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modem question


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im think im upgrading to 1000 speeds with my isp the only modem they have to lease is the 

Hitron CGNVM-3582

  does anyone know if this is bad for gaming thanks in advice if anything ill buy a modem that works if need be. i looked on the bad modems list and i dont think i saw this modem.

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Alright i just got the new modem and 1000 speed installed yet im not getting pass 400 download speed i have qos disabled too any ideas i know i read somewhere before that the netduma r1 cant go past like 800 or something if i remember right 

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5 hours ago, DAKOTADOCKALL said:

i dont understand what your asking are you saying put the r1s in the modems dmz? im trying to get the modem to just act as a modem only. unless thats what your having me do.


Basically I think what Fraser is telling you to do is go into your modem/router combo unit you got from your ISP and put the R1 in the DMZ of your combo unit you got from your ISP.. Also shut the wireless off in your combo unit and only have the R1 plugged into it.. Then attach every thing else on the R1and use the wifi off of the R1 if you need wifi.. I know this may sound confusing but once you get the hang of it you will see how easy it is.. 

Btw there is only two methods one can do this.. Either put your combo unit in bridge mode or put your R1 in the combo units DMZ.. Also when I say combo unit that basically is a gateway you have from your ISP.. Which is a modem and router in one..  Good luck!


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  • Netduma Staff
9 hours ago, DAKOTADOCKALL said:

i dont understand what your asking are you saying put the r1s in the modems dmz? im trying to get the modem to just act as a modem only. unless thats what your having me do.


Aye that's the result Fraser is trying to achieve. Putting the R1 into the Modems DMZ (just by copying its WAN IP and pasting it into the DMZ box on your Modem UI) could achieve a setup similar to Modem Mode, though definitely check if your new modem actually has a 'Modem Mode' while you're at it :)

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okay thanks i found it so i take my modem/router combo out of bridge mode and put the ip in the dmz correct? also if i do this will i still be able to use the geo filter and ping assist 

okay it told me 


DMZ Host IP isn't in LAN IP address subnet!

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24 minutes ago, DAKOTADOCKALL said:

okay it told me 


DMZ Host IP isn't in LAN IP address subnet!

Is this on your modem? What IP were you trying to put in? You should enter the WAN IP found in the System Information page

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Dakota, when you have this combo unit in bridge mode make sure the R1 is plugged into port one..  Power cycle your modem once you have put it into bridge mode.. You cant have anything else connect to your modem except the R1... If need be power cycle the R1 also.. If that doesn't work then you don't have your combo unit in bridge mode properly...When you put your combo unit in bridge mode you have to disconnect anything attached to it and power cycle it..  This is required to obtain Transparent bridging and pass on your IP to the R1..

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okay ill give that a try and see what happens thanks for the info 

alright Zippy i did all that and my speeds out still only 386 out of 1000 but i think the r1 can only go up to 800 from what i read.

okay i just hooked up my old nighthawk to test what speeds i get from it hook up to the modem and its in the 300 range to could there be somthing on the modem preventing other routers from getting full speeds im using cat 7 cords to to rule that out they are a few months old id say 

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Bridge mode passes everything to the router so either it's an issue with the bridge mode or the cables. If you're experiencing it on two different routers those are the likely causes. If you try again now direct to the PC are the speeds similar or are they what you expect?

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speeds directly to the modem is 979 download and upload is 43

edit ill post a pic with speeds from modem only and r1 connect to modem 

modem only https://www.speedtest.net/result/8197776284

r1 connected to modem that has Residential Gateway Function disabled witch i think is bridge mode for this modem https://www.speedtest.net/result/8197788133

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You're using a different server when testing, could you switch them to the same and redo the test please, I'm not expecting there to be a huge difference though.

Are you using the modem you mentioned in your first post?

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yes im using the same modem the hitron one and i didnt notice the server change 

speed test from r1 to connected to modem https://www.speedtest.net/result/8197813937

speed test modem only https://www.speedtest.net/result/8197817717

could changing the speeds on the QOS do anything to help i have it at 1000 download and 50 upload I also have QOS disabled incase that doesnt matter 

to clarify iv had QOS disabled the how time i upgraded to the 1000 speeds  

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Thanks for that. No that wouldn't change anything, as it's disabled it disregards that information.

On the hitron, where you've plugged in the ethernet cable there should be an LED, is it green or amber? If amber can you do a factory reset on the router and disable the QoS again and redo the speed test please.

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sure thing its amber ill factory rest it right now and add the speed test after thanks for looking into it 

okay the led is still amber here is the speed test with r1 connected to modem https://www.speedtest.net/result/8197950309

modem only speed test https://www.speedtest.net/result/8197956091

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Okay thanks for that. I've found other people with issues using the hitron in bridge mode. As you've had some trouble with DMZ I would suggest the following:

  1. Take the Hitron out of Bridge mode
  2. Port Forward to the router using the rule 1-65535 TCP/UDP
  3. Disable UPnP and WiFi on the Hitron
  4. Do a speed test on the router
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alright ill brb with the speed results

so i cant do this right are ypu asking me to portfoward on the hitron or on the r1?

i just looked at the wan ip on the r1 again and it changed so i put it in the dmz and it went through i couldnt figure out the portforwarding you asked me to do because i dont know what ip to put down but i know how to portforward 

router speed test https://www.speedtest.net/result/8198060069

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