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Assistance to create static route on lan


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Hi Fraser its to try to create a stable connection with specific targeted ip.

I tought that if i create a static IP in the lan i could have a better conection. But if i can choose, for example a direct connection to a game server in spain it would be great


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Yes i tried to make a route directly to the ps IP and i couldnt because it says that is already lan recheable. The issues that im having is that the latency fires up when  i enter in a gunfight and  i assume that if  i had a static route specially done to the console the ping would be more stable and lower. Maybe im getting ll wrong.

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What did you put in each of these fields?


That's unlikely to help, doesn't sound like you have a lag issue specifically but more that more is happening on the screen and then it's struggling. What device are you playing on, console or PC? What is the average ping and then what does it go up to when you get in a fight?

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Mike23 when you create a static route your targeted IP address would be the server or IP you want to target. Your using your LAN IP address which is likely why you got that error message.. You actually need to put in the game servers Ip address in the targeted Ip.. Not your Lan Ip.. You will have to get the servers Ip address you want to connect to..

Ive done static routes before and use them in a different way to actually block servers..

Hopefully that makes sense.

If you are seeing your ping jump up and down you may need to adjust your sliders a little lower.. What do you have CC set at atm?

Also try forcing a server a bit farther once.. Sometimes that helps as well..

Good luck!


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Thank you for the screenshot, Zippy absolutely nailed the explanation there. What was the IP and Subnet/Gateway and metric you used for that server?

Where abouts are you located and what servers are you forcing? Also what are your current QoS settings?

If you can provide a screenshot of a completed Connection Benchmark test as well that would be great.

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2 minutes ago, Mike23 said:

Hi Zippy what is atm


Hey Mike! Sorry about that.. But atm means (at the moment). Which was referring to what you currently have your CC sliders set at currently.. 

If you can answer some of the questions Fraser has asked in his last post that would greatly help him help you. :) 



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Im located at Portugal, trying to get spanish and Uk servers. The ip subnet that im putting is the same as the primary IP the metric is 2. I will sen QOS and benchmark. Unfortunatelly i cant do a test in benchmark. I have dns disabled in network settings good or bad


2022-02-10 (2).png

2022-02-10 (3).png

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Hey Mike! You have to have your DNS enabled. I see in your one screenshot that you have that disabled.. You always need that enabled. In your case it would likely be best to use Upstream DNS. Which are your ISP DNS servers. If you want to use another type of DNS servers you would select DNS Override and put in the DNS servers you would like to use. Like googles or cloudflare. Then at that point you would disable your Upstream DNS. 

Enable your DNS and then go to your QoS page and select Always and not Auto Enable..  Then do a Connection Benchmark test please and post your results here again with a screenshot of your results. To keep things simple lets focus on this first before using any Static Route.. 

Thanks! :) 


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Hey Zippy, first of all thanks to you and Fraser I already didi all that you suggested to me, the only thing that i couldn was the Connection Benchmark because isnt working. When i do the Benchmark test i will post here

Thanks for everything

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1 hour ago, Mike23 said:

As requested the Benchmark( i needed to reebot the router). But for example the download is not always so high, sometimes only resches 200 megas

Are all devices on your network connected to the R2? Or are some still connected to the modem/router above the R2? That may explain your fluctuating speeds if that's the case.

25 minutes ago, Paulo_81 said:

There's a way to get the IP with the best ping in the ping heatmap, and make a static route, how do you do it, which metric does it use?!

You can set a static route in Network Settings -> LAN -> Static routes. The metric is the number of routers between you and the destination, try setting 2 or 3.

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There is no point setting static routes in your native LAN.


Static routes is what you use when you want to route to a different subnet on your local LAN. But you need a device that can do the routing for you, ie extra router or switch with L2+/L3 capabilities.


You then simply add a static rule which sends packets for the target subnet to a IP that is facing your local LAN.

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