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Peer ping

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This maybe a really stupid question.

I always have peer ping ticked

I think i wread that peer ping

Option 1. tells you your ping connection to the other players your connected to

Otion2 . Tells you the ping of others connected the host

Im sure i wread that option 2 to was the correct one but to me that dosent make any sence .

If option 2 is correct how can my router tell other peoples  connection to the host

To me option 1 sounds correct


I just wanted to make sure

I always thought that peer ping was showing other peoples ping to the host

Cheers again


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Peer Ping

Some games like Destiny, GTA and Desperadoes are pure peer to peer games. In simple terms this means every player is host. Therefore the simple ping graph used for other games does not satisfactorily illustrate the quality of the game.

We have introduced the peer ping feature. It is a bar graph of pings to each of the hosts(there maybe multiple people at a house or on a console) and shows you the minimum, average and maximum. Its probably best to pay attention to the average. To enable peer ping, simple tick peer ping above the Geo-Filter.

Below the Geo-Filter you'll see the peer ping section appear. It has a service selection combo box. The number here correlates with the services at the top of the page. For example if the second service from the left has Xbox > Xbox Live and you're playing Destiny on it. Then in the peer ping feature make sure to select service 2.

When the game starts it will start to ping the peers. It may take short while to start but will continue to ping throughout the game.


Thats straight form the wiki.

SO following thAT it is you ping to each of those not their to the host but i may be wrong.

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Cheers i just wread that article before you posted it lol cheers again you are always so helpful.

But to me i still aint sure how it works

Im quite sure i seen in a video some where  that the peson stated it was the ping to host

But i watched so many videos on netduma cant remeber where i seen it

 Think i have to go back and watch the vids again

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No worries buddy.


This feature is very accurate for games like Destiny where everybody is sort of a host. Then it really shines.


In games such as AW its still good but because what matters is the ping to the dedi its not always so accurate that's why i for example don't use it at all.

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i dont think my question was answered yet so please leave post open if thats ok

i just wanted confermation what peer ping is of these two options

 so is it option 1 or 2


Option 1. tells you your ping connection to the other players your connected to in your game lobby

Otion2 . Tells you the ping of others connected to the host not me in game lobby

Im sure i wread that option 2 to was the correct one but to me that dosent make any sence .

If option 2 is correct how can my router tell other peoples  connection to the host

To me option 1 sounds correct


I just wanted to make sure

im pretty sure o[tion 1 but wanted confermation

I always thought that peer ping was showing other peoples ping to the host not me

Cheers again

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Some games like Destiny, GTA and Desperadoes are pure peer to peer games. In simple terms this means every player is host. Therefore the simple ping graph used for other games like COD does not satisfactorily illustrate the quality of the game.


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in other words, if i see 5 different pings pop up ranging from one guy being 30ms and one guy being 120ms, is that my ping to them or is that their ping to the host. Who do i have to be worried about killing me? is it the guy with the 120 or the guy with the 30? or am i looking at this wrong. I am constantly having people with 120ms in my rooms and i cant seem to get a kill.

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If there is no peer ping displayed during a match in AW does it mean we're on a dedicated host?  What if a few peer ping bars are showing?  Are we then to assume we are on a P2P lobby in AW?

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When it comes to COD you can distinguish dedis vs p2p by looking at the ping option and not the peer ping option. If the ping option allows you to rate the server then it is p2p if not it is a dedi.

When it comes to COD there is a single host but some games like Destiny every one is a host. Kinda confusing.

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