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To filter or not to filter that is the question

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8 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You mentioned you were playing a game and running a speed test at the time, so what QoS settings were you using at that time? Also what do you mean by toggling on/off precisely?

Sorry two seperate issues.  


2 hours ago, Dmaune said:

Man if I knew I'd tell you.  Would a pic of my logs help?  

P.S. been running some speed tests just a second ago toggling the QOS on and off.  Keep in mind my PS4 is off so there is no high priority traffic but still the XR500 is throttling my speeds.  What's weird is it's not throttling it to where I have my bufferbloat set.  I even have it in "never" same result.  Strange things. 

I'm consistently 40 down, 18up with qos disabled and with it enabled I'm 31 down and 12 up.  Nothing else in the house is connected atm. 

The speed tests I'm talking about here were run while toggling the qos on/off.  Playstation was not connected and I would get different speeds when I when I was disabled as opposed to enabled.  Shouldn't be the case especially when the PC was the only thing connected AND I had the antibufferbloat set to never.  

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23 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

What do you mean be disabled/enabled? Do you mean enabled/disabled in the Anti-Bufferbloat option menu or do you mean switching between always/never? What % were you using?

When running the speed tests I had it set to never but I'm referring to actually disabling it from the hamburger menu on the antibuffer bloat.  

Hey cool, just lost connection again.  Good ole geofilter.  This thing is an expensive paper weight. At this point it can do it's most basic function and that's serve as a wifi router. 

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Okay so you were switching between off in menu and then changing that back so it's on and then using never? In both scenarios QoS is off so it still sounds like you could be saturating your connection to that point where it's almost disconnecting. Take a look at the optimal settings guides here and setup QoS so it's effectively preventing local congestion and see if you get connections then http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/folders/16000090646 

Also make sure you are using strict mode off for Destiny.

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53 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Okay so you were switching between off in menu and then changing that back so it's on and then using never? In both scenarios QoS is off so it still sounds like you could be saturating your connection to that point where it's almost disconnecting. Take a look at the optimal settings guides here and setup QoS so it's effectively preventing local congestion and see if you get connections then http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/folders/16000090646 

Also make sure you are using strict mode off for Destiny.

Wow I'm not sure you're understanding what I'm saying or you're simply not reading what I post.  With nothing else on but my PC, again, NOTHING I ran speed tests with the qos enabled and I ran tests with it disabled.  When disabled qos my speeds were higher but that shouldn't be the case considering there was no high priority traffic to speak of when I had it on.  

On: 40/18

then off:31/12

then on 40/18

then off 31/12

Again let me stress the only thing connected to the network is my PC and the only difference between the 2 test is qos on/off

When I ran the tests and it was ON I had it set to never so no matter what I should experience the same speed.  I ran through the above scenario at least 10 times always same result.


Losing my connection is a completely separate issue I'm dealing with.  I'm just pointing out the fact that there is seemingly no feature included in my XR500 that operates correctly. 

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You're right, I'm not fully understanding what is happening here. If QoS is enabled (so unticked in Anti-Bufferbloat options) what are you then using for Anti-Bufferbloat - Always, When High Priority Traffic Detected or Never, and then what % are you using for both download/upload. Are the speeds you expect entered correctly into the Anti-Bufferbloat menu?

You're saying QoS completely disabled and QoS enabled but disabled by using never yields completely different results? What are your settings for Bandwidth Allocation in that case, are you using share excess? Are you using the standard Traffic Prioritization settings or have you changed this manually?

A video or pictures is would be good, whatever is easiest for you. You can attach pictures here, for a video you could upload to YouTube unlisted and provide the link here.

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This is really messed up.  When i use geofilter i lose my internet connection.  It literally just happened.  

I'm searching for a match and notice that the R app is taking longer than expected then notice I've lost my connection on all other devices.  So i immediately close destiny on my ps4 and walla connection to all devices is back.  

This is super frustrating 

Maybe i should start new posts for all my different issues.  I think there's a lot of confusion in this one atm

So this first one as you can see is run with qos completely disable, my ps4 is off so no priority traffic and no other devices on the network.


This one is with qos on.  While the speed is about what I'd expect if i have high priority traffic, it shouldn't be slowing me since i have "never" checked AND no other devices connected to the network.  I ran these tests one right after the other


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The Geo-Filter wouldn't cause issues for other devices unless they've been added to the Geo-Filter, do you have lots of entries denied in the deny & allow section? Do you just have the one device added to the Geo-Filter? 

Do you have share excess enabled for both download and upload? Also enable good put in Anti-BB options. What is your Traffic prio settings?

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

The Geo-Filter wouldn't cause issues for other devices unless they've been added to the Geo-Filter, do you have lots of entries denied in the deny & allow section? Do you just have the one device added to the Geo-Filter? 

Do you have share excess enabled for both download and upload? Also enable good put in Anti-BB options. What is your Traffic prio settings?

I can't say that my issue is necessarily with the geofilter all i know is i lose connection when im searching for matches in destiny.  Other than that no issues.

1.I only have 2 things denied

2.ps4 is all that's on geofilter

3. I do have share bandwith checked

4.  What specifically do you want to know about my traffic priorities?

5.  Priority is spread even among all devices besides the ps4 which has 12% on both up and down

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Let's not concentrate on the speed issue right now unless you think the qos could have something to do with the xr500 dropping my connection.  Im so sick of this.

Bufferbloat on, set at 70% up and down

Goodput on, share excess bandwidth on

Ps4 15% up and down

Geofilter in filtering mode

Ping assist 0

Strict mode off

I start playing destiny and geofilter is working fine.  Maybe 1-2 matches in i start seeing the connection go to crap so i start checking other devices.  Yep no connection at all.  So i shut everything down and start all over.  Now i can't even get it to connect back up at all.  I thinkni might just take a hammer to it.  Not only was it expensive but it's taking up all of my free time when i want to be playing

Internet led is on like i have a connection but it must be so slow nothing loads.  




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So just to be clear, Destiny + Geo-Filter causes your connection to go down, but Destiny on it's own (no Geo-Filter) does not cause the connection to go down?

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7 hours ago, Netduma Alex said:

So just to be clear, Destiny + Geo-Filter causes your connection to go down, but Destiny on it's own (no Geo-Filter) does not cause the connection to go down?

I can't be absolutely certain.  Let me turn Destiny back on and I'll just hang out in orbit for a while to see if I lose connection.  Was able to play one match this morning, it was great, then midway through searching for the next game I got the message below.  I don't think I'm losing my connection totally I think it's just slowing down to a point where I can't even refresh this page.    

BTW I know exactly when I lose connection because the "R app is taking longer than expected" message shows up on my dumaos screen.  

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Goodput on should increase the speeds you're getting from a speed test. For Traffic Prioritization just want to know how that is setup overall.

If it happens again while searching look at the network monitor and see if anything is maxing out bandwidth. Also look in the log and see if there are any entries that coincide with the disconnect times.

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13 hours ago, Dmaune said:

Let's not concentrate on the speed issue right now unless you think the qos could have something to do with the xr500 dropping my connection.  Im so sick of this.

Bufferbloat on, set at 70% up and down

Goodput on, share excess bandwidth on

Ps4 15% up and down

Geofilter in filtering mode

Ping assist 0

Strict mode off

I start playing destiny and geofilter is working fine.  Maybe 1-2 matches in i start seeing the connection go to crap so i start checking other devices.  Yep no connection at all.  So i shut everything down and start all over.  Now i can't even get it to connect back up at all.  I thinkni might just take a hammer to it.  Not only was it expensive but it's taking up all of my free time when i want to be playing

Internet led is on like i have a connection but it must be so slow nothing loads.  




This is how mine started out also but the difference was I am on xbox.  It was determined it was an issue with instant on mode I had to switch it to power saving mode to make it stable.  Yes it sounds crazy but it broken the internet connection to other devices etc.  So maybe the PS4 has some similar setting that maybe a bug.

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32 minutes ago, Dmaune said:

Starting searches now. 

Took one match.  Lost connection by the end of the match.  

But like I said it doesn't disconnect me completely just slows my speeds down to where nothing works.  It keeps me in the game. 

After my last disconnect I just returned to orbit and waited.  The connection came back without me having to reboot the router.  

So something is happening when I'm playing Destiny PVP.

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27 minutes ago, Bmann said:

This is how mine started out also but the difference was I am on xbox.  It was determined it was an issue with instant on mode I had to switch it to power saving mode to make it stable.  Yes it sounds crazy but it broken the internet connection to other devices etc.  So maybe the PS4 has some similar setting that maybe a bug.

There doesn't seem to be a power saving mode on the PS4 for me to try. 

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35 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Goodput on should increase the speeds you're getting from a speed test. For Traffic Prioritization just want to know how that is setup overall.

If it happens again while searching look at the network monitor and see if anything is maxing out bandwidth. Also look in the log and see if there are any entries that coincide with the disconnect times.

idk what would be maxing out bandwidth as the PS4 and this webpage on the PC are the only things I'm using right now.  I'll get a picture of the log real quick.


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It just now disconnected again while searching.  Here's the log that should encompass both my recent disconnects.

I just noticed in the internet status window it actually says disconnected. Keep in mind i did nothing but search for a match.  All that crap in the logs happened with me just sitting here


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Is your NTP time setting on the router showing the correct time zone.  From the factory settings I was 4 time zones away and this cause me similar issues when playing Destiny but never was certain this was root cause.

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This is so strange.  So im sitting here searching for a match just watching the logs.  Internet remains connected according to the internet status window.  So i click over to the geofilter just to see what's going on then click back to the system info and I've lost connection.  It happens right at 10:42:21

Let me see if i can recreate that again


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