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NetDuma & Netgear


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Feel the same way I think it'd be more efficient if there was a road map showcasing what expected to be added and for it to be focused on one router at a time instead of several at a time as such every firmware should be more stable since it has all the focus put into it.

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20 hours ago, Dopam-IT_1987 said:

that's simply why I chose OpenWrt 
netduma works very little in my home network compared to my open source routers 

when  dumaos first came out it was great.But as time went on  it was to problematic and i gave .up on it right now i just use my plain jane nighthawk router and having a better time with it.I Feel it was just a gimmick yes it helps with ping but still too many problems' to mention.it's been a year now without it and  i have better game play without my r2 or xr 1000

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I've always said that. Almost every day I enter this forum to check if they have released a new firmware for the XR1000. I noticed that, it takes a long time to fix the router problems, and when they release a new firmware, the old problems remain, and new problems arise. At the same time, the team does not even let us know the progress of the fix. We were adrift, not knowing anything.

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Unfortunately I have to agree with this topic, I've had R2 since launch, and I always have the impression that it doesn't work as it should, there's always some bug, time-consuming updates, then when there's an update, a lot of new bugs come to my frustration! I'm about to give up on my R2! The proposal is very good, but in practice it leaves much to be desired!

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For a start Netgear are not really supporting Netduma products by the looks of it and many routers like the XR500/XR450 and XR300 and XR700 are end of life, this means no patches from Netgear or security support after 5 years from release, if you have one of these get a new router just for your own security, as Netduma are now trying to juggle their firmware and a bunch of Linux code with proprietary blobs from Netgear they cant update as they have no access to it. Please note Netduma handle the gaming side but the code they cant update is the base router code for security and bugs in Netgear's own firmware.

 The only router currently supported still is the XR1000 by the looks of it. If Netgear were going to put a full 6E Netduma router out that would have happened by now. Netgear are moving on to Wi-Fi 7 as is every other manufacturer now. A routers life is about 5 years then move on, and if you have FTTP over 300MBps you dont need QoS anyway. Get a pi-hole if you want to block adverts instead.

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22 minutes ago, Fuzy said:

And for those who just want a simple and extremely effective solution, simply installing the adblock extension on your browser can do the job!

Certain things can't be blocked without a browser extension. Mainly YouTube ads.

NextDNS will work network wide & it's easy to setup.

Recently switched to ControlD. ControlD all the same features plus a few more. Such as Custom Folders for things you want to block or unblock. Also built-in allow lists. Basically all major services are already set up within ControlD. You flip a switch within the menu to allow or block. NextDNS you have to customize one giant list which is a bit more difficult.

ControlD has an option I recently paid for that allows you to redirect your DNS to different locations in the world. Basically a VPN? If I understand it properly need to do more research and actually try it. Starfield 🚀 has me right now. 

Using one of these services Plus a browser extension is awesome 👍

Tested the R2, X500 & my UDM pro with NextDNS with no issues. 

Currently using ControlD on my UDM PRO with no issues. If you have any questions feel free to ask.



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20 hours ago, Netduma Lew said:

Howdy, Lew here - as Fraser said, he passed this message over to me and I wanted to respond with it since, as always, you make some great points that are hard to argue.

I'm not going to try and argue either. I know that isn't what you're looking for here and like you said, when you make content like this, you're just bringing attention to problems that you care passionately about. That passion is something that matters to every single one of us here, so the least I can do in return is explain our side.

Put simply, we really are doing everything we can to provide XR users with the latest and greatest we can offer them. Recently, this has come in the form of beta firmwares - we're glad they're landing well and people are enjoying them. But you're right when you say not everyone knows about them, even if we wish they did! Even in that case, not everyone wants to install beta firmwares for reasons that are totally understandable.

The problem with this is that, as you might already know, we don't really have a say in when those firmwares become ready for full release. That leads to people feeling left behind which, quite frankly, sucks. We want everyone who backs DumaOS to get the most they can possibly get from it. Trust me, you're right - I see the comments. They aren't ignored, and without sounding too dramatic, we feel them. However, as much as we'd love to 'take the reins', its the nature of partnerships; rest assured that we really are doing as much as we can with the reins that we do have.

On the communication front, no debates with what you're saying. I'll organise a meeting to really figure out how to give you guys the information you want, in whatever shape it ends up taking. There's a lot we're excited to share with every DumaOS fan in the near future.

Keep making the great content.

Thank you for acknowledging the situation. Hope to hear what the plans are in the next couple weeks! 

❤️ KB

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Ads of 1 or 2 minutes on YouTube are not annoying for me, they serve to contribute to the platform and to content providers without sponsors...

Deleting them amounts to abolishing "man in the street" content like you and me...and ending up with a platform with only targeted content (influencers and other shameless rats)

It's my opinion !

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I agree with him you guys need to it together its 2023 going into 2024 everyone is getting older and way to old for the bs and nonsense in life. Please work it out with netgear and make things work and happen smooth. You guys could be making a fortune even more so than you already do. I love my xr500 and love what the dumaos3.0 does. God is good and the community is good will 100% back you guys if you all really want it to happen. 


God Bless


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