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Netduma XR500

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I do not get this router, i mean sometimes it will function like a beast and sometimes not so great. upon installing a game on my console (xbox one x) i noticed my speeds will be hovering around 30-40 mpbs when im getting speeds of up to 200mpbs on download, it fluctuates around 40 up to 60 and back down. unplugged Ethernet from router and plug straight into the little box that isp provided me with and speeds went back to normal. i'm running fiber optic with 200mpbs down and 100mpbs up, which i usually am getting around 180 down and 70 up when doing test on speedtest website. what am i doing wrong on the settings or what am i missing here?. i only have 4 devices connected to xr500 router, two phones on wireless and PC and Xbox connected directly via Ethernet, sometimes only three devices are connected if the ladies at work and i'm by myself. i usually set the sliders on 99 for download and 90 for upload with anti-bufferbloat on when high priority traffic detected. on Bandwidth allocation i have xbox one x on 80 and the rest as is. on upload i give xbox 40% and the rest as is as well. help anyone? thanks in advance. 

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The first test would be to figure out if it's QoS that is causing this slowdown. In the Anti-Bufferbloat side menu, tick Disable QoS and then do a speed test on your Xbox.

If this works, it would suggest that something in the QoS menu isn't set right, or isn't working right. Make sure that in the Bandwidth Allocation side menu that Share Excess is ticked, both for Download and Upload.

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When doing speedtest after the qos is disabled i get normal speeds but when its enabled i get lower speeds and under Bandwidth Allocation its always ticked on both download and upload, i've been playing around with the sliders and trying to find a sweet spot.

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It's usally my xbox one x if i'm gaming on it, if not it's my pc. I also have download slider set to 99% and upload slider set to 90%.

With download set on 180mpbs and upload set on 90mpbs manually. ISP provides me 200 down and 100 up, so those are the numbers i input under qos download and upload bandwidth. doing speed test at speedtest,net i get results shown below.


with only 3 devices connected to the xr500 router one with wireless and the rest using Ethernet. Under Bandwidth allocation download i have xbox one x with 80 and the rest at 10, with upload i have xbox one x with 40 and the rest with 30, this is all 3 devices connected with Share Excess both ticked on download and upload. Traffic Prioritization is always on default which is enabled. with these settings and doing speed test on xbox one x i get no near speeds unlike it's showing on pc. speeds i'm getting is 28 on download and 27 on upload with latency of 27 and 1% packet loss. if i'm connected directly from xbox to isp gigabyte Ethernet Bridge little box modem, it then shows speeds closer to the speed test website. I reset router by unplugging everything and then it starts working properly again for a short while. i don't know if this router needs update or if my settings aren't on bar yet. 

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So is this more of a case that just the console speeds are affected? Console tests can be inaccurate. When you're installing a game take a look at Traffic Prioritization do download high priority packets update rapidly?

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when plugged in directly from pc to box not router i get these speeds below:




and yes it seems to be the console only that's affected, as for the traffic prioritization rapidly updating, everything seems to be working properly when i have a download running in the background. the download and upload chart changes as the download is in process.

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i wouldn't say rapidly, more like the numbers move but not instantly.i'm bit confused. u want me to disable traffic prioritization? it's disabled now. also do i set ip address in the router settings to get automatically from isp or do i set to static ip address? all under internet setup in xr500 router. sorry that i'm all over the place, just don't know if my settings are right. if anything else i can have you see my settings through team view or so if it's necessary. 

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Okay if it's not rapid when enabled and you're downloading a game then it is fine. You can leave that as automatic. Could you take a screenshot of the QoS page please with the normal settings you use when you encounter the slower speed please?

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  • PharmDawgg changed the title to Netduma XR500
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I assume your concern for the Xbox download is just the speed you download games at? When you notice you're getting normal speeds, in the Xbox network settings what does it say the ping is? Then when you notice it's slow again can you look at that same ping again, what is it?

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The numbers in Traffic Prioritization work as follows:

Normal traffic is always climbing when you're on the network, high priority traffic only climbs when traffic (as specified in the left panel) is moving. This traffic will be processed before the normal traffic.

As for the sliders, I like to use the PingPlotter method.

  • Start pingplotter free, connect it to a nearby server like google or a local news station website
  • Flood your connection with 4K videos and downloads and basically push it to it's limit
  • Notice how the pingplotter results are now fluctuating wildly
  • Enable anti-bufferbloat, and move the sliders down 10% at a time, each time checking if the pingplotter results are smoother
  • Keep adjusting a little bit at a time until you find the highest percentage at which the results are stable

That's if you want to be really specific about getting the exact right setting for your connection.

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Thanks Alex!!
That explain with my PingPlotter kept fluttering sometime... at the beginning
....even If I have only my PC using the Net so far.

(my ISP value are 83M/21M)

And that's how to make it stop fluttering  🙂   
(87% was my guess and it's the right value)


Note: having 5 x 4k video (manually set - not auto) Jayz2cent running in background make quite a sound 🙂



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what about when i'm not gaming?.. do i have to reset the sliders back to 100% on download and upload?. and also bandwidth allocation section, do i need to reset distribution every time i'm not gaming as well?. appreciate all the help.

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Guest Killhippie
  On 8/3/2019 at 10:09 AM, Levity said:

what about when i'm not gaming?.. do i have to reset the sliders back to 100% on download and upload?. and also bandwidth allocation section, do i need to reset distribution every time i'm not gaming as well?. appreciate all the help.


Try setting the XR500 to when high priority traffic is detected. Then the sliders only kick in when needed.

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that's what i use every time when gaming, also if i set my console to 60 in bandwidth allocation download and upload higher then other devices connected, will i still receive priority over the rest of devices connected?. even if someone is downloading in the background that doesn't have higher percentage on the allocation?. 

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i didn't slow them down even tho i had more bandwidth towards xbox one x, for example i had more bandwidth given to the X and i tried downloading a game on xbox one in the other room while i played on the x. i noticed that the download was pulling majority of bandwidth on the xbox one in the other room even tho i set the xbox one x to receive full priority. is this normal?. 

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  • Netduma Staff
  On 8/12/2019 at 3:10 AM, Levity said:

i didn't slow them down even tho i had more bandwidth towards xbox one x, for example i had more bandwidth given to the X and i tried downloading a game on xbox one in the other room while i played on the x. i noticed that the download was pulling majority of bandwidth on the xbox one in the other room even tho i set the xbox one x to receive full priority. is this normal?. 


That seems normal - when you are playing on the Xbox One X, you're using around 0.5mbps bandwidth, The download will use far more than that, so Bandwidth Allocation will take bandwidth from other devices and give it to your Xbox One while it's downloading.. The slow-down might not be noticeable, but it will be happening.

If you set a device to 80% and downloaded on it, for example, it would have access to that full 80% of your network. It would take that away from other devices on your network. However, if you set it to 80% and it only used 40% of that, the other unused 40% would be shared around your network.

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  On 8/13/2019 at 10:02 AM, Netduma Jack said:

That seems normal - when you are playing on the Xbox One X, you're using around 0.5mbps bandwidth, The download will use far more than that, so Bandwidth Allocation will take bandwidth from other devices and give it to your Xbox One while it's downloading.. The slow-down might not be noticeable, but it will be happening.

If you set a device to 80% and downloaded on it, for example, it would have access to that full 80% of your network. It would take that away from other devices on your network. However, if you set it to 80% and it only used 40% of that, the other unused 40% would be shared around your network.


Excellent explanation Jack! 👍 I believe some are confusing bandwidth allocation with device prioritization. Ive noticed this a lot with a wide range of screen shots ive seen on the forum that others have posted..When playing a game, which what most are doing, very little bandwidth is needed. We are talking Kbps up and down.. My best setting ive had with my XR500 was keeping the flower all equal and share excess on.. Seemed to work best for me.. To prioritize a device that would be done by either adding your game or custom ports to prioritize.


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  • 1 year later...
  On 7/22/2019 at 4:34 AM, Levity said:

I do not get this router, i mean sometimes it will function like a beast and sometimes not so great. upon installing a game on my console (xbox one x) i noticed my speeds will be hovering around 30-40 mpbs when im getting speeds of up to 200mpbs on download, it fluctuates around 40 up to 60 and back down. unplugged Ethernet from router and plug straight into the little box that isp provided me with and speeds went back to normal. i'm running fiber optic with 200mpbs down and 100mpbs up, which i usually am getting around 180 down and 70 up when doing test on speedtest website. what am i doing wrong on the settings or what am i missing here?. i only have 4 devices connected to xr500 router, two phones on wireless and PC and Xbox connected directly via Ethernet, sometimes only three devices are connected if the ladies at work and i'm by myself. i usually set the sliders on 99 for download and 90 for upload with anti-bufferbloat on when high priority traffic detected. on Bandwidth allocation i have xbox one x on 80 and the rest as is. on upload i give xbox 40% and the rest as is as well. help anyone? thanks in advance. 


I've spent 300-400 hours researching/reading/experimenting diff settings...bottom line if you REMOTELY think this thing is going to give you some type of advantage..you are fucking crazy. Its so hit and miss for multiplayer gaming (regardless of the game) its laughable. The lag fest retards that take exploit (intentionally slow/lag) their internet is ridiculous. The fix: every game with an online /multiplayer option should be on dedicated servers with latency fencing..if your shit internet is pinging >100 you're kicked or can't join. As for just being a solid router, the xr500 does its job nicely, but you are NEEVVVEEERRRR going to find a router that can fix/combat ass clowns who exploit their connection. 

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