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Anyone know what the thing is in Infinite Warfare that gives you an electric shock and makes you slow down?


Just like the Cryo mine but you can see electricity across your visor when it hits you.

It's not the Blackout Grenade either, I've been hit by plenty of those and the cryo mines.


Starting to bug me now as I can't work out what it is.

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  • Cluster Grenade – Cookable grenade that explodes in a series of smaller blasts.
  • Plasma Grenade – Sticky grenade that sprays burning plasma in all directions.

  • Seeker Grenade – Autonomous sticky device that seeks out nearby enemies and explodes.
  • Trip Mine – Magnetic mine that detonates when an enemy interrupts the beam.
  • Exploding Drone – Launched aerial drone that explodes on impact or remotely with R1/RB or by double-tapping Square/X.
  • Flechette Grenade – Splits into multiple propelled grenades on impact.
  • Black  Hole Projector – Creates a singularity that pulls in enemies with crushing force.
  • Bio Spike – Thrown ballistic knife that explodes on enemy imapct. Can be recovered after use.
  • C4 – High explosives that stick to surfaces and can be detonated remotely with R1/RB or by double-tapping Square/X.
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It's definitely non of the lethals or the tacticals*, I tested them on split-screen last night.

*although I forgot to check the jammer grenade so will test that.

Definitely not the shock grenade because there isn't one (in multiplayer at least).


I thought it might be a sniper variant but I've seen the EBR Bomber and don't think it's that one.

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One of the rigs have a device (big cylinder) that you can plant that is like the cryo mine but more effective.  When an enemy approaches close to it, the enemy will be closer and the screen will have voltage across the screen.

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One of the rigs have a device (big cylinder) that you can plant that is like the cryo mine but more effective.  When an enemy approaches close to it, the enemy will be closer and the screen will have voltage across the screen.

Yep its the "STRYKER" rig and its the "CENTURION"



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It's the Jammer Grenade.

I tested it the other day, haven't been hit with one in so long that I'd forgotten what happened when one hit you.


The one thing I didn't test first time round because I thought 'definitely not that one'.


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The jammer grenade will stun too? That is interesting.



I was googling jammer grenades to find out how much they stun.  I found this one.





I had previously watched this how to challenge video, which uses the jammer grenade.



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