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To filter or not to filter that is the question

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Sorry for the delayed reply.....mine works the way i have broken it down.......i presume (not sure if have selected this mode) you have filtering mode selected under the geofilter.

If its in spectating mode it would do what you are experiencing.


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37 minutes ago, GHOST-1-EC said:

Sorry for the delayed reply.....mine works the way i have broken it down.......i presume (not sure if have selected this mode) you have filtering mode selected under the geofilter.

If its in spectating mode it would do what you are experiencing.


I have it in filtering mode.  My issue is it's finding matches even when i have the ping set to 1. It shouldn't find anything at that level so that leads me to believe it's not filtering at all.  

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Yeah that shouldnt be happening....mine at the moment is not finding any lobbies because the ping assist wont let me connect to the available servers.......the highest my ingame ping goes is 80ms........the lowest is 30-40ms on BO4.

So mine still connects above the 60ms cap on the router but does not connect to any server where by ingame ping goes above 80ms.

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3 hours ago, GHOST-1-EC said:

Yeah that shouldnt be happening....mine at the moment is not finding any lobbies because the ping assist wont let me connect to the available servers.......the highest my ingame ping goes is 80ms........the lowest is 30-40ms on BO4.

So mine still connects above the 60ms cap on the router but does not connect to any server where by ingame ping goes above 80ms.

Yeah it doesn't seem to matter what i enter in ping assist it will quickly find matches.  I even put it in strict mode and it found matches so something isnt working.  

Back when everything was working as it should I'd have a hard time finding matches when i set it as low as 40.  

What's also strange is when i click on the player icons that im matched up with, their ping is usually around 100. If i have the ping set to 1 they shouldn't get through. Hell nobody at 1 should get through.

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The software definitely has alot of issues.......my biggest problem for the longest part has been the qos that simply doesnt work consistently........i've showed this with proof and eventually just said F@#$ it as i hate wasting my time.......netduma os to me in theory sounds great but practically it doesnt work as intended and even when you prove it with all the visuals and stats to back it up, it just never gets fixed.

All that said, hope you manage to get your issues sorted.

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3 hours ago, GHOST-1-EC said:

The software definitely has alot of issues.......my biggest problem for the longest part has been the qos that simply doesnt work consistently........i've showed this with proof and eventually just said F@#$ it as i hate wasting my time.......netduma os to me in theory sounds great but practically it doesnt work as intended and even when you prove it with all the visuals and stats to back it up, it just never gets fixed.

All that said, hope you manage to get your issues sorted.

What's so strange is that i used to have great results using this method.  I suppose bungie could have changed something on their end but if that was the case I'm sure there would be a lot more posts on the subject here.  

I wish one of the admins would look at this and come up with a suggestion or at least some sort of explanation.  

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So i did a bunch of testing tonight.  I haven't come up with a reason ping assist isn't working but I have a lot more info on when it fails.  Let me try to explain.

So in the pic you can see i have ping assist set to 0.  Should be no condition where i find a match and as the screen shows everyone is being blocked.  This is expected.  In this example i have the upload on the qos set to 76%.  Using the same ping assist settings and lowering the qos to about 40% I would still find matches.  What's even more confusing is if i ran a speed test while searching for a match i would almost instantly find one.  

So i ran an experiment and lowered my qos upload to about 10%. At 10% i didn't have to run a speed test it would still find a match even on 0 ping assist.  

So then i did the opposite, I raised the qos upload to about 76%, still ping assist of 0 and tried it.  No matches found even with running a speed test.  

So i thought hey maybe im on to something here so i raised my ping assist to 1.  Should have experienced the exact same results as 0 right? No.  Found matches almost instantly on 1 ping assist.  

Cmon admins help me out here.  Super frustrating.


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It does sound like Ping Assist isn't working properly, as you would expect to find absolutely zero games while in the middle of the ocean with Ping Assist set to 1.

I imagine that matters are being somewhat confused by the fact that you're playing Destiny. Unfortunately Destiny has an unusual server layout that doesn't always work perfectly with Geo-Filter. This is why we added Strict Mode, because Destiny requires that all dedicated servers be whitelisted or it just won't work at all.

The other problem is that as Destiny is a "live service" game, there are often changes to the servers which we then have to catch up with and adjust accordingly. Sometimes, as you experienced, this causes some features to work one month and not the next. We are always attempting to keep up with these changes, and this is what the cloud update function (flush cloud) is for.


I'm thinking we should do a test which will hopefully narrow down what the problem is. I'd like to figure out if your Ping Assist is actually working, or if there's been some glitch in DumaOS. In order to do this, I wonder if you could download Apex Legends (it's free), put your radius in the middle of the ocean, set ping assist to 20, turn strict mode on.

Now when you start up Apex, there's an option on the title screen to see your ping to all servers around the world. If ping assist is working, there will be some servers with 20ms or under, and all other servers will appear as -1 ms, 999 dropped packets.

If servers appear in the list at a higher ping than 20, but are still being connected, then we'll know that Ping Assist itself isn't working. If this does work, we can at least rule that element out, and focus more on what specifically isn't working with Destiny.

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3 hours ago, Netduma Alex said:

It does sound like Ping Assist isn't working properly, as you would expect to find absolutely zero games while in the middle of the ocean with Ping Assist set to 1.

I imagine that matters are being somewhat confused by the fact that you're playing Destiny. Unfortunately Destiny has an unusual server layout that doesn't always work perfectly with Geo-Filter. This is why we added Strict Mode, because Destiny requires that all dedicated servers be whitelisted or it just won't work at all.

The other problem is that as Destiny is a "live service" game, there are often changes to the servers which we then have to catch up with and adjust accordingly. Sometimes, as you experienced, this causes some features to work one month and not the next. We are always attempting to keep up with these changes, and this is what the cloud update function (flush cloud) is for.


I'm thinking we should do a test which will hopefully narrow down what the problem is. I'd like to figure out if your Ping Assist is actually working, or if there's been some glitch in DumaOS. In order to do this, I wonder if you could download Apex Legends (it's free), put your radius in the middle of the ocean, set ping assist to 20, turn strict mode on.

Now when you start up Apex, there's an option on the title screen to see your ping to all servers around the world. If ping assist is working, there will be some servers with 20ms or under, and all other servers will appear as -1 ms, 999 dropped packets.

If servers appear in the list at a higher ping than 20, but are still being connected, then we'll know that Ping Assist itself isn't working. If this does work, we can at least rule that element out, and focus more on what specifically isn't working with Destiny.

I'll do that tonight and let you know how I get on.  

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't strict mode have more to do with the geofilter and not ping assist?  Unless something changed I was always told not to use strict mode in Destiny.  I really only mentioned strict mode because I ran tests with every single setting combination you can imagine and I was getting matches each time when I shouldn't have been able to connect to anyone.  

I also find it a bit strange that almost everyone that was showing up on my map while searching for a match was in the eastern portion of the US.  I would say at least 95%.  Don't know if that matters or not though.  

BTW this was all happening on firmware version V2.3.2.40-C42a.  Last night I decided to revert back to V2.3.2.40 and see how things went.  It SEEMED to be working as intended (I had my ping assist set on 60).  My wait times were longer and my in game experience seemed to be better.  Unfortunately I did not test the old firmware with my ping assist set at 1 to see if I got a match.  What's still bothering me about this is even when I had my ping assist set at 60, the auto ping hosts ping was always hovering around 90.  If operating as intended it shouldn't be connecting me to that host correct?  

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Strict mode works for both geo location and ping assist. Strict means just that, it strictly adheres to your setting. If strict mode is not ticked if it cannot find a game within your perameters it will find 1 outside which is why you are finding matches easily with a ping assist of 1ms.

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5 minutes ago, BIG__DOG said:

Strict mode works for both geo location and ping assist. Strict means just that, it strictly adheres to your setting. If strict mode is not ticked if it cannot find a game within your perameters it will find 1 outside which is why you are finding matches easily with a ping assist of 1ms.

Strict mode has always been something you don't use for Destiny.  For arguments sake though, I did plenty of tests with strict mode enabled and had the same results.  I just didn't post a picture of every single thing I did.  

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So i just ran a few more tests.  Same result.  Found matches on 1 ping assist.

I set it for 71 after that and though it seemed as though it was filtering by ping the auto ping host still showed a ping way above what i had specified.

Pics are the same settings one with strict on one with strict off



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8 hours ago, Netduma Alex said:

It does sound like Ping Assist isn't working properly, as you would expect to find absolutely zero games while in the middle of the ocean with Ping Assist set to 1.

I imagine that matters are being somewhat confused by the fact that you're playing Destiny. Unfortunately Destiny has an unusual server layout that doesn't always work perfectly with Geo-Filter. This is why we added Strict Mode, because Destiny requires that all dedicated servers be whitelisted or it just won't work at all.

The other problem is that as Destiny is a "live service" game, there are often changes to the servers which we then have to catch up with and adjust accordingly. Sometimes, as you experienced, this causes some features to work one month and not the next. We are always attempting to keep up with these changes, and this is what the cloud update function (flush cloud) is for.


I'm thinking we should do a test which will hopefully narrow down what the problem is. I'd like to figure out if your Ping Assist is actually working, or if there's been some glitch in DumaOS. In order to do this, I wonder if you could download Apex Legends (it's free), put your radius in the middle of the ocean, set ping assist to 20, turn strict mode on.

Now when you start up Apex, there's an option on the title screen to see your ping to all servers around the world. If ping assist is working, there will be some servers with 20ms or under, and all other servers will appear as -1 ms, 999 dropped packets.

If servers appear in the list at a higher ping than 20, but are still being connected, then we'll know that Ping Assist itself isn't working. If this does work, we can at least rule that element out, and focus more on what specifically isn't working with Destiny.

there's got to be an alternative way to finding out what's going on than to download a 35gb game?

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14 hours ago, Netduma Alex said:

It does sound like Ping Assist isn't working properly, as you would expect to find absolutely zero games while in the middle of the ocean with Ping Assist set to 1.

I imagine that matters are being somewhat confused by the fact that you're playing Destiny. Unfortunately Destiny has an unusual server layout that doesn't always work perfectly with Geo-Filter. This is why we added Strict Mode, because Destiny requires that all dedicated servers be whitelisted or it just won't work at all.

The other problem is that as Destiny is a "live service" game, there are often changes to the servers which we then have to catch up with and adjust accordingly. Sometimes, as you experienced, this causes some features to work one month and not the next. We are always attempting to keep up with these changes, and this is what the cloud update function (flush cloud) is for.


I'm thinking we should do a test which will hopefully narrow down what the problem is. I'd like to figure out if your Ping Assist is actually working, or if there's been some glitch in DumaOS. In order to do this, I wonder if you could download Apex Legends (it's free), put your radius in the middle of the ocean, set ping assist to 20, turn strict mode on.

Now when you start up Apex, there's an option on the title screen to see your ping to all servers around the world. If ping assist is working, there will be some servers with 20ms or under, and all other servers will appear as -1 ms, 999 dropped packets.

If servers appear in the list at a higher ping than 20, but are still being connected, then we'll know that Ping Assist itself isn't working. If this does work, we can at least rule that element out, and focus more on what specifically isn't working with Destiny.

Ok so i tried apex legends and i couldn't find a match at 20ms in ping assist so ping assist itself doesn't seem to be the problem.  I then set my ping assist slightly higher than the ping kisted in apex and it went into game instantly. 

It's ping assist in it's relation to destiny that's the problem.  

Ping assist is definitely not filtering for destiny at least not for me.  Last night on a few occasions i was able to find matches with ping assist at 0.  Given the nature of my internet, i should never be able to find a match until i get to the 30-40 range.

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When i search with ping assist on 0 this is what i see.  To be expected everyone is blocked BUT after about 2 minutes of this it will instantly put me in a match in progress.  Even the match in progress shouldn't happen if ping assist is doing it's job.


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Now here is what i see when i set the ping assist to 10.  I SHOULD never find a match.  10 might as well be 0.  Same thing happened.  It searched and searched and eventually just threw me into a match in progress.  It's as if it's filtering for a certain amount of time but then just gives up and puts me with anybody it wants.  


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Here's what i see on 20 ping assist.  Same story different day.  Again should NEVER find a match but of course this time i found one real quick.  I also want to add all those player icons that have a dotted circle around them are waaaaay over my ping assist threshold.  

Also wanted to add that when i do auto ping the display box usually lists no host to ping.


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8 minutes ago, Netduma Alex said:

There probably is a better way to test than using Apex, it's just that Apex is what I use to test ping assist personally


So any ideas or explanation?  

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Hm, I think i'll need to do some testing on this. It seems like Destiny is having problems with Geo-Filter that other games aren't experiencing. It's probably to do with the fact that we can't use Strict Mode.

Are you using PS4?

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2 hours ago, Netduma Alex said:

Hm, I think i'll need to do some testing on this. It seems like Destiny is having problems with Geo-Filter that other games aren't experiencing. It's probably to do with the fact that we can't use Strict Mode.

Are you using PS4?

Yes PS4 but remember, you're not supposed to use strict mode with Destiny.  Not that it should really matter because I'm using the XR500 as a ping filter.  My geofilter location is out in the ocean.  

Did you look at my most recent posts on this subject?  

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