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ByMgRs last won the day on September 22 2016

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About ByMgRs

  • Birthday May 3

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    Coding, Gaming and Graphics design. Am always happy to help and answer any questions. If you want to play some pubs with me send me a dm.
    Twitter: ByMgRs
    Youtube: /user/bymgrs

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  1. Hey all! I have been busy today updating the Chrome extension, just adding some new features and improving the code etc. New features: 1) There is now an options page! Wooh this allows you to edit your Routers IP address so users with more complicated setups or multiple routers can use this extension. 2) Updated all the scripts to the newest Chrome specifications (I had a few issues with it disabling itself so that is fixed now) What do you want to see? Gimme a few ideas and I will see what I can do! - Im looking at integrating a mini menu to quickly change your Ping and Strict mode settings Download link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netduma-r1-shortcut/joildkkbnlacbbccbiacomeholembojm Screenshots: http://imgur.com/ZLiSDIF http://imgur.com/Qc8QbOj http://imgur.com/HJe7Nkn Want to ask me any questions personally or want to know more about the code? DM me, i'm always happy to try and answer your questions
  2. That is one way of doing it, however I think the chrome extension looks better as you have the logo, it is permanently there and it doesnt get confused amongst bookmarks!
  3. 100% I can send you the source if you want?
  4. Ah great! Thanks Fraser! I was wondering if an admin could possibly pin this so others can use it rather than it slide into the thousands of other posts
  5. Ok, I have published it to the Chrome store. Sorry Iain/Fraser if this is a problem I see no issues but I will happily make any change if it is required! It is currently processing but it will be available here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/r1/joildkkbnlacbbccbiacomeholembojm
  6. I am not aware of this, I have tried it and I use the current stable version. If you have any issues you can navigate to the extensions manager and check the box for developer-mode. This should work! And that is the plan
  7. Hey all! I have been very busy this evening writing a Chrome extension. Now it is relatively simple, so what it allows you to do is click an R1 logo (in the extensions zone) to launch a new tab showing the Netduma config page. So now your interested how do you install it? Rather than babble on I am going to leave the steps below and then some quick notes about future plans. Steps: 1) Please read the bottom of the article now! I have made some updates. You can now download an official version form here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/r1/joildkkbnlacbbccbiacomeholembojm For custom installs: 1) Download the .crx file, this is the actual extension file. I had never heard of .crx before doing this project but I can promise you it is not malicious. Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?srxmzm87xd0dn86 2) Move the .crx file to your desktop. This isn't required but will make the next steps a bit easier. 3) Open a new chrome tab and enter: chrome://extensions/ This will open the Extensions management page. 4) Now move the Chrome window to a position where you can see it and the .crx file on your desktop. Now all you need to do is drag the .crx file onto the Chrome page. 5) Release your cursor and a confirmation box will pop up asking if you want to add it. Click add and that is it! 6) You will now see a Netduma logo in the top right of your Chrome page with your other extensions. If you click it a new tab will be launched opening the Netduma configuration page. Plans: So eventually I would like to publish this to the Chrome store for more easy use. Can either Iain, Fraser or anyone from the Netduma team message me regarding permission to do this, alternatively I am happy for you to publish it as long as I am given some form of recognition Done it! If you have any questions please leave them below! Hope this helps! Update: So... I sorta jumped the gun a bit and published it! It's available here for download through the Chrome store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/r1/joildkkbnlacbbccbiacomeholembojm
  8. I will be testing this tonight! Thanks Fraser!
  9. I sent in my entry, it is very smple but i think it looks really good!
  10. Ooooh me me me! im on xbox one
  11. I will sign up!Ie I'll be on Xbox one and I'm in the Uk
  12. Honestly thou you are as good as Iain! No offence Iain as your the official guy and all and I was wondering why all of netduma_iains comments are coming up as guest?
  13. always very helpful and very friendly! Thanks crossy
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