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Having difficulty getting speeds with BT infinity 2!!

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So today i changed over ISP's to BT and unfortunately im having issues gaining my full speeds.


Whilst setting up i entered the PPPoE username and password provided by BT which is generic. Once i set up the credentials the XR500 done a speedtest and it detected that i was getting 73 down and 17 up.


Now here's the catch, whilst performing a wired speedtest with nothing else conencted to my network im getting a rather large fluctuation on my download between 40/70Mb and im only getting 0.6Mb up!!


Ive changed the IGMP  proxy setting to support BT but it hardly had any effect to my speeds.


When testing directly to the modem (HG612) I manage to get the full speeds a stated above.


Ive re-boot the router numerous times but to no avail.


Am I missing something simple here?? 



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Not sure what that could be, if you redo the speed test in the setup wizard does it give your full speeds every time?


Yes it does, i've re-run it atleast 5 times out of frustration.

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Considering I was getting no issues attaining my speeds with my previous provider, this leads me to believe that its an ISP specific issue. 


Whats the procedure of carrying out a full factory reset?? Do I just hold the reset button at the back for a certain amount of time?? This is the only thing which I haven't tried.

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You can hold it down for around 20 seconds or you could do so from Settings > Administration > Backup Settings > Erase



Sweet ill try this now and see what happens.. Fingers crossed

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Great to hear that, must've been some weird negotiation issue after switching over to the new ISP.


I thought as much, but atleast we got there in the end. Thanks for your help fella.


Just one more quick question with regards to IGMP proxying. Do I need to tick the checkbox for BT or could I leave it disabled?? What are the ramifications of leaving it unchecked??

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I thought as much, but atleast we got there in the end. Thanks for your help fella.


Just one more quick question with regards to IGMP proxying. Do I need to tick the checkbox for BT or could I leave it disabled?? What are the ramifications of leaving it unchecked??


I don't know to be honest, that's a Netgear setting that I haven't come across before. If it's working as is I'd just leave it alone. I doubt you'd need IGMP Proxying so I don't know what relevance BT has.

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I thought as much, but atleast we got there in the end. Thanks for your help fella.


Just one more quick question with regards to IGMP proxying. Do I need to tick the checkbox for BT or could I leave it disabled?? What are the ramifications of leaving it unchecked??

I think IGMP Proxying only needs to be enabled if you have BT TV. I'm not 100% sure on that so hopefully someone will be able to clarify.

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I think IGMP Proxying only needs to be enabled if you have BT TV. I'm not 100% sure on that so hopefully someone will be able to clarify.


I think your right :) Just been doing some research and it does make sense.

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....dont forget. if you have only just got your BT connection, there is a 10 day "settling in" period.


Retest everything after 10 days to let your line stabilize.



ps. you can always "unlock" your HG612 so that you can use the second LAN port for full modem stats monitoring.

(your 2nd LAN port is usually covered with white tape so you cant see it!)


Head over to kitz forum for more info..... https://kitz.co.uk/routers/hg612unlock.htm   Lets you log into your HG612 modem (for stats) just like you do with your router....

How to unlock your HG612 here https://kitz.co.uk/routers/hg612hacking.htm

Latest HG612 Firmware update info here - https://forum.kitz.co.uk/index.php?topic=14262.0


....also, this little proggie (DSLSTATS) connects directly to your HG612 after "unlocking" it and displays lovely graphs of all your modem stats.





sample screen after logging to an unlocked HG612...





DSLSTATS sample graph screen



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....dont forget. if you have only just got your BT connection, there is a 10 day "settling in" period.


Retest everything after 10 days to let your line stabilize.



ps. you can always "unlock" your HG612 so that you can use the second LAN port for full modem stats monitoring.

(your 2nd LAN port is usually covered with white tape so you cant see it!)


Head over to kitz forum for more info..... https://kitz.co.uk/routers/hg612unlock.htm   Lets you log into your HG612 modem (for stats) just like you do with your router....

How to unlock your HG612 here https://kitz.co.uk/routers/hg612hacking.htm

Latest HG612 Firmware update info here - https://forum.kitz.co.uk/index.php?topic=14262.0


....also, this little proggie (DSLSTATS) connects directly to your HG612 after "unlocking" it and displays lovely graphs of all your modem stats.





sample screen after logging to an unlocked HG612...





DSLSTATS sample graph screen




Yeah ive had an unlocked modem for a while now :)


Been keeping a keen eye on them ever since I had a DLM Reset. G.inp hasnt been enabled yet, hopefully after the 9day period itll auto kick in providing the modems left turned on constantly.


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Look at this unstable crap... cant believe I have such a noisy line on the upstream U1 Band... Its annoying that I cant do anything about it lol


Have you sent this data to your ISP? They may send out an engineer to look at the line.

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That noise level is fine nothing to worry about that is what the SNRM is for and it is doing its job, you have plenty of headroom.


This is not affecting gaming in anyway.

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I thought as much, but atleast we got there in the end. Thanks for your help fella.


Just one more quick question with regards to IGMP proxying. Do I need to tick the checkbox for BT or could I leave it disabled?? What are the ramifications of leaving it unchecked??


Enable IGMP Snooping On or Off

IGMP Snooping is a common advanced option available on most of the routers. In this Layman’s IGMP Snooping guide, we will go over what IGMP Snooping does, and when you might need to enable IGMP Snooping configuration.

What is IGMP Snooping

From the default router advanced settings tooltip on an Asus branded router:

When enabled, IGMP Snooping monitors IGMP communications among devices and optimizes wireless multicast traffic.

This definition does not really explain much. However, a simpler way to put it is that IGMP Snooping can be enabled so that your router acts as a mailman or gate for the multicast traffic.

When your network has plenty of multicast traffic, the performance for the entire network can take a hit because of excessive false flooding. IGMP Snooping optimizes that performance overhead. The Router decides which devices will receive the applicable multicast traffic to improve the overall network speed.

But if you have little multicast traffic to begin with, say your home based wireless network where you just use it for basic internet and gaming use. IGMP Snooping will not help with any of the wifi performance issue. It will in fact be wasted resources for your router to listen or monitor for nonexistent type of traffic on your wifi setup.

When to Enable IGMP Snooping for Home Use

For a home based network, you should enable it when you frequently use any kind of streaming or mirroring from your devices to stream to Apple TV or Chromecast. In some brand firmware such as Asus, enabling IGMP Snooping can fix some of the Apple TV Airplay mirroring issues.

One of the most commonly reported problem is that Apple TV’s streaming function does not work when you stream with Airplay mirroring from a device such as iphone, ipad, or mac connected with a 5 Ghz frequency. (However you can still use mirroring with a 2.4 Ghz frequency).

You should generally leave the IGMP Snooping option as disabled if you do not use mirroring functions or other type of multicast traffic. In this case, leaving IGMP Snooping as “enabled” has no advantage and can waste some of the processing power since your router will be constantly monitoring applicable multicast transmissions that simply do not exist on your network.

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Look at this unstable crap... cant believe I have such a noisy line on the upstream U1 Band... Its annoying that I cant do anything about it lol



Your line will stabilize after the 10 day settling-in period. Be patient.


also, if you keep turning your modem off and on again will bugger the 10 day settling-in stats up at your exchange. you need to leave it alone for 10 days.


its hard to i know...  

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