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Speed tests and deep packet processing question related to upcoming firmware


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Hello whoever is reading,


So i have noticed something and wasn't able to see if anyone else wrote on this topic before. When i upgraded my internet speed from a 75/15 comcast business line to a 100/20 comcast business line i was unable to get a speed test that registered the full download speed when deep packet processing was enabled. What i received on the 75/15 line with deep packet process enabled was 85/17, which is good. however once i went to 100/20 i received 85/23 with deep packet processing enabled. So i reflecting on a previous post i made and solution suggested and turned off deep packet processing. My speed tests now are 111/23. Why does deep packet processing cause downloads to be lower? Also what is the goal of this feature? Does the new firmware update coming out address this issue?


On a side note if anyone cares to comment...When connecting to player who clearly have shit internet on COD, are there any setting that i can change to make the gameplay smoother or any setting to improve connectivity to other's garbage internet??



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Concerning deep packet processing

Deep packet processing allows the router to use more power to analyse PC game packets to be shown with the Host Analysis feature. Disabling deep packet processing disables the Host Analysis feature.


The only reason to disable it is if you have higher than a 100mbps Internet connection and you want to achieve higher speeds with the R1.

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Concerning deep packet processing

Deep packet processing allows the router to use more power to analyse PC game packets to be shown with the Host Analysis feature. Disabling deep packet processing disables the Host Analysis feature.


The only reason to disable it is if you have higher than a 100mbps Internet connection and you want to achieve higher speeds with the R1.

what if you dont have a 100

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Yes the deep pac. proc. Its for a section on your router Called Host Analysis which is use only for PC gaming. So far as i know thats the only thing that is there fore.


Now second question is that this is a cause of  Lag that we have very little control of others shitty connection etc. You can use allow and deny feature to block bad host or try to avoid it by ether reducing or moving you search area.

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I M sure in the Speed Guides in the Wiki says keep it ticked if your speeds are under 100mbs and unstick if over, but don't think it states for PC or console :)

My ideology is why use more CPU cycles when it is not needed for consoles.

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