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Netduma on XR500


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The ping displayed in-game is always going to be a bit higher than the ping that the router reports. This is because the game is able to factor in the time it took to process the packets, as well as the time it took to reach the console. The ping on your console is so much higher that it makes me wonder if you're using a slow wifi connection.

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There can be many reasons for this, especially if it's peer hosted.


One is that when DumaOS pings the server you usually don't get a reply from the server, as these don't respond to ICMP ping. So it's reporting the hub just before that.


Two is that same as one, the peer that you ping might not respond to ICMP requests and especially on crappy DSL / Cable connections it takes ping of a ISP hub and real latency to the host is much higher.


Third is that not only you will have higer latency on wifi, but the host might also be playing on wifi and thus further increasing latency.


Forth is that DumaOS measures actual ICMP ping where the game calculates latency via UDP traffic. So these don't necessarily return the same value due to congestion issues etc.

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