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slow speed

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I have 150mb up and down with verizon, currently im only getting around 60mb up and down wired on my pc. I have followed the basic slow speed instructions by turning off ipv6 and the other things but i still have slow speed

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Replicate these settings in the screen shots and do the internet diagnosis and let us know what you get:


Just as a heads up the R! can currently  only handle about 125mb download speeds but with the next update it will be able to handle 900mb download speeds


Oh yeah make sure you enter actual download/and upload speeds under congestion control.  


And the latest firmware is 1.03.4.  Make sure that is up to date as well. 

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What about the silder in conjestion control as well as witch alogirtm you are using reactive or pre emptive


Just a simple check do you have deep pAckeg processing diable in Sett-misc? And stuf like beeing sure that the cable is connected to peo port in Duma?

And that cabela are all fastend?


And what is your setup innterms of do you use modem only and. R1 as a primary router. Or msybe not and you still have some trothling rules on old router?


And stuf

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  • Netduma Staff

If you connect directly to the modem do you get the speeds that you expect? Can you also check that you have the reactive algorithm set in congestion control and that you have entered the speeds that you are expecting in the congestion control page.

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  • Administrators

If you're getting 60/60 it sounds like IPv6 is still enabled. Please make sure to disable as specified in speed up guide. Cheers! 

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  • Administrators

if you follow the guide, restart the modem then restart the router then it should get 120mbit. If not it could be a cable issue. If you need 1 on 1 assistance Fraser can help you next week, he's at an event all weekend. Schedule a time with him please :)

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New Duma user here. I have been running some speed tests and am seeing a restricted upload speed since implementing the duma.  The reason I was even checking the speeds was my streaming tv started buffering in the middle of the program.  This has never happened before the Duma.  I followed the instruction seen in the forums ie: Share Excess, reset device prioritization before the speed test, preemptive congestion, had the upload and download caps set to 100%...  I should be receiving 50 up/ 50 down from the ISP Verizon Fios (Fiber).  I was running speed test a few days ago before introducing the Duma and was receiving higher than advertised bandwidth, in the vicinity of 58 down / 55 up, during the middle of the day.  Tonight when the TV started buffering there was nothing else going on with the internet.  I had device prioritization for the direct tv set at 15%...seemingly should have been fine to stream a show without buffering. I ran several speed tests.  Before I reset the device prioritization I was only receiving half of my upload speed.  After resetting everything to equal I was seeing the mid 40's for upload.


Any suggestions or comments on why I would start to buffer with nothing else happening on the internet/router?  


In order to end on a good note:  I was experimenting with congestion control today.  The Mrs. was streaming tv downstairs, I was streaming on a tv upstairs, and played 3 excellent games of Titanfall XB1 with no noticeable lag issues. (70/70 with the cap slider) I was quite pleased. Before the duma, when just one TV was streaming a show I had serious lag issues even with the netgear router QoS on highest priority for the XB1.

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