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Unaccessable routerlogin page and no internet access

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Hi, I’ve been going back and forth on both twitter for support and the netgear support page with currently no fix

EVERY single day sometimes multiple times a day my xr700 goes into a state that I’m completely unable to access the routerlogin.net page and no wired device has internet access but my iPhone connected to the wireless works perfectly fine?

i have to go on my iPhone and go to the NIGHTHAWK app and reboot the router that way.

after the reboot the router works perfectly fine and the routerlogin.net webpage is then accessible again?!

this happens literally every single day and sometimes multiple times a day.

no games are hugely playable as this can happen mid game sometimes.

ive used multiple firmwares I used the newest firmware and had drops in connection(like everyone else had) and am now using the “beta firmware” provided on the netgear support page and this is happening?

im using a Bt ultrafast connection(330/50) with a mtt992 modem using ppoe directly into the Xr700

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Have you tried entering the default gatway ip? (unless you manually changed it). Also have you tried deleting your browser cache?


Your connection is the same as mine and you have the same modem as me also. 

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Yeah I’ve tried both of and it doesn’t connect. Been having this issue ever since the beta firmware I believe!

so could be firmware related? 

What firmware are you currently using?

Have you seen any issues with you xr700 with this setup?

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Also when this “connection down” happens neither my PS4 or pc is able to connect to the internet whatsoever until I reboot the xr700 via the app

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I have the beta firmware also from netgear I posted yesterday that my xbox losses connection till I reboot the xr700 but What I have ran into is my xbox would lose all connection till I rebooted the xr700 but my iPhone and pc would still be connected and running.

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looks like its defiantly a firmware issue then, netgear have just called me and given me a different firmware to use. will get it to you as soon as received

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  • Netduma Staff
8 hours ago, Danny80916 said:

well netgear called me wants a level 3 tech on the phone with me to try some beta firmwares and error logging 

Alrighty; with a level 3 Netgear technician you'll be in the best hands. I reckon a beta firmware could be the solution here, but do let us know how it goes :)

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The firmware that they provided also did not work and the same problem is still happening! That’s 4 firmwares all with huge problems now!

seems like netgear don’t have the slightest clue what’s going on!

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@vazuh this maybe a dumb question but is your ps4 set to turn all the way off or rest mode I have read about peoples xbox and ps4 messing up there network when there on instant on I know when my xbox is on instant on and I shut it off the ethernet port turns amber for a bit and I lose connection till it flickers back to white .

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@Danny80916 it’s all the way off mate, the problem doesn’t just happen on my PS4 it also happens on my pc also.

was on the phone to netgear for 2 1/2 hours earlier and they are doing a similar thing that they have done to you. 

They are recording Logs on my router after using team viewer to view settings etc and forwarding to a level 3 engineer

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I know its a dumb question but have you also used like a paper clip and held the rest button down for like 30 seconds ? To be honest I have held my reset button and thought i broke my router because it took forever i mean a good like 10 minutes for it to wipe and for the routerlogin page to come back up i really thought i broke it when i did that a bit ago. 

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@Danny80916 yeah I’ve tried factory resetting via both the back of the router and the settings. 

Netgear always tell you to factory reset when you install new firmware

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Unplug your modem for more than 15 minutes. While waiting, paperclip reset the router. Make sure the router is up and accessible. Then plug back in the modem. Sounds like a Mac address issue to me. This should solve your problem.

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The newer firmwares should have really resolved it, it's good they have the necessary information from you so thanks for providing them access. 

The only things I could suggest that could possibly fix the issue are:

  • Fully disable IPv6 on ISP hub & NPG router
  • Set Static WAN IP in Internet Setup
  • Disable standby/rest modes on devices
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