console back on.

Nothing changed unfortunately. Still no players/servers shown on the map and I get into lobbies outside my circle.

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Sure, here it's how it looks like when the playstation is on and i am in a game. It's the same as if the console was off.

I don't see that the server was in Spain. But after games where my shots don't connect and i get absolutely melted by other players, I check their profiles and they are either in Spain, Britain or France.

Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-04 um 18.19.15.png

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Take a look in the device manager and check the IP of what you think is the PlayStation and then see if it matches the IP given in the PS4 network settings. If it is hard turn off the console, remove the device from the Geo-Filter and then flush the cloud. Re-add the console and boot up game/console, does it work then?

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I double checked the IP, it's correct. I also opened the ports on that IP and in game it shows me an open NAT, so ne Port forwarding works and that IP is definitely the one for the ps4.

I did exactly, what you suggested, unfortunately it still doesnt work. It shows nothing on the map zoomed in or zoomed out

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Rebooting actually worked, i now see players and servers again and connect only in my radius, thank you!

but do you know what caused that issue? why did it stop working? because i dont really like rebooting my xr500, sometimes the internet light goes red and i have to reboot it multiple times for it to work.

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