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ANNOUNCEMENT: The Future of DumaOS: Version 3.0

Netduma Luke

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If you're going to have a beta (very soon), do count me in. Otherwise I'm getting ready to trash this thing (xr500, doesn't deserve caps). In all the routers i've bought over the years, i've never had to hook up a wall timer to reset the power twice a day to make certain there is some type of normalcy with connection. You can go into wally-world and get a $30 dollar router that is more reliable than this thing, and you have all of these customers on here who have given you $300, expecting the best for a residential premium router and all we get is we're working on these great features. It's time to pony up on these fixes and features. The folks who have supported you by buying these deserve much better. 

PS, IF you guys don't know how to fix the issues we're all having, just tell us that. 

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Stop chat, release new software.

Good mornig,

after a year of waiting i've powered off my XR500 and turned on again my old R7000: strange slowdown from a laptop in the network are ended.
I'm so disappointed that a such good hardware is not supported from software, i'm in smart working and my firm can't allow a product that is not security updated regularly. I've waited for a year some feature updates, security updates, a target beta release date and a tentative for new release: nothing.

Sad of money spent, i'll be back on a release if it ever comes.


Bye, Luca   

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So, working from home like most everybody else today, there was a brief internet outage in my area. When Spectrum said issue was resolved, I kept trying to reconnect via DumaOS interface to no avail, rebooted router multiple times, etc. Spectrum status page said connected w/IP address. So I disconnected router from modem and connected directly, no connection. Hmm, so I rebooted the modem (still directly connected and voila, internet access). So I unhooked my laptop, plugged in XR500, powered on, NO INTERNET, reboot router, NO INTERNET. I reproduced multiple times. Finally, had to reset the router to factory defaults and luckily the restore from backup worked. Ended up costing me an extra hour or so of work time. Please hurry up and fix this router before I go office space on this thing!

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On 4/2/2020 at 7:19 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

There is no beta for this update at the moment. This topic serves as an unofficial sign up for a beta. I have responded to your previous post about making a new topic so we can work through the issues you're having.

WHAT? You want us to give you the feedback? Are you kidding me? HOW MUCH MORE FEEDBACK DO YOU NEED? The product has issues. You mean to tell me that you had no idea???

 You have not updated the firmware for ages. Fix what? Fix how? You must be joking. 

Interesting news update from the CEO.


I bet you it will take at least another 6 months till we see a final release of a DumaOS update. I don't care much about all excessive features. Just make the existing ones that you promised on the package and your commercials to work. It all comes down to false marketing. 

I don't like to get personally involved, but I am so annoyed with companies screwing their customers with empty promises. I'm going to make some calls to Netgear tomorrow. Still know some people high up and let them know about this forum and how under-par this partnership is for their product-line. I've just had enough of the BS. 


Shame on you!

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Depressing is an understatement. It's apparent they read these forums, but do not care about the thousands and thousands of dollars they've at this point stolen from folks. I guess once you get someone's money, you don't have to make sure the product they bought is what you've advertised. It's as bad as the contractor scams you hear of when you pay them upfront to do something to your house then they never show up and always have an excuse as to why. 

The crazy part is, they don't have people on here saying they want the money they spent on this back, they just want the sh*t to work as advertised.

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1 hour ago, Envious said:

Do you think it would help to get NetGear involved?

Yes. I have started getting in contact with Netgear and better understand the relationship. I suggest everyone do what they can to spread the word. Go in and review your products on Amazon or wherever you bought them. Don't let other people buy a product that doesn't deliver. I'm absolutely fed up! The best killer of bad business is spreading the information. And bad information sticks on the web forever. 

Netgear started this partnership with NetDuma believing they needed something looking flashy for the premium gaming routers in competition with ASUS. Unlike ASUS, Netgear actually has a professional line of products. This partnership is bad for Netgear and they know it. Because of the NetDuma incompetence or total disinterest in following through with the business deal. I believe they have had the time to fix several issues many times over. They have failed miserably.

I won't touch another Netgear with DumaOS on it. Ever. This is going back to the store if i don't see a firmware upgrade in 1 month. I'm tired of resetting and installing my newtork and I don't want to start fresh again. I wanted a compact and advanced router since my kids wanted something they could handle and WAF for the server rack and network in the closet was zero and I had to decommission it. 

Just curious. Many routers gets patches due to security flaws at least every few months. How many in this forum believe that the this buggy DumbassOS doesn't have any security holes that needs to be fixed? Hand's up if you don't!

I don't even want to start looking at the security flaws of this router. Or maybe we should? We are not talking about zero-day exploits. More like 6 months to a year! Security risk???

Oh... but wait. We will get a bandwith logger in DumaOS 3.0. Like ehh... what? I have unlimited 1GBit Internet. Why do I need bandwith log? If you buy a premium product, you probably don't have dial-up modem. Now... would you? 

NetDuma. You should be ashamed!

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Netgear firmware is outdated. They left netduma in a bad situation. It's like they want them to fail. There are much older netgear products that have been updated more frequently. Netgear refuses to help. Didn't even respond to my bbb complaint! Let me add this, netduma is a good team, great ideas. But they need a firmware from ground up. Not a hybrid firmware with outdated code. It'll never work right. Netduma need their own product, or total control over any partnership product. Netduma can't fix netgear's  code. They won't let them.

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