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BO3 connection


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Not sure if anyone knows but Driftor uploaded a video about the connection for bo3. The developers told him they were working on the netcode and a few other things. Hope this is tested during the beta. If the connection is still anything like bo2, ill pass on this cod. The bad connection aspect of sbmm not "playing against equally skilled players" has ruined aw for alot of ppl. Hope 3arc doesnt make the same mistake.

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Exactly. A lot of the YT that got to play the MP of BO3 said the connection was great and hit detection was spot on. I said but of course because they are playing on LAN. But at least Drift0r came out and acknowledged that it was LAN.

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Of course all the YTers are saying the game is great they say that every year about every COD,that's why they get invited to play the alpha every year.The last guy I remember to get invited to play the alpha or beta then was only use me blade and that was for ghosts and he said the game sucked and was never invited again.That was his opinion and he expressed it on his channel.


Now all they do is invite Tmart,Ali A,and the rest of the flock of sheepel (which is people that are like sheep,follow the leader) and the games all get great reviews,best COD ever and I'm super excited for the new game is all you hear until about a month after release and people find out it's the same old COD,with the same issues.


That being said I'll still buy it and play it,just like most of us here.Which proves were suckers for punishment    ;)

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Of course all the YTers are saying the game is great they say that every year about every COD,that's why they get invited to play the alpha every year.The last guy I remember to get invited to play the alpha or beta then was only use me blade and that was for ghosts and he said the game sucked and was never invited again.That was his opinion and he expressed it on his channel.


Now all they do is invite Tmart,Ali A,and the rest of the flock of sheepel (which is people that are like sheep,follow the leader) and the games all get great reviews,best COD ever and I'm super excited for the new game is all you hear until about a month after release and people find out it's the same old COD,with the same issues.


That being said I'll still buy it and play it,just like most of us here.Which proves were suckers for punishment    ;)



Spot on fuzzy.


You are 100% correct for everything there.


I will add thou the Beta is a nice touch, i give it 2 hrs from release if not less and the cries will begin.


Same old engine same old bs hit detection. you can see it in game play, so many bullets for a death and thats on lan.


1 of the clips i seen the announcer (forgot who it was) claimed great hit detection blah blah blah not 5 secs later gets turned on after missing a almost point blank shot with that anihilator special weapon thing.


BO3 will be the same as BO2 with just a new skin, wall running and exo's or boost thrust or what ever they call it these days.


Dont believe any of the hype, ive seen it all in MW's, bo1, bo2, Ghosts and also AW, the things you hear and see pre release are nothng compaired to your own opinion once you play.

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Let's make it simple. ANY YouTuber who says the connection is great now is a HUGE LIAR and doesn't deserve to have any of your views so they will realise that lying will not get them to Alpha test the game anymore too since they have become a nobody on YouTube.


Graphics wise, it honestly looks like BO2 upscaled to 1080P with sharper images. Even the greenery look fake when compared to the greenery you see in other current gen games.

BUT.. Since it IS an Alpha, I'll overlook it for now.

The Time To Kill (TTK) is really too fast as Driftor has mentioned but again, it might be different online.

I honestly miss BO1 TTK slow and strategic and really gives you a chance to turn on that enemy who's shooting behind you. In BO2, the cardboard buildings sure doesn't help you to escape from gunfire even if you think you are safe behind a wall. Joke. But then, I like MW3's TTK which is also as fast as it means easier chance to get high kill streaks as long as you don't get shot in the back.

So I am really on the fence regarding BO3's TTK for now.

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Well, this is disappointing.  I think this forum is better than this if I am honest.  Most of the people here have invested hard earned REAL MONEY in a specialized router to assist in their enjoyment the game(via playing better, having a better K/D, hitting more streaks, having a better score per minute, etc.).  


They spent money that didn't MAKE them a better player, it gave them the connection to BE a better player.  What the fuck does that have to do with it Dillinger?


Glad you asked.


You guys spent real money on a product, unproven for some of us Dec/Jan buyers, in the HOPES of getting better games.  Let's face it, you were out there, on a fragile limb, with real money, hoping for a miracle.  And if it failed to perform, and if you wasted your cash, who would have clowned you?!  Be honest!


And then we get "the connection" and [Duma] members are posting silly game plays, ridiculous K/D's and 10-15 kill streak medals start dropping out of the sky.  :huh:


No one has "played the game" yet.  The game we get Beta Day 1, is going to be a LONG fucking way from the game we will be playing Nov 6th.  The version of that game is going to be a child compared to the come Dec 25th edition for Christmas Noobs, which is going to be basically what we will be playing (DLC and a patch or two aside) for the rest of the life cycle.


This is Big Dave's last year as Community Manager.  And the guy has the BALLS to wear this at a @ and A, along with a sign over his head saying "[3arc] Vahn / Level 1" at The Call of Duty World Championships!!





The guy "hired bodyguards" after the whole "Nerfing of the DSR" patch of Black Ops 2.  Then he posted that he was "never really worried because Rage Quitters never follow through with anything".  <= LMFAO!!  [That shit is funny, I don't care who you are!! JD]


C'mon People!!  This guy is MADE for the spotlight and the Troll-fest it breeds.


Where was Tina 4 months after release?


Where has Condrey been?


Vahn has been active for the years during his "off time" when people were complaining about Black Ops 2 and Ghosts/AW were fresh to the market.  Would you have responded?  Really?  For a project you "finished" two years ago?  :rolleyes:


Do you REALLY think a guy with these tendencies is going to leave his lasting legacy game as a flop??  :ph34r:




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I play the older cods not aw as i have stated many time ha, some games are wicked.


Then there is the lobbies where the players or the hosts brother , or other family member is flooding their connection streaming or downloading and the whole lobby pays the price.


Until every gamer is forced to play with a Netduma or be banned games will be some good some bad because of lobby congestion, this needs to be enforced congestion control FTW. ;)

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Im not hyped or believing anything. Im just waiting for the beta. I loved cod when i first started playing in bo2 because of the adrenaline rush i got playing even tho I sucked. Soon after i got better and realized alot of my deaths werent my fault. Connection to me is all that matters when playing cod. Thats why ghost was the best cod that ive played so far.


I would agree tho, bo3 looks EXACTLY like a reskin of bo2 but im fine with that. As long as i dont put 4 bullets into someone and he instantly snaps onto me and kills me in 3 with the same gun. Ironically tho, ive been getting ALOT of p2p games on bo2 on ps3 with is amazing. Just give me ghost connection after they fixed it and balance the guns and im happy.

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@ Dillinger I don't think Vahn will do it on purpose,but yeah I do think it will be the same old wash,rinse,repeat COD issues.


I really don't think they know how to fix the issues every COD has had for years.I loved Ghosts because of the hit detection but people complained about the TTK,when IMO it was just good hit detection.Nothing worse than putting 8-20 shots into someone's back and get turned on and killed in one bullet.


I'm hoping for the best,but planning for the worst.But I'll still play the shit out of it    :D

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I see the points and I concede that it's been a long time since we had a "great" release.  But to be fair, I don't personally believe the nostalgia of the stories from when MW2 was released and everyone was farting rainbows and being given Unicorn rides either.   :rolleyes:


Facts being facts here for a moment, imagine if you could go back to launch night knowing what you know now about the game:

  • Large player base at the time of release - there was almost no competition in this genre when it dropped
  • More players meant more players in your area, so they were probably having better connections to hosted lobbies as we [Duma] members have found beneficial
  • Lag Comp was still in it's pre-infancy stage, so anyone with bad internet immediately got an advantage
  • YouTube, which has ruined games like CoD and GTA, was a fledgling at the time and we didn't 900 channels dedicated to exposing glitches, camping spots to end a person's streak and "which guns are OP - so use them"
  • Super controllers/modded controllers/Scuf/XIM controllers were not anywhere near as popular as they are now - and several of them didn't exist yet
  • The "pro circuit" at the time was so small, most people hadn't even heard of it.  You didn't have every pre-teen and his 80 Twitter followers grinding it day and night to someday become the next OpTiC CuMShoT

So yeah, "perfection" is in the eye of the beholder.  I don't personally believe there will ever be a release now that doesn't divide the community because there are too many "experts" warping minds with their view of CoD and "where the developers got it wrong".  


I am resigned to, and willing to embrace, a certain amount of bullshit deaths.  It's inevitable.  If it wasn't a by product of the game, some little fuck is going to have private parkour sessions "with fans" on the new maps, find a bunch of exploits, put out 20 videos on how to use them, and the downward cycle of meta game will be off and running.


I can't do another 3 years of Black Ops 2.  I don't mind the game, but I don't love it either.


Ghosts isn't an option.  I don't care how good the hit detection is/was in that game.  When you have a low TTK, you are going to promote camping because the "average" player isn't a beast slayer.  No one wants to go 5-15 and be the person at the bottom of the leader-board.  So you equip a thermal LMG, lie down in a corner and wait.  Oh, the fun.... :angry:  The only things that saved Ghosts were the hit detection and the fact that the score streaks where SHIT when you earned them, so no one was getting put in the 100 point club on the reg.  Want proof?  No one is putting Ghosts on their channel for Throwback day...LOL


AW, while I rate the overall-out-of-the-gate effort as higher than Ghosts, missed the mark by a mile.  I imagine AW 2 is going to be much more in line with what the community will be then accustomed too after a year of AW and a year plus of playing Black Ops 3 with the "advanced movement".  AW's biggest flaw might have been that it tried to push the FPS envelope too far, too fast. From Ghosts, with no time to kill and ground movement, to circling the map twice in 8 seconds??  


We have next gen.  We have a 3 year development cycle.  We have a beta.  We have DJ Vahn back at the helm.  And the [Duma] Enlightened have our Geo Filter, our host white list, and a community of like minded to help with the meta game.


Honestly?  How much more can we ask for and hope to realistically get?  At least you will know 90% of the game before it even drops in Nov.  That alone should be worth a little hope.

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We are allowed to express our distrust given that this is BO3... Same damn engine as BO2... And for that matter, AW.

This will make it almost four, five years of "BO2", more or  less.


The problem isn't the Youtubers and hype train. It's the fact we had to buy a $200 router to do the job a AAA game publisher and devs (on a three-year cycle) should be able to do themselves if they put in the time and effort, but...


As a lot of others have said, they either don't know how to fix the netcode, or don't want to because it would cost them money. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the former given how Activision fired the lead netcode programmer after BO.


I am grateful for the R1, and it has improved my experience with CoD immensely.


The bigger problem, IMO, is the games themselves need to evolve, and... They aren't. They need a modern engine. They need more engaging game play than just "kill everybody". There are no tactics anymore. Most of all... I know this will never happen... Is they need to make the games for older gamers, or gamers who want to actually think while they "run & gun". That is not an oxymoron. Instead, we just get "point and shoot", rinse & repeat on a 16-year old engine that has been hacked to pieces and put back together like a Frankenstien monster and it is showing its age and limitations when online.

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Okay, fair enough.  I'm not saying don't be distrustful or anything, I am saying be happ(ier) than you were going into AW (blind), or Ghosts(blind), or Blops 2(blind), without all I stated above.  We are definitely going to have the upper hand once the Beta drops.  You can LITERALLY play the Beta for free with a pre-purchase that doesn't hit your card or your account until the game ships.  How is that now a giant positive?


But, back to the meat of your post.


You state the engine is a problem.  Net coding may, or may not, be solved by undertaking building a new engine, I don't know the finer points of this kind of development work.  Let's say it doesn't change the net coding, but the engine will be COMPLETELY new, shiny and offer all the latest and greatest from the world of coding.


Okay, we need an up to date engine.  If this is the "one big thing" that we need, are we willing to say "take a year off from development and JUST work on a new engine".  Then next year at this time, we get a demo of the new engine and THEN they get back to work on starting a new game around that engine.  None of this cut and paste crap.  


  • Development and Quality Assurance take a Year off
  • They completely build, AND TEST, a completely new engine with all the bells and whistles you need or want
  • begin development on new game
  • 1-2 years later (plus the year for the engine, so 2-3 total), new game drops on new engine


Are we ready to say that is what we want as a community of gamers?


Because any solution of having an "outside company" or "game engine wiz kid start-up" develop a new engine OUTSIDE of the influence of any of the eventual game developers is going to be a disaster.


Come to think of it?  I'd vote for Inifinity Bored to scrap Ghosts 2 and just work on a new engine, but that is just me.   :D

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@ Dillinger...I'm hoping for a good game and I hope your right about Vahn making it a good game but I'm like a dog I never forget who kicked me.


But I gotta say I love your enthusiasm about BO3,that almost makes me believe it might be a good game    ;)

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If we don't have hope that things can get better, then why are we here on a gaming forum? If we weren't going to play it, and we didn't want it to be great, we wouldn't be here and we wouldn't care.


I'm just saying look at the real world as opposed to the perfect world. At least we get a Beta and can see for ourselves. If AW had a Beta, I probably would have still bought it. Ghosts, not so much.

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Agreed,but honestly I'm gonna buy it even if I hate the beta.


I guess I'm not to smart in that reguard,but damn I think i'd feel like I was missing something.


There's another reason for you to get a PS4,we'll hook up and play the beta and If it isn't smooth I can yell at you on the mic for getting my hopes up   :D

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There's another reason for you to get a PS4,we'll hook up and play the beta and If it isn't smooth I can yell at you on the mic for getting my hopes up   :D


A large screaming man-primate, with the power to rip limbs off, angry at me over an open mic.  Yep, that is a check mark distinctly in the DO NOT BUY column.  :D

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Ghosts isn't an option.  I don't care how good the hit detection is/was in that game.  When you have a low TTK, you are going to promote camping because the "average" player isn't a beast slayer.  No one wants to go 5-15 and be the person at the bottom of the leader-board.  So you equip a thermal LMG, lie down in a corner and wait.  Oh, the fun.... :angry:  The only things that saved Ghosts were the hit detection and the fact that the score streaks where SHIT when you earned them, so no one was getting put in the 100 point club on the reg.  Want proof?  No one is putting Ghosts on their channel for Throwback day...LOL


1] i rushed the entire time in Ghosts and slayed. i have never had a problem with campers in that game EVER. in fact i never even notice them unless its me getting a headshot because they are laying on the ground.


2] mark of j still killing it in ghosts. these are just this month.






3] there were 2 things that made Ghosts annoying. IEDs and the Dog killstreak

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If we don't have hope that things can get better, then why are we here on a gaming forum? If we weren't going to play it, and we didn't want it to be great, we wouldn't be here and we wouldn't care.


I'm just saying look at the real world as opposed to the perfect world. At least we get a Beta and can see for ourselves. If AW had a Beta, I probably would have still bought it. Ghosts, not so much.


i have to fully disagree, Ghosts was the saving grace of CoD after the lag ridden piece of crap 3arc put out called BO2... Ghosts actually FIXED the game.


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i have to fully disagree, Ghosts was the saving grace of CoD after the lag ridden piece of crap 3arc put out called BO2... Ghosts actually FIXED the game.


Too bad people's legs are broken in that game. Almost no one moves and game always ends because of the time limit instead of the actually reaching the score limit.

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