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XR500 is just rubbish

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I'm at the end of my tether with this router!!

Keeps dropping internet connection......and yes on the latest firmware.

Keeps putting me onto servers/peers that have already been denied.....the whole point of this thing.

And support from netgear and here netduma is trying at best....

Its not like this router was cheap and nasty......it was a premium price and I only got it because the R1 was so good.

Time for a re-think on routers, as this one has been 90% grief and 10% great and when its great it is great, sadly too much the other way

Edited by Guilders
word was autocorrected to wrong word
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I don't have any of the issues you talk about.  Are you sure it's not your modem causing your internet to drop and not the router?  I'm on the latest firmware and router has been online for 20 days continuous with no internet drops at all.  Geo-Location is working great on the new cod modern warfare, as well as the QoS works flawlessly.  Not to mention I have about 30 different devices connected and also use the Hybrid-VPN feature for my PC's and Laptop's.

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Brand new netgear dm200, and whenever I'm connected direct into it there is no dropouts, and that was 2 days direct. family were going mental as they were put on a 4g mini hub while I tried to sort the rubbish out.

going by what you say, mines must be fooked!!

new router it is then, though won't be a xr500

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@Guilders See what Netduma says about your issues. They likely will respond tomorrow because I don't think they have staff on the weekends.. Id see if there is anything they can do to help. Then make your decision from there. There are others out there that have this disconnect problem so I wouldn't call yours a one off type problem. Good luck!


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I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with your XR500. I'll try and help you get the problems sorted.

13 hours ago, Guilders said:

Keeps dropping internet connection......and yes on the latest firmware.

Do the drops occur around a similar time each day, or are they just random? How frequent are the drops?

13 hours ago, Guilders said:

Keeps putting me onto servers/peers that have already been denied.....the whole point of this thing.

Are you using Filtering Mode when these denied servers are being ignored? If you're on spectating mode, the allow/deny list is always ignored.

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Hi @Netduma Alex The drop outs are random. In fact it just dropped out just before I came on to see if any answers.


Filtering mode is enabled, and I have the geo set up with me in the middle of the ocean so it relies on ping.


Tonight I'm going to see if there is any difference with a mates vigor 130 modem, even though my dm200 is brand new, the whole dropout issue caused me to buy a new modem, hence dm200 as its same brand I hoped for better handshaking/compatibility.

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Okay i'll be interested to see if that helps or not. My feeling is that it won't make a difference but we'll see.

What type of internet connection do you have? Does it require a PPPoE login?

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So since I updated my XR500 software last week; I noticed that if the comptuer that is logged into the XR500 dashboard also has a game running the background while filtering mode (geo-location) is on for a different computer (also running a game) it will constant disconnect from the game ( on either computer ) or knock out the internet for the XR500 network only.

That being said, no more tetris on my laptop while I wait for long match making queues on my gaming PC.

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@Netduma Alex

Alright mate, so its been roughly a day since my mate gave me a shot of his spare vigor 130, and only one drop out so will monitor over a few days.

Internet is bt and requires a PPPoE login

Still getting put onto servers a few times a night which are on my my list of denied connections, this happens pretty much on a daily basis, strange how its never tried to put me back onto a connection that has been designated allowed.

My faith in the ability of the router to do what it was bought to do is gone, and at the price too!!!! 

Would it be feasible to completely re-install software, as factory resets do not do anything other than have me have to redo all the gubbins 

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I'm confused about the fact you're getting put on denied servers. This might be something to do with the fact that your connection needs a PPPoE login, because we've had some compatibility issues with that in the past. I also wonder if the servers would still be allowed even if they were within your radius? Ping Assist is supposed to respect the Allow/Deny list but it doesn't seem to be doing it in your case.

Anyway I believe the only way to totally wipe and replace the firmware on the XR500 would be to use TFTP. I've only seen people use it in the past if they were fiddling with DumaOS and corrupted something (probably voiding their warranty in the process)... But I imagine it would work just fine for simply replacing the same firmware: https://kb.netgear.com/000059633/How-to-upload-firmware-to-a-NETGEAR-router-using-TFTP-client

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How else can you log into BT without PPPoE?? Can't understand how this has been known to cause issues!!


On the firmware re install, I'm not a whiz, and been looking at it but all Mac tftp apps don't seem to work work with current OS I have.


Oh well

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16 minutes ago, Guilders said:

How else can you log into BT without PPPoE?? Can't understand how this has been known to cause issues!!


On the firmware re install, I'm not a whiz, and been looking at it but all Mac tftp apps don't seem to work work with current OS I have.


Oh well

I find I get connections to denied connections if I have previously connected to them at some point.  To fix it I have to clear cache on console by hard resetting, then make sure their are no connections when I turn on the router, then put it in filtering.  The only issues I ever have are when there must be some permissions stored in a cache somewhere.

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39 minutes ago, Guilders said:

How else can you log into BT without PPPoE?? Can't understand how this has been known to cause issues!!

Well to log into BT you could use the home hub as a modem, or set PPPoE up on an upstream device.

It's not ideal, i'm just saying that it has occasionally been known to cause issues. It might not be causing any problems in this case.

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For the servers you've blocked but keep connecting to, have you verified they are the exact same by pinging them and they show up with the name you blocked them with? Or are they just in the same location? There will be many servers located in the same location so you may need to block several if it's all the servers in that location that don't play well for you.

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@Netduma Fraser 


Hey boss, I rate all servers that I connect to that are middling to horrendous, won't right the words here I use lol

So every time it puts me into a server that I have already denied I can see quite clearly (written in capitals so easy to spot) what I thought of it, and it has been getting a more regular occurrence, last night it put me into denied servers 4 times. I took a video of one to show that I was connected to a denied server and panned round to show the game going on on the PS4.

I will try the ping tip you mention to see what it says, but surely the unique ID for that server is just that...unique, that and my description of it so its easy to see at a glance

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@Netduma Fraser

When I ping the denied server the name I use comes up too. 

Its very tedious, so today, I have completely cleared cache from computer, factory reset Vigor130, factory reset the xr500, rebuilt database on PS4. So in theory everything was clean. I have then taken my back up of the xr500 and installed my allow/deny list again.

About to go on for a game to see how it pans out, but not confident the xr500 is doing what it was bought to do.....

Seen someone said about changing a channel on the router but wouldn't know why that would work as I'm wired in with the important devices.

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Okay let us know how you get on with that. One of my suggestions would be to remove all the servers you've denied/allowed and add them again from scratch, as if there were some added from a previous firmware they may not work on the latest, found that once before - not sure if that is what is happening here but worth a try.

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11 minutes ago, Guilders said:

Also just remembered, it used to kick me out of games when I hit the deny button, but notice that never happens now.

Yeah that's been stopped, if it was a P2P game and you were host it could be used to boot people out of games so it would be considered cheating. Once the connection is severed - usually takes a few mins - then it will be blocked so if you've blocked something it's best to wait a few minutes before searching again.

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Faith is completely gone now.

Done everything asked of me in this thread, less the refresh of firmware!

So decided the best way to test if it is working was to do something that I tried ages back when I got it to see iff it done what it said on the tin!!

So I put the geo filter to smallest setting and placed my location into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and then put ping assist to 0, strict mode enabled...this in the past got me zero games. Hell one time I went for a number 2 and came back and still had no game with these settings. As an extra I deleted all the list in the allow/deny so I had a blank canvas. 

So settings into router, left for at least a couple of minutes, then turned PS4 on, and booted Modern Warfare up.

Now I expected to get no games, but not now though!!! Yep got into a game reasonably quick, about 15-20 secs with a ping of 37, Germany going by the map.....and before the question comes, no fast search was not ticked.

If someone can explain why, in a common sense way, I managed to get into a game from the middle of the ocean with ping assist set to zero, with strict mode on then my faith may be slightly lifted but as it stands I doubt anyone can now convince me this thing is working.

As it stands it looks to me like the software, which worked pretty flawlessly with the R1, is not working with  my xr500......though it did, now it seems to be doing diddly squat, and of course netgear are not known for their support, once they have your hard earned cash.....well hmmm.....and this cost some good hard earned cash

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@Netduma Alex

When I did this early hours last night, when I turned on PS4 and logged in it showed the server in Rep of Ire, and when I went searching for a game it came up with the peer icon roughly middle of Germany. There was no other Icons showing on the map.

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