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Xr 500


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hi all, i have some problems with xr500 and ps5 regarding call of duty:
to start on the router web page I can not change the language, this is a small thing, I set up a hybrid vpn in india by putting ports 443,3074 in vpn traffic
- immediately afterwards I followed the various guides to set the nat open without success: xr500 is connected in cascade to a home life modem (without router with only the modem I have nat open) and I set the router on dmz giving it a fixed ip, on router I opened the ports on the ip address of the console giving it a dmz and enabled upnp. "(where you don't know the reason it never marks me the ports it opens, I also tried to remove the ports together with the dmz but nothing, upnp does not marks no door)
-As for the geofilter I don't understand how it works, that is, it works for a couple of games and then it stops looking for the servers where I say under 40 ping and starts looking for games with 50-60 ping, I adjusted the ping to 40 restricted the area and added the console by applying the filter, at each change in the geofilter restart warzone
-ping heatmap does not mark the servers of any game on the map,
initially it had reduced my latency in games down to 28-35 pings, as the days went by it returned to normal 50-60






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Welcome to the forum!

For the language issue, this is coming in future. In the meantime you could try installing the Google Translate browser plug-in and translate the page?

For your NAT issue, have you followed this guide? It described all the ways you can get an Open NAT. http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000076587-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-open-nat

Your Hybrid VPN isn't connecting for some reason, could you please let us know who your VPN provider with and which OVPN file you're using to configure it?

Can you share a screenshot of how you've currently got Geo-filter configured?

In Ping Heatmap, click the three-line menu in the top left of the map then click 'Resync cloud'. After that, check if you can ping servers.

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-for the language I did as you say
-the problem is not the hybrid vpn because it works very well (I mentioned it in case it conflicts with other things)
- As for the nat ho nat 2 on the ps5, I repeated the guide steps again without success. The only thing I cannot do is find the modem option in bridge mode but I have added the router in the DMZ
-I performed the suggestion you proposed and ping heatmap still does not work, I can click on "ping again" but nothing happens
-geo-filter I'm still testing what gives me more stability



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Hybrid VPN isn't working, it shows that it's failed in the Connection Status.

NAT type 2 on the Play Station is not necessarily a problem, it just means the Play Station is aware there is a router above it. You still have an Open NAT with this type.

If you're going to add the R2 to the DMZ of the modem, make sure you remove any port forwarding rules you've configured on the R2.

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do not look at the photo that I had disconnected them, the hybrid vpn works perfectly, the rest of the things do not work, I try to remove what you suggested to me and for the rest? you say I have to reset and reconfigure from scratch? the geofilter makes me do a game or two then I have to reconfigure it is it possible?


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You shouldn't need to reset and reconfigure anything from scratch.

In what way is Geo-filter not working exactly? Can you describe exactly what you're seeing when it's not working?

Are you able to ping any of the other games in Ping Heatmap after resyncing the cloud as mentioned?

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the ping mode heatmap does not work with any game, I synchronize I click a game I wait for the red rectangle of "ping" to become selectable, I click and nothing happens.
as for geo-filter every day I have to reconfigure it I impose it that I have to look for the matches in Italy, tomorrow as soon as I turn on the ps5 it no longer looks for them in Italy and I have to configure it from the beginning, I noticed that by removing the port forwarding you suggested it seems there is an improvement regarding the duration in which the geo-filter is applied, before it lasted me 4-5 games now it lasted me a whole day but today I'm deleting the ps5 and resetting it in the configuration, practically when it doesn't work it looks for me games with ping 50-55 and does not find them in Italy where I selected (I raised the search to 45 of ping)
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  On 5/5/2022 at 11:24 AM, Bul said:
the ping mode heatmap does not work with any game, I synchronize I click a game I wait for the red rectangle of "ping" to become selectable, I click and nothing happens.
as for geo-filter every day I have to reconfigure it I impose it that I have to look for the matches in Italy, tomorrow as soon as I turn on the ps5 it no longer looks for them in Italy and I have to configure it from the beginning, I noticed that by removing the port forwarding you suggested it seems there is an improvement regarding the duration in which the geo-filter is applied, before it lasted me 4-5 games now it lasted me a whole day but today I'm deleting the ps5 and resetting it in the configuration, practically when it doesn't work it looks for me games with ping 50-55 and does not find them in Italy where I selected (I raised the search to 45 of ping)

That's odd, could you please open an incognito window in chrome, then go to the interface and test if Ping Heatmap is behaving the same way? If it is, please download a copy of the log file from System Information and send it over.

For Geo-filter, please do the following:

  • Remove device from Geo-filter
  • Resync cloud from three-line menu
  • Re-add device to Geo-filter
  • When asked to select a service, make sure you pick 'Choose manually'
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ping heatmap now works (I have chosen the checkbox HTTP no htts, with htts it does not work), keep trying geo-filter, as you suggested to put manual you automatically set "auto ping host" what do I do? do I deselect it? while regarding the nat do you have other ideas?
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ok, I continue with the tests with the geofilter and the update, however I sent an email to netduma support and I found the answer she gave me on the forum much more professional than the one they gave me in the email, thank you
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I set the geo-filter as you suggested, (removed the ps5, synchronized, added home, put the ps5 manual typing and I removed all the ticks in the options there at the three lines at the top left) on about 30 games I will have found 5 in Italy all the others in Europe with higher ping than what I have selected, I am getting discouraged
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I have reprogrammed geo-filter and nothing is not working, I block the servers that I don't want to play but it keeps letting me enter those servers
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  On 5/6/2022 at 10:34 AM, Bul said:
I have reprogrammed geo-filter and nothing is not working, I block the servers that I don't want to play but it keeps letting me enter those servers

OK, can you send over a screenshot of how it's now configured? We can see if there's anything's causing it not to filter properly.

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are always the same settings, I have two questions:
1) should I use ping heatmap to set that value on the geo-filter? using ping heatmap I see that in Italy it gives me 22 ping, obviously the ping around 10 more is around
2) every time I uncheck the geo-filter settings, do I have to press synchronize?
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If you could do a screenshot we can double check everything. You can use Ping Heatmap to influence your Geo-Filter settings, it's what a lot of people do. You don't need to synchronize every time.

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I'm sorry I forgot to attach the photo, this was a match that looked for me in Italy, now I'm back home I will continue to test
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I went back to try the settings you suggested, with ping assist disabled it can't find the games even though I have the server in the radar
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without vpn the geo-filter works but the nat after each number of games changes, becomes restricted and I have to restart the modem, I tried to restart the router but I still have the restricted nat so I also have to restart the modem to change nat, solutions ?
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  On 5/11/2022 at 4:03 PM, Bul said:
without vpn the geo-filter works but the nat after each number of games changes, becomes restricted and I have to restart the modem, I tried to restart the router but I still have the restricted nat so I also have to restart the modem to change nat, solutions ?

What is the make and model of the modem exactly? Is it a pure modem or does it have Wi-Fi capability?

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the modem is the one given by the house wind-tre homelife, it is also wi-fi.

i have two question,

1)is there a way to do the geo-filter together with hybrid vpn?

2)if i add the device (vpn traffic) and select "do not vpn these services without writing anything, i get a normal vpn? then i can enable the filter in italy?


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OK, it may be best to take the WAN IP of the R2 and put it in the DMZ of the ISP router, that will solve the NAT problem.

To answer your other questions:

  1. Yes, but routing a game through a VPN will add latency and degrade your experience.
  2. Yes, that will send all traffic from that device through the VPN.
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